
My current blast phase (300 sust,600 deca ,300 tren e,300 masteron ) is coming to and end in 5 weeks. I am planning my 2022 year and curious about your thoughts and how you would plan it in my situation.

Current stats: 23 yo, been training for 8,5 years, around 6' 1,5", 220lbs, ~12ish bf%, I have pics in my log, got a bloodwork 2 weeks ago and my doc said it's like it was a newborn's lol

I always wanted to compete (and earn a pro card as soon as I can), but I haven't felt ready until now. Now I'm fully determined to step on stage next November, and I have a year to prepare.

The only category I want to compete in is open, and it's the biggest amateur contest in my country (I'm European) and the weight limit for me is 218lbs. If my calculations are correct, with nearly the same bf% I have to bulk up to ~230 to be around 218 on stage.

I'll definitely get a coach for prep, but I'd like to see other ideas.

(My plan now is to take some rest and cruise on 250 test e for 5-6 weeks after this cycle, get a bloodwork and if everything is fine start another blast for 14-16 weeks with test e and deca, maybe hgh if it's neccessary. I hope it would get me to 230, and gave me appr 10 weeks before the prep's beginning (if the prep is 16 weeks).)

How would you plan this 1 year regarding cycling if money is not a problem?