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Thread: Steroid ABUSE... are you willing to share about it? I am..

  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Steroid ABUSE... are you willing to share about it? I am..

    Hey guys.. I think I need this for whatever reason. Probably because I know I have been currently for sometime now abusing steroids . Just me in a nutshell... I'm 41.. 6'2, 195 lbs. (been 177 lbs - 230 lbs) Over the last 18 years I have been taking PED's on and off but the abuse I want to talk about is the current abuse..

    I've been running tren a lot in the last 2.5 years.. lately I have been running tren ace 50mg ed masteron prop 50mg ed and test prop 50mg ed.. I have been doing this since at least september of last year... Every day injections... i've missed a handful of injections here and there over the months but I'm pretty consistent.. I just know I'm abusing this stuff and I'm pretty addicted at the same time. Call me all the dummy names in the book but I'm just being real and I know my abuse may not even be bad compared to someone else's but I'm here to ask for ideas... help... your experiences.

    My plan is to finish the last 1.5 bottles of blend I have.. (tren a / mast / test) once I'm finished I want to slow it down a bit but I doubt I'm only going to be on trt... maybe for a bit but I'm going to be so tempted to throw something else in beside it... UGH anyway i could bore you all day with all my abuse over the years... recently I got in a shredded 177 lbs shape which I was so proud of since I've always been a fat kid... unless i was a fit guy it's one or the other lol. So I think that's why I stay on... it seems forever now. I'm 41.. i don't have medical insurance. ( i might qualify for medi-cal) I eat whatever really and don't think much about it. meaning if I want butter all over my toast I put it lol. anyway now I'm a ramble.... tren must be fogging me up
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  2. #2
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    p.s. I even stole from BJPEENNNNN (not sure of his exact username) This was 12 years ago but he had me hold his stash for some months... I moved since then and my addiction and idiot younger self made the move to take all of his gear just randomly. I regret so much in life and the biggest regrets is ruining perfectly good relationships over petty shit. That just shows no character whatsoever and I hate knowing i've been that person. I definitely have changed but still It's like it's confession time for me now or something
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  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I thought you were talking about breaking vials and abusing the steroids . I’m better with steroids in my life. I’m more stable and set on goals.

  4. #4
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I thought you were talking about breaking vials and abusing the steroids. I’m better with steroids in my life. I’m more stable and set on goals.
    hahahahaha I hated when I actually dropped a bottle and it broke on the bathroom floor.... Noooooooooo!!! lol Yeah I know what you mean... I feel I need them as well to be the best and better me. I just keep worrying about tren ? Or maybe I just get too high smoking pot and get paranoid and think a heart attack is almost here! thanks for the reply
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  5. #5
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    Some guys are just so deeply rooted in this lifestyle we just cant stop and ultimately it could lead to health problems or even dying. I had made a pact last year with myself of stopping and ill be damn, started tren again about 10 days ago.

  6. #6
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    I’m guilty of blasting a bit too long at times but I don’t drink or do drugs and eat very healthy. Steroids make me a happier person lol.

  7. #7
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's easy to get caught up in a way of life and think that this is your identity, who you are. I got like that with lifting before, and steroids for a short time, but different life events made me realize these are just things I do, not who I am. I used to also get high and then get paranoid about being on a cycle. I'd get that sinking feeling in bed like what am I doing? I only cycled for 3 years total and have since been cruising on "TRT" of about 150 mg/week. I quit weed last September and had a horrible time detoxing and withdrawing for many months. It's just this past month that I started feeling more like myself. This is after 20 years of use. An addiction can be anything, even a pattern of thinking. The fact that you realize you are addicted shows great self-awareness and intelligence. That's the first step to fixing the problem. You have to trust your instincts now. For me, being off weed for 7 months and feeling like shit made me not even think about being on a cycle as I just felt like I was dealing with too much already. What it did for me was it broke me out of that loop of blast & cruise mindset. I was making excuses and plans about how I'm going to do this and how I will donate blood every x months, and how I'll take various supplements to combat various side-effects and blood markers. It was just a big science experiment. Taking that break from cycling made me realize how crazy that is. I'm more comfortable staying on TRT and bumping my doses up a bit here and there now than doing any major cycles. I'm not trying to get any bigger, I'm over that. I just want to live a long life, life is already short enough as it is.

  8. #8
    wellshii is offline Member
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    No experience with Tren or correctly utilized blast.
    Last blast I did was when I was 18 and it was 250 sust .
    Didnt know what I was doing but despite the decent strength gains and what not I didnt get addicted. Actually stopped working out after that.
    Started TRT in November just to find some happy medium on working out and life and so far Im gonna keep on it.
    Although I already thought about giving that up too.
    Going to blast 500 soon and I guess I’ll see how much I can add to my lifts and if I get somewhat addicted.
    Then again I have never really have had an addictive personality to the typical addictive stuff.
    Tried drugs before,didnt do shit.
    Drank everyday for 6 months and quit randomly because I wanted to get back into working out and started TRT.
    Dont even drink anymore.
    Funny thing is the one thing I did get addicted to was the one thing I dont get anymore.
    And to my fellow men,we all know thats the most dangerous drug in the world.
    It can put you in prison,cost you your house and life,job,get you a disease.

    In the end we all have our poison and as I read on Reddit,
    “Pick your poison”

    Whether that be gambling,porn,sex,binge eating,beer or gear,we all have something .

    I thought about actually one day trying tren but from all the shit I have read,makes me think twice.
    Despite not giving a shit about life some days.
    To you the poster,good luck .
    Last edited by wellshii; 03-30-2022 at 01:21 AM.

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