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Thread: NEW Bulking Cycle - some oppinions wanted

  1. #1
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    NEW Bulking Cycle - some oppinions wanted

    I wanna start a Deca Durabolin - 400mg , Sustandrol - 750mg and D-bol 50mg (first 4 weeks only )

    My question is should I switch Sustandrol with Cypionate or Enanthate ...all of them I have are True Balkan Quality.

    I will run Arimidex at 0.5mg eod and change it if needed

    Also I have some Cabaser for prolactine issues.

    As another question when should I start adding HCG mid cycle ? after how much time ? The cycle is 12 weeks long.

    What else should I prepare for it ?

    Right now I wanna do a 3 months cut to get to a lower body fat so it can get optimal and I will keep my diet at Maintenance calories during the cycle - maybe 200kcal over since all the testo and shit might boost metabolism a bit.

    Will add a bit of Cardio and will add Cardarine at 20mg a day since I heard is very good at helping with Cholesterol.

    In theory everything sounds nice but I am curious about this.

    Also someone recommended me to add Yk-11 and Mk677 the last 8 weeks of cycle and keep the mk677 in PCT aswell. Is that ok ?

    the PCT itself : clomid , nolvadex ( tamoxifen ) , HCG ...everything is prepared and I have enough for 5 cycles.

    As supplements I will add some TUDCA during D-bol , NAC and when I'm starting PCT I will add all the knows helpful testoboosters : Testosterole , Tribullus , Ashwagandha , Maca etc. you know.....Will definetely wanna hear some oppinions on this and maybe some helpful advice Thanks a lot !

  2. #2
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Why run wet (estrogenic) compounds then kill the benefit with megadosed Arimidex ? That is a serious question, BTW, and one you should both ask yourself during cycle design and be prepared to answer when you ask for help.

    If your goal is to cut, maybe drop the wetter compounds and switch them for dryer. Not only will this likely serve the cut better but it may eliminate the need for an AI altogether.

    This thread has good info on HCG (and other basic cycle planning). HCG is suppressive in the long term - I just read a post on reddit about a guy that is on HCG monotherapy and was surprised when his LH and FSH were close to zero. SMH

    I'm one of the few that believe that certain OTC test boosters will work, though even I acknowledge that it is typically only if a) in suppressed state and b) for a short time (6 weeks or less). This makes them perfect for PCT. I would, however, opt for the individual components over a blend. Longjack has been and continues to be good to me, DAA is good real short term (like a week or two) and their might be one or two others, but those are the ones I would recommend with the given caveats. NOTE: these are not a substitute for pharma PCT, but would make a good add on.
    Thanks a lot for the response mate !

    1st - I am thinking about that arimidex dose because on a 500mg of enanthate my estradiol was over the maximul lab limit even though I had 0.5 mg every 3-4 days. I read about high estradiol having it's benefits for growth but I don't know exactly.

    What would you recommend ? regarding my levels - to not worry if no sideeffects ? or to keep it under the maximum allowed ?

    As for the supplements yes ofc I am taking them in addition to the Pharma PCT not instead of :P

    As fo HCG I heard a dose of 250ui every 4 days at the middle of the cycle helps out and then a 500ui dose each day for 10 days at the end of the cycle right before starting the Clomid , Tam etc.

    Again thanks for the help - I wanna optimize this. I am looking for a clean nice bulk - I am planning to use dryer compounds on a different cycle after 6 months. I am just dropping some fat right now the natural way just so I can benefit better from the cycle.

  3. #3
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Gotta post your stats bud, especially any cycle history, dosages, weight and BF %.

    It’s shooting from the hip, but Cylon nailed it. You need estrogen to grow. Why? Get to reading before you commit to pinning yourself.
    Too much estrogen, problems. Not enough, problems.

    History will help us understand

  4. #4
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Gotta post your stats bud, especially any cycle history, dosages, weight and BF %.

    It’s shooting from the hip, but Cylon nailed it. You need estrogen to grow. Why? Get to reading before you commit to pinning yourself.
    Too much estrogen, problems. Not enough, problems.

    History will help us understand
    This should be my 3rd cycle. I did a first mild one with 250 enanthate alone

    My 2nd one was a 500mg of Enanthate and 50mg of Anavar

    My BF% is about 15-17% , I am 177cm and 92kg.

    The fact that I aromatised like hell the last cycle and I was over the limit even though I took Arimidex made me do this.

    I mean Estradiol should be higher but how high over the limit or under it. I must read more on this - Thanks for the info !

  5. #5
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlanul View Post
    This should be my 3rd cycle. I did a first mild one with 250 enanthate alone

    My 2nd one was a 500mg of Enanthate and 50mg of Anavar

    My BF% is about 15-17% , I am 177cm and 92kg.

    The fact that I aromatised like hell the last cycle and I was over the limit even though I took Arimidex made me do this.

    I mean Estradiol should be higher but how high over the limit or under it. I must read more on this - Thanks for the info !

    Any estrogen symptoms? Numbers are only a small part. Edema, tingly tits, etc…

  6. #6
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    No Tingly tits or anything but I did have some water retention especially in the feet...were a bit swollen. It all ended after the cycle.

    As long as I keep the estradiol under the max limit but on the higher side I should be ok - Gains wise I mean. Or a bit over the limit does better ? this is what I do not know.
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  7. #7
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    Yes that's the ideea. Lose a couple of pounds and hopefully a few % of body fat and then start the cycle. I still have time because I want to have enough pause between cycles and not force it ... Thanks a lot for the answers mate - It really helps out - That;s why I asked this early - not just for straight answers but to be pointed in the right direction on what should I read more ! And this way I learn more stuff.

    As for diet I am prepared and doing it right no problem there. Also will have a grip on my sodium - potassium balance since some if not most of the water retention is from that when the diet goes crazy.

    Will try and stick to the Sustanon since for my dryer cycle I have long esters of compounds and will use the enanthate then.

    Also what about the Yk-11 and Mk677 ? Is it a good addition or just nonsense ?

    On paper and in theory should work nice but I don't know. A miostation inhibitor or as I read is more of a follistatin production but whatever and the other one being a GH secretogog. Sound nice but did anyone did somewhat of a cycle like this ? Hybrid Sarm + Steroid ? I will still run the Cardarine since it couldn't hurt at a 20mg dose and I heard everywhere that it helps out with HDL LDL , but I'm still thinking about the other two.
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  8. #8
    Quester's Avatar
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    I don't take arimidex with my trt becuase my estradiol doesn't get to high (on the trt dose) and I don't like the impact of arimidex on my bp. However, on cycle, high E makes me more prone to emotional difficulties, like a female, so I do take arimidex on cycle.
    Last edited by Quester; 08-14-2021 at 04:46 PM. Reason: edit
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  9. #9
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    Is mk677 good to run in PCT aswell ? some agree that it might helpout on keeping more of the muscles. Some other people say it's worth running for 6 months - for greater effects...with some short pause for resentisize receptors or something...Dunno how legit is that

  10. #10
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    You can run MK long term with a 5 on 2 off approach. Not every body gets the hunger and it doesn't work for a handful of people, so I would recommend trying one bottle and seeing how it goes.

    Man, I swear when I was doing 25mg 5 nights a week, my hair started coming in darker in like 2 weeks. Unfortunately, the swelling of the hands started around that time too as did the bloat and the overeating. Some folks can cut on it, but not me.
    5 days on and 2 days off ? or weeks ?

  11. #11
    Carlanul is offline New Member
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    Hey I'm back and 2 weeks away from the start of the cycle. I lost 14kg in this cut since I should be good to go. I just took my blood tests and everything is peachy. Test is in the mid-range and everything else is ok-ish. Will post the results once I get them on e-mail aswell.

    I bought everything I need supplements wise... everything I could need or would need or just in case )
    I made my new diet - gonna start gradually addin calories all on a weekly basis feedback of my body , scale , feel etc.

    I'm still in a debate if should I go with 750 mg susta or just 500 mg...Thinking about it ... Deca will stay at 400mg and d-bol I will keep it for 6 weeks but going 20-30-40mg ...I think it's better..or should I stick to 50mg all the way ?

    I'm looking for most optimal results...I know nobody could tell me just because it's impossible but you know : a little oppinion on the fact could help.

    And more it's not always better for sure. I felt good and everything went peachy on 500mg enanthate I dunno.

    As for AI I will start 0.25 adex EOD and see after 4-6 weeks when I'll do my blood tests again. I think 0.25 is quite ok for these amounts..not too much to kill it but not too little to become a michelin man with titties I think.

    Could use some advice on this It's my first time using DBOL and DECA... this is my 3rd cycle but I just used Anavar and Test E before.

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  12. #12
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bernew View Post
    I used stuff and things for my cycle, gain 10kg
    Sure you did
    Last edited by almostgone; 11-14-2022 at 02:58 PM. Reason: Edited link in quote

  13. #13
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    Final warning, Bernew. You're out of here
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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