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  1. #1
    Krb367's Avatar
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    High Test blast sides?

    Came off of my first tren blast, and decided to blast test alone before my upcoming TRT blood work. Wanted to see how my body handled 650-700mg/wk before this next cycle I saved awhile back that GH put up.

    Strength is up, and super full looking. But, is it coincidence or not, the past 3 nights my dreams have been fucking insane. I also wake up hot af every night, and my libido is almost none existent. Any thoughts? Plan on running my own bloods when I get back in town from work

  2. #2
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367 View Post
    Came off of my first tren blast, and decided to blast test alone before my upcoming TRT blood work. Wanted to see how my body handled 650-700mg/wk before this next cycle I saved awhile back that GH put up.

    Strength is up, and super full looking. But, is it coincidence or not, the past 3 nights my dreams have been fucking insane. I also wake up hot af every night, and my libido is almost none existent. Any thoughts? Plan on running my own bloods when I get back in town from work
    700/week isnt THAT wild. The dreams might be coincidence. I have some fuckin crazy dreams occasionally but i never really connected it with gear.

    Low libido could be estrogen related, or it could be that your levels are still on a roller coaster ride. When i run high test my libido gets crazy. I Legitimately feel like a 14 year old. Add in some HCG and its even more extreme. Its fun until the ol’ lady starts getting tired of being chased around the house.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    700/week isnt THAT wild. The dreams might be coincidence. I have some fuckin crazy dreams occasionally but i never really connected it with gear.

    Low libido could be estrogen related, or it could be that your levels are still on a roller coaster ride. When i run high test my libido gets crazy. I Legitimately feel like a 14 year old. Add in some HCG and its even more extreme. Its fun until the ol’ lady starts getting tired of being chased around the house.
    Yeah I was leaning more towards estrogen, high estrogen, assuming I aromatize more than I realize which is killing my libido. Wasn’t sure if maybe the tren really skewed some shit that was still trying to balance itself out.. Things have started to level off now, but it’s still not that tren libido I thought I’d have for being around 700mg/wk.

  4. #4
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367 View Post
    Yeah I was leaning more towards estrogen, high estrogen, assuming I aromatize more than I realize which is killing my libido. Wasn’t sure if maybe the tren really skewed some shit that was still trying to balance itself out.. Things have started to level off now, but it’s still not that tren libido I thought I’d have for being around 700mg/wk.
    Tren could have affected your prolactin levels. If you are worried you could pull bloods and im sure something will be evident. Its always good to have ancillaries on hand. I have tons of hcg , caber, nolva and aromasin just in case i start to feel sides. Sometimes i go months without needing any of it, and then theres cycles where i need something like caber to feel balanced out. Only bloodwork can tell for sure tho.

    That tren libido is not going to be easy to match lol

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