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My last run with both was last year. It was a 6 month stretch with .75mg test 2x/wk. Had I added my old dosage of 1.5 iu’s of HGH or ran var? Holy crap, but I wanted & deserved the hurt; I slacked big time during Covid.
Dropped a total of 30-35 pounds of fat and regained all muscle lost due to Covid inactivity. Went several months with absolutely no bread, pasta or rice; carbs were low glycemic veggies, usually raw.
Protein was lots of fish, chicken, (red meat only once/ 2-3 weeks). Eggs; almost always the whites.
No milk, minimal low fat cheese; no butter, low fat salad dressing. Lots of salsa for seasoning.
No snacks or deserts.
Weights on average of 4x/wk. Cardio was 4-6/wk.
No lethargy, but would sometimes get a little light headed during fasted morning workouts.
You sure ain’t putting on muscle size for sure, but even with low caloric intake, sometimes 1000 or less per day, I gained muscle. Not bad for 64.
Like anything diet wise; you have to be disciplined and you had better workout.
I’ve previously ran it with mast, tren, HGH and test, but I think my results would have been better with far more carbs & calories, thus, no Keto. But damn, that tren leaned me out and I had never been as vascular.