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Thread: How to beef up my TRT

  1. #1
    limalex's Avatar
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    How to beef up my TRT

    Hello Guys

    I started my TRT and currently on a Nebido (Testosterone undecanoate) injection 4ml/11 weeks what is supposed to be equivalent to 229mg/week.

    I want to plan a cycle while on TRT but do not know much about undecanoate. I know it is a slow release easter, but not sure how it works exactly.

    It must be administered as one 4ml dose, but I doubt it releases equivalent amount of test weekly.

    Could somebody tell me how should plan my test cycle to achieve constant 500mg/week?
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  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limalex View Post
    Hello Guys

    I started my TRT and currently on a Nebido (Testosterone undecanoate) injection 4ml/11 weeks what is supposed to be equivalent to 229mg/week.

    I want to plan a cycle while on TRT but do not know much about undecanoate. I know it is a slow release easter, but not sure how it works exactly.

    It must be administered as one 4ml dose, but I doubt it releases equivalent amount of test weekly.

    Could somebody tell me how should plan my test cycle to achieve constant 500mg/week?
    Your concerns about nebido and timing are likely legit. But, you still have options.

    1 - just assume the nebido isn't even in the picture and do your 500mg test per week on top of it.
    2 - take that average release amount and subtract from 500 to get the amount you need to add each week.
    3 - add a different injectable
    4 - add an oral on top

    Particular compounds that you could add would vary by your cycle goal.
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  3. #3
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    If you're man seeking anabolic experience and have options, ditch the nebido. Test U helps onboard transgenders, almost never read positive reviews from long term experienced TRT users. Pardon the politically incorrect/blunt reply.

  4. #4
    limalex's Avatar
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    Thank you for the input guys.

    I am a 42 years old born male

    Honestly I do not really want to ditch Nebido completely.

    First of all I know it is legit. It free and It comes prescribed from a pharmacy so no gambling with different suppliers.

    It does work because my testosterone levels was 6.8 nmol/L in 21/03/2022 when I started the treatment and went to 12.4 nmol/L 14/09/202212 weeks after the last injection the range here is 8.6-29 mol/L

    My doctor said I completely fine with my current level and he does not want to encase the dose and give me an appointment in a year.

    I Would prefer to be the high side of the range first and see how I feel before I make a decision on any other addition.

    I do have some extra Nebido too due to little confusion in my hospital and the local pharmacy. So I able to double the dose but it means 8ml test on one go. Auch! Or I can pin more often or even add some TestE, but I would really love to know the science behind the Nebido release.

    The doc explains that it is like a wave 6 weeks after the first pin I am at the top of it than I start to sink, but he does not give me info regarding how the 2526mg test releases into my body.

    I guess going to do a 6 week blod test and see where am I

  5. #5
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Avoid oral steroids like the plague.

    I would add Primobolan to your HRT.
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  6. #6
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
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    I would take Anavar and avoid primo

    I added 150 mg of primo to my trt and it tanked my estrogen

    No personal experience with nebido but if it was good everyone would be using it.
    Last edited by xxblazenlowxx; 09-22-2022 at 06:11 PM.

  7. #7
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Personally I think nebido is dumb.
    Its not how the body works naturally.
    Even c and e imo are too long.
    But the site said it takes 450 days to reach peak levels(if I read that correctly)
    Shit id rather use suspension for trt using insulin needles everyday. But im kind of nuts .
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  8. #8
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii View Post
    From an UK clinic

    Personally I think nebido is dumb.
    Its not how the body works naturally.
    Even c and e imo are too long.
    But the site said it takes 450 days to reach peak levels(if I read that correctly)
    Shit id rather use suspension for trt using insulin needles everyday. But im kind of nuts .
    I think people focus too much on this. If we were wanted to follow how the body works naturally, we would all just be mediocre, dottering around in senility until we eventually pass away, a life mediocre lived.

    But none of us are here for that shit.

    Living well our entire lives, regardless of how long they are, that is the thing we are after. No one here can truthfully say differently.

    So yeah, "naturally" when we hit 50 or 40 or even 35 in some cases, we would cease to be relevant.

    F@ck that noise.
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  9. #9
    Iranon's Avatar
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    150mg of primo is nothing, no way it would tank someones estrogen. Probably mismanaging their AI.

    Why add Anavar to TRT? if you are over 12% bodyfat like 99% of guys in the gym are it is useless and adding another injectable is safer and will yield better results.

  10. #10
    narcolepticshark is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    Avoid oral steroids like the plague.

    I would add Primobolan to your HRT.
    I’ve noticed your vehement opposition to orals. Is that only due to liver impact? Are they really that bad when taken in low doses? What about Anavar it doesn’t seem to be too toxic.

    I recently read that if you take the orals sublingually it’s nowhere near as rough on your liver. What’s your take on that?

  11. #11
    Cuz's Avatar
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    I love var plus trt or low tren . That’s pretty much my “cycles” now, a trt with a kick. Im very slowly gaining mass or holdin steady takin 25mg of anavar along 200mg trt. So far THIS WEEK ive broke two PR’s its awesome. And my bw showed my cholesterol only rose 10 points vs no anavar.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxblazenlowxx View Post
    I would take Anavar and avoid primo

    I added 150 mg of primo to my trt and it tanked my estrogen

    No personal experience with nebido but if it was good everyone would be using it.

    For me personally primo is good chain oil. Ran two different times with two different labs, nothing to write home about at all and i went up to over 600 migs….i dont respond to primo others swear by it

  13. #13
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    For me personally primo is good chain oil. Ran two different times with two different labs, nothing to write home about at all and i went up to over 600 migs….i dont respond to primo others swear by it
    I currently using 200mg primo along 500 test, going to get blood work soon. Curious to see where it put my estrogen. I do not need to use AI but hoping this will help keep some water weight off.

    When I added 150mg Primo to 150 mg test 8 weeks later my estrogen went from the mid 44 to 18. I have never used an AI

    I agree cuz 25 mg of anavar to my trt is a great addition, Tried this twice for 50 days each time. Results were outstanding for that dose.
    Last edited by xxblazenlowxx; 09-25-2022 at 07:41 AM.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxblazenlowxx View Post
    I currently using 200mg primo along 500 test, going to get blood work soon. Curious to see where it put my estrogen. I do not need to use AI but hoping this will help keep some water weight off.

    When I added 150mg Primo to 150 mg test 8 weeks later my estrogen went from the mid 44 to 18. I have never used an AI

    I agree cuz 25 mg of anavar to my trt is a great addition, Tried this twice for 50 days each time. Results were outstanding for that dose.
    Agreed. I really believe these guys using 100 migs of var are just wasting it.
    Last edited by Cuz; 09-25-2022 at 01:26 PM. Reason: Spelling

  15. #15
    teedoff is offline Member
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    I love var. I was taking a higher dose at around 75mg a day while I was on gel trt.

    Wish it was more affordable though. Would love to run that with my test c cruise dose now.

  16. #16
    Krb367's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Agreed. I really believe these guys using 100 migs of var are just wasting it.
    My var must be fairly under dosed..

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