A little background. I'm 27 6'2 around 200lb. I'm lean I'd say around 13% BF. This is my fourth cycle and second test/deca cycle. The issues I'm experiencing now were not experienced on the last test/deca cycle except I had a lot more acne on the first cycle as I didn't control e2 but also ran a smaller dose. First cycle was test e 200mg/week and the cycle before this test e 600mg/week EQ 600mg/week. Decided to run the test/deca again as I made much bigger gains then the test/EQ.

I'm currently in week 8 of my 16-week test e and deca cycle and I am feeling like garbage. It started around the end of week 4 after I overcame a cold and stomach virus. I'll list what I took during the weeks leading up to now and post my symptoms and bloodwork.

Week 1-4: dbol 30/day, test e 700/week, deca 500/week, aromasin 12.5mg/day

Week 5: test e 700/week, deca 500/week

Week 6: test e 700/week, deca 500/week, aromasin 6.75mg/day

Week 7: test e 700/week, deca 500/week, aromasin 6.75mg/day, then 12.5mg/day middle of the week, cabergoline 1mg/week, nolvadex 20mg/day

Week 8: test e 700/week, deca 500/week, aromasin 12.5mg/day, cabergoline 1mg/week, nolvadex 20mg/day

Symptoms started on week 4 when a co-worker and I came down with a cold and some stomach pain. The sickness seemed to have ended on week five but I've been experiencing loss of appetite (almost severe now), lethargy, fatigue, less motivation, slight dehydration, dry skin/lips, mild depression. I figured it was symptoms of low e2 so I dropped the Aromasin and stopped the dbol in case that had something to do with it. Symptoms never got better besides the dry lips and skin (could've been weather) and in week 6 I started experiencing puffy nips so I got back on the Aromasin at half the dose before even though I was still experiencing those sides. The depression seemed to have vanished but the motivation I had the first few weeks has not returned (probably due to feeling like ****). By week 7 the gyno became a little worse and I started to break out so I pulled out the ancillaries at the dosages above. Now on week 8, gyno is shrinking, acne is disappearing but the symptoms in week 5 have just continued to get worse so I went and got blood drawn 2 days ago.

The last week and a half I've practically been force-feeding almost every meal getting down at least 3k cal a day. I've been drinking a large amount of water and getting at least 8 hours of sleep even though it hasn't been perfect due to night sweats and frequent urination that started around week 5. I wake up not wanting to get out of bed every morning and the lethargic feeling last all day.

I don't want to end it short but rather find out the issue so I can learn from it next time. Gym time is hard but I push through it even though I feel weak. Still making gains as in burning fat and building muscle despite all this even though my goal isn't to burn fat. Libido has been consistent during cycle.

Any help/thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Malaise on Test/Deca Cycle *Bloodwork-1.jpgMalaise on Test/Deca Cycle *Bloodwork-2.jpgMalaise on Test/Deca Cycle *Bloodwork-3.jpg

Supplements: Fish oil, vit D, vit b-12, magnesium, cycle support (pic above)