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  1. #1
    Inject is offline New Member
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    Proviron and T3 questions.

    Couple of separate questions here:

    Proviron - has anybody experienced any inverse libido as a result of usage? Was using it at between 50mg to 100mg per day and noted that as time wore on over the course of four weeks that whilst my dick would get hard and I had no water retention that my actual libido was non-existent. I discontinued its use and it came back to normal. Initial thought was perhaps just an AI put inside a bottle that says Proviron. Didn't note any other crashed E2 sides besides libido.

    T3 - this may be a potentially redundant "it depends" answer, but on a dose of 50mcg T3 for a first time user, would there be any noticeable effects which would indicate that its legit? I was thinking along the lines of increased metabolism/appetite and perhaps raised body temp. Not exactly noting either of these effects.

    Currently using a blend of Test P/Tren A/Mast P at 225mg per week on an EOD pinning schedule.

    Tren definitely blunts my appetite and I would say I have an ever so slight increase in same but to the point others seem to describe when using T3. Same same for increased body temp. Tren gives me increased body temp so that one would def be harder to detect. I mean I do understand there is a certain bullshit factor when it comes to guys talking about gear and how it effects them individually (and the me too copy/pasters), but have considered the idea that due to all the hype around certain types of gear etc. I may have unrealistic expectations.

    The only thing I can verify as being legit is the blend I use as I know the source, the other stuff was purchased elsewhere.

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I really like this question. It is well thought out, plenty of relevant information presented, a lot of preliminary work done. It really deserves an answer by someone smarter than I.
    Question 1: Proviron blunting libido.
    Question 2: T3 bluniting appetite.
    I'll stab: CNS effect by thyroid med should produce hunger but for myself, when I am stressed and anxoius (CNS activation) or just activated (even positively) ...I don't eat.

    Probly someone has a better response.

  3. #3
    Testie's Avatar
    Testie is offline Associate Member
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    Not sure about the proviron as I just started a low dose I may have some future input on that as far as the T3 I’m on my 2nd go round with it at 50 mcg a day and I couldn’t say that between the extreme cardio and carb cycling I’m doing that I can tell anything as far as a noticeable affect or feeling to know it’s legit or if it’s making a big impact, however it seems that my overall fat loss has excelled since taking however like I said I’m on a lot of cardio and strict diet

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Proviron can lower estrogen perhaps if it is already low then it is bringing it too low?

    T3, I don’t even notice the stiff really. Previously I ran 50mcg daily for a few months.

    Now I’m on 150mcg T4 and 25mcg T3 as well as 5.5ius hgh. Plus my cycle of course lol. Some steroids can lower T3.

  5. #5
    Lee_1978's Avatar
    Lee_1978 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inject View Post
    Couple of separate questions here:

    Proviron - has anybody experienced any inverse libido as a result of usage? Was using it at between 50mg to 100mg per day and noted that as time wore on over the course of four weeks that whilst my dick would get hard and I had no water retention that my actual libido was non-existent. I discontinued its use and it came back to normal. Initial thought was perhaps just an AI put inside a bottle that says Proviron. Didn't note any other crashed E2 sides besides libido.

    T3 - this may be a potentially redundant "it depends" answer, but on a dose of 50mcg T3 for a first time user, would there be any noticeable effects which would indicate that its legit? I was thinking along the lines of increased metabolism/appetite and perhaps raised body temp. Not exactly noting either of these effects.

    Currently using a blend of Test P/Tren A/Mast P at 225mg per week on an EOD pinning schedule.

    Tren definitely blunts my appetite and I would say I have an ever so slight increase in same but to the point others seem to describe when using T3. Same same for increased body temp. Tren gives me increased body temp so that one would def be harder to detect. I mean I do understand there is a certain bullshit factor when it comes to guys talking about gear and how it effects them individually (and the me too copy/pasters), but have considered the idea that due to all the hype around certain types of gear etc. I may have unrealistic expectations.

    The only thing I can verify as being legit is the blend I use as I know the source, the other stuff was purchased elsewhere.
    Proviron is a DHT derivative so should increase your libido - it certainly does for me.

    As a first time user of T3 using 50mcg ED, if it's legit, you should feel some effects as it's a high dose and one I personally wouldn't recommend taking. Increase in appetite, body temperature etc. You're taking the equivalent of 200 mcg of T4.

  6. #6
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Proviron made me extra horny along with test /mast /tren . I think that went hand n hand with that stack... proviron made me so veiny!!

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