04-11-2023, 11:28 AM #1
Summer cycle
Im considering doing a cycle this summer. I want to gain strength and mass but hopefully with minimal side effects. What i have thought out with my stupid head:
Testosterone : i did enanthate last time and had high bp so i was thinking trying something else. Cypionate ? If its dosed 200mg / mil il do 0,5 mil 2x week
Masteron e: dosed 200mg/ mil il do 1 mil 2x week
Anavar : 20mg day ( maybe go higher?)
So all together 200mg test, 400mg mast + anavar
What you guys think of these dosages and compounds together
I dont want to blast high testosterone because the expirience i had last time of very high bp on 250 / 300 mg / wkLast edited by s1nc1ty; 04-11-2023 at 11:34 AM.
That much masteron might run your estrogen into the ground with 200 test, not to mention adding the var on top. I like both those compounds, but wouldn't run that ratio personally.
Have you run masteron or var before? Everybody responds a hair differently but without prior experience with those compounds , I recommend starting lower and maybe only using one of the dhts. Maybe 200 test, 100 Mast or 200 test, 20mg var and adjust as you go. I know the doses I'm suggesting are fancy trt but better safe than sorry.
If you go the lower dose mast route, you could do masteron p to start with. That way, if you have issues with it, you can adjust quicker, then switch to e when you get your dose dialed in.
Just my thoughts as I sit in "the reading room"...
04-11-2023, 01:41 PM #3
I tried var 20mg a day for a month and liked it no negative effects only positive. Havent tried masteron
Whats a good ratio for testosterone -masterone ? I just think 200 test 20 var will not be strong enough. Thats why i added the masteron and i heard it is not very harsh and has positive effects also.Maybe i should just do 200 test 40 mg var then. Or 200 test 200 mast + 20 mg var
I like that these compounds dont make you hold much water wich lifts BP. And no aromatsation problems also that why seemed good combo. I didnt think about crashing estrogen
Any other good combo like this ?
I want to do decent strength cycle not baby cycle. But without water retention and high estrogen. Thinking about it atleastLast edited by s1nc1ty; 04-11-2023 at 02:11 PM.
Hey my Brother I’ve done plenty of Masteron but usually with Tren and test, what I will say is I’m experimenting with Primobolan right now at 300 mg weekly and it’s very little if any side effects so far and I see a change in my physique since adding it so that may be an option for you as well, if you bp is going up on smaller doses of test I’m not sure what’s happening with your specific situation but I started with a baby aspirin nightly about 6 months ago and mine went way down even on some heavy cycles, good luck Brother
Will mast actually crash estro or does it just occupy the receptor, similar to nolva?
Op: you could raise the test to match the mast. You should keep aromasin or adex on hand. Also a little spike in blood pressure isnt unusual. What was your blood pressure during your last cycle? I idle at 150/90 (i know this is bad).
That's a great question. I think you are going to find that opinions vary there. Some will say 1 to 1, others say 2 test to 1 mast, a few might even advocate for 1 test to 2 mast. I would say it depends on what your goals are.
Masteron probably isn't the best bulker, more of a cutter / dryer, IMO. That said, can you gain on mast? Sure, a lot of gain vs cut is decided in the kitchen, and what you get with mast will likely be solid mass, not the bloat from something like dbol .
That's a lot of words to not say much! In your case, I would say start with 2 to 1 test to mast, especially if you start the mast with a shorter ester. Yes, that is an extra shot per week, BUT it allows you to fine tune doses relatively quickly. I have found that a little mast goes a long way. And finding out that 1 to 1 test to mast tanks your e would stink with a long ester... it seems like it took about 6 weeks for mine to recover from mast e usage.
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