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05-01-2023, 05:25 PM #1
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Is this possible? Low SHGB, high DHT and Progesterone - KEL /GEARHEAD HELP, PLEASE!
Hello Guys,
Im in cycle, and i make a bw to see whats happen with me.
Before Cycle all the values are in range ( trt =100 mg once week)
A very low libido, weak erection, low sensitivity and very, very hard to get orgasm
The strange is that im doing dostinex 0,5 x 2 times week and even with that i have the soft erection
The cycle:
200 mg test cyp eod
200 mg bold eod
50 mg npp eod
50 mg master eod
Proviron 100mg day
HGH - 2ui ed
tadalafil 10mg ed
Aromasin 12,5 ed
Dostinex 0,5 e3d
hcg - 500 ui - 2 times week
I have 42, and several cycles all over the years. And this year i have my worst nightmare.
Im on trt when i stop cycle with 100 mg once week.
AST - 29 (15-37)
ALT - 37 (16-63)
GGT - 10 (15-85)
VIT D - 42,6 (30-100)
CORTISOl - 21,84 (5,27-22,45)
DHEA - 7,40 (1,40 - 13,50)
PROLACTIN -0.16 (2,1 - 17,7)
PROGESTERONE - 2,62 ( 0,28 - 1,22)
TOTAL TEST - 2401 (241-827)
FREE TEST - 685,40 (8,69 - 54,69)
DHT - >2.500 ( 0,143 - 0,842)
SHGB - 3,75 ( 11,54 - 54,59)
IGF1 - 120 (43-209)
What scares me is the very low SHGB and the very high DHT and Progesterone.
How can i fix this?
At this moment, im very worry since i feel my marriage are in abyss.
Can you please help me?
I try to reach kel, but i dont know if he is receiving my msg.
Any help will be apreciated.
ThanksLast edited by cybervtec; 05-01-2023 at 05:31 PM.
05-01-2023, 08:01 PM #2
Well, you're running almost 2G or gear (+ provi) with your TRT a week.
A few questions:
What were your bloods like B4 cycle?
What is your cycle/PCT history?
Your aromasin dose is alsp pretty high, are you prone to high estrogen? (pervious cycles)
Why are you taking cialis every day? Is that persecibed by a doctor?
05-02-2023, 03:05 AM #3
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With a total test of 2400, I would expect an estradiol reading approaching 100 if not more. You may be killing your gains and dong with that much AI.
You DHT is elevated because you are loading up on compounds that either 5 alpha reduce to DHT or bind to / lower SHBG. The first one directly elevates DHT, the second indirectly. SHBG binds most preferentially to DHT, thus when you lower SHBG, you get more DHT.
In other words, you should expect to see elevated DHT.
You could ease off the Proviron to start with, but that may not be enough for you. You should not introduce finasteride yet because of the NPP.
Actually, the more I look at this cycle, the more I wonder what you are trying to accomplish. This is a heavy and complicated cycle... in fact, it kind of looks like it was intended to be a phased cycle, but you have everything in play all at once.
So what is your goal? You don't necessarily have to cut and bail on everything, but I think we can help you best by understanding what you are looking for with all this in play.
05-02-2023, 02:41 PM #5
OP; I really feel like you are getting some bad advice. You are running way too much gear in your cycles IMO.
05-02-2023, 03:06 PM #6
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First, thanks for your Help.
Im also trying to understand whats is happen.
Até This time, and with This cycle um trying to add some size, without bloat.
But always on mind not loosing libido and erection.
I believe im using too much aromasin .
2 cycles before i have the test a little low, but without Soo much aí the estradiol are on 90s
But my libido are total Lost. After That i micro dose aí to set to high value of the range. Normaly on 30-35 range was the best for libido.
But off course i dont grow.
Só i try to decrease test, increasing Bold to avoid too much aromatisation.
Now to avoid so much progesterone and dht. Im thinking in decrease the test and drop proviron.
At This moment Im trying to have some homeostase, and after That return to cycle
The aromasin drop,.or use e3d on cycle.
Or instead of aromasin, use the tamoxifeno and decrease dose of test.
What do you believe is the best?
How to decrease shgb? Or increase shgb? How affect libido?Last edited by cybervtec; 05-02-2023 at 04:53 PM.
Ok, this is good information.
When you design a cycle (or someone gives you one), always ask these questions about each compound:
Why is it here?
Does it conflict with any of the others?
Is there something with less cons than this to use in it's place?
Can I consolidate compounds (ie can one do the work of two)?
And then, does all this together look like it will meet my goals?
And always have a well defined goal.
When I look at what you are trying to do, and then at what you have in play, there looks to be WAY too much going on.
You have caber in play to control prolactin because of the NPP, but it looks like you have nuked your prolactin into the dirt. Not good.
You have a Total T of 2400+ but an estradiol of 29. Said differently, you are 3 times over range on your testosterone , but barely at top of range on your estradiol.
Both of those conditions are almost certainly because you have pre-emptively deployed both the caber and aromasin. You want to keep those on hand, but only use them if you develop sides. That's OK, these are easy fixes: just stop using them for a couple of weeks, then monitor for sides. You can still use them after that IF you need to, but you don't want to be guessing or using them just because you have them.
The DHT... you are going to have to ride that one out for a bit. If you wanted to use finasteride, you would need to stop the NPP and wait until it clears (10 days, 14 days to be sure).
As we discussed earlier, you are using compounds that promote DHT conversion. If you don't want DHT, don't employ those compounds, at least not at those doses.
You will probably be better off with weekly doses around 400mg test, 200mg NPP, and maybe 100mg Masteron . Those, plus the HCG and HGH and that is it. You can keep everything else on hand, but deploy only as absolutely needed.
You might fiddle around with the ratios, like if you wanted to run 300 test 300 npp and 100mg mast, that would probably be OK.
Now, lets look at each of those compounds and ask those questions from earlier.
The test is there to serve as the base. The NPP for some clean'ish mass without the DHT, and the Mast is there to help alleviate any NPP sides, clean gains, vascularity, control estrogen, and mental feel. HCG is there to maintain some HPTA function (making PCT easier) and the HGH for recovery.
At least that is where I'm coming from right off the top of my head.
Now, you may be thinking 'dang, broski you have me taking about 1/3 of the gear I am on now! Where my gains is??'
Stop that line of thinking. You feel like garbage now, so what you are doing isn't working. I would bet you will make more gains and feel about 10x better (maybe Thor like) if you scale back.
And as always, did you see my medical license? No? Yeah, me neither because I don't have one. I'm just some rando on the internet.
05-02-2023, 05:23 PM #8
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Perfect, sound clear to me.
But i have sad stories with deca . Even when talking about npp.
Can i switch for tren ?
I have a lot of issues about libido and sexual working.
I Said tren because i feel well with. But i can add other compound.
What do you think
And no worry with medical licence. We are brainstorming. And all That can make me think os good to think about.
Is the value of progesterone a reason to have an eye on?
Thanks again for all the help
If you don't do well with deca / npp, then I personally would not use it.
I can't speak to tren... I have stayed away from that one. But if I were you, I would ask those same questions about it. What is it bringing to the table, etc.
Progesterone is a bit outside my wheel house. Someone else will need to comment on that.
05-02-2023, 06:10 PM #10
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05-02-2023, 09:11 PM #11
05-03-2023, 02:32 AM #12
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Cylon wrote This.
"You will probably be better off with weekly doses around 400mg test, 200mg NPP, and maybe 100mg Masteron . Those, plus the HCG and HGH and that is it. You can keep everything else on hand, but deploy only as absolutely needed.
You might fiddle around with the ratios, like if you wanted to run 300 test 300 npp and 100mg mast, that would probably be OK."
But i need to replace the npp.
Im thinking in tren instead.
But is there other option?
What do you think?Last edited by cybervtec; 05-03-2023 at 02:57 AM.
05-03-2023, 02:54 AM #13
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Cylon, besides npp wich others compounds, you like to use to That kind of goal?
Last edited by cybervtec; 05-03-2023 at 02:56 AM.
05-03-2023, 04:02 AM #14
Honestly, I think you should quit taking steroids . Do your PCT and ride off in to the sunset. They're not for everybody and it sounds like it's too much for you.
05-03-2023, 04:54 AM #15
I would either do what Cylon said OR to be honest I would begin immediately to wean off this entire cycle. Your body is overloaded, confused and working against itself. Save the gear, get back to a healthier steady state in a month or two and then get some sound advice on a more reasonable, synergistic, smaller cycle.
05-03-2023, 06:37 AM #16
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I can agree with you if i didnt develop a hypogonadism type 2.
But off course thinking with an racional mind That should be the better option.
I Will try to give some rest to the body Will low test.
And try to reach a plateau.
But once again thanks for the help
05-03-2023, 06:38 AM #17
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I made that suggestion BEFORE you said that you have problems with nandrolone .
That is some pretty important information.
You have choices:
Drop npp and mast
Abort cycle and pct
You are in WAY over your head here. I don't know how you got here, but if you decide you want to cycle again, do it smartly.
To be honest, I'm starting to agree with some of the others: it might be best if you pct, regroup and recover, then ask yourself if cycling is something you should be doing. Educate yourself in the meantime. That's not an insult, just good advice.
05-03-2023, 01:39 PM #19
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I Will recover the baseline values.
Give a couple of.months
And study a starting point.
Thanks for the help
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