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Thread: raising my trt dose

  1. #1
    ddrumboy21 is offline New Member
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    Question raising my trt dose

    hey guys i am new to all of this but i am currently on 240 ml of trt enanthate , and i was thinking about raising the amount i am taking,,,,i am 56 yrs old fairly muscular, "naturally" and eat good. can i raise the amount gradually to say 400 and see if it is right for me? i feel i could get more out of it if ran more than just therapy levels,,, if it seems to work how long should i run that before going back to the original 240? i dont want to stay at the elevated level very long because my clinic will reduce the amount i am supposed to take if my levels are high when i go in for blood work? or should i just stay where i am at and not worry about raising the dosage?

  2. #2
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    TRT dose is TRT; more (400 mg for example) is a cycle and would need to be run as such.
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  3. #3
    teedoff is offline Member
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    240 seems like a high trt dose and a weird amount....not 200 or 250..but 240?

    Have you pulled labs lately? What are your test levels with this dose. What were they before you went on trt? Also is this trt prescibed be your Dr?
    Cylon357 likes this.

  4. #4
    ddrumboy21 is offline New Member
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    yea labs were good, just wondering how long can i run that. i dont want to risk them moving it back down when my numbers go up like crazy,,,yea that is a weird amount, but i guess they just gradually increased it until my numbers were ok, they were low but i didnt really notice any difference. i just chalked it up as getting old, now that i feel the difference my curiosity has me wondering. when i first started my free test was 6 and overall test was 144. now it is 26 and 320,,

  5. #5
    ddrumboy21 is offline New Member
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    yea, i get that, but will it do any good if i only run it for 3 or 4 weeks, enough to matter anyhow? i just see a lot of talk about blasting and cruising and would like to try that.

  6. #6
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    please post labs. post pic of ur report.

    that's high dose and wanting to go to 400 for trt sounds completely like troll
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  7. #7
    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    You can listen to counsel, here on the forum (the best bet), or you can run a gram of Test per week, and call it "TRT".
    Sort of like a, "one mans cycle, is another man's TRT dose".
    It is entirely up to you...

  8. #8
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Blasting and cruising is (most of the time) what lazy guys do in an attempt to compenate for a shit diet and shit training.

    If you are in good health and want to run a test only cycle (300- 400 mg's a week for 10-12 weeks) then run it with the proper ancillaries.

  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddrumboy21 View Post
    hey guys i am new to all of this but i am currently on 240 ml of trt enanthate, and i was thinking about raising the amount i am taking,,,,i am 56 yrs old fairly muscular, "naturally" and eat good. can i raise the amount gradually to say 400 and see if it is right for me? i feel i could get more out of it if ran more than just therapy levels,,, if it seems to work how long should i run that before going back to the original 240? i dont want to stay at the elevated level very long because my clinic will reduce the amount i am supposed to take if my levels are high when i go in for blood work? or should i just stay where i am at and not worry about raising the dosage?
    So why would you want to raise your TRT dose? What purpose do you think that would have? TRT isn't supposed to be a cycle-level dose. It's supposed to replace what your body should naturally produce. My suggestion to you is to tell the clinic you get your TRT meds from about the issues you have and if you don't like their response, go find another clinic.
    XnavyHMCS likes this.

  10. #10
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    You’re levels arent 320 total with 240mg test e per week . Something off there only that’s possible is if your injecting every 10 days or something and took bloods well past a week out. Are you splitting the injections into two per week? Can you post your bloodwork please?

    There’s nothing wrong with increasing your dose to 400 for say 12 weeks and returning to your original dose. I agree with others that dose for trt is a little high there so thats why we are asking to see your bloodwork. Do you take an AI with that dose?

    And also at 56, I wouldnt advise starting to run cycles. Its kinda a narrow road at that age to start blasting even if its just test.
    Honkey_Kong likes this.

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