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  1. #1
    steadygaining1's Avatar
    steadygaining1 is offline Associate Member
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    liquidex and nolva ed, bad idea?

    Counting down bros, finishing touches, heres the plan.
    500 mg test cyp mon/thurs split week 1-12
    25mg d-bol week 1-4
    nolva 20 mg ed
    liquidex .5 mg ed
    clomid pcr

    Am I overdoing it with nolva and liquidex. I have read that anti-e's will not hinder my muscle gains, just water retention. 1st cycle 28 years old, trying to avoid alot of bloat and am terrified of gyno. BTW I searched for this particular cycle and found no results.

  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    you really shouldn't need to use the nolva until any signs of gyno begin to appear.

    as far as the ldex, it should do a sufficient job by itself to prevent anything. .5mg ED is a high dosage for what you are actually taking, so you may be able to cut it back to .25 ED or .5 EOD and still be alright.

    while i do believe one can never really be too careful when it comes to gyno, this is a case where dosages do not line up causing you to waste ldex.

  3. #3
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    unless you have a valid reason, i cant see needing both bro.

    liquidex is an estrogen inhibitor, meaning little to no estrogen will even be made. hence the reason for no nolva. if none is made, theres nothing for the nolva to block. run this up to and through your pct.


    if you use the nolva, then run it only if you need it. it will block the estrogen from the targeted receptors, yet still keep estrogen in your system. once you start the nolva, i'd continue to use it until the cycle and pct is done.

    as you can see....2 different pathways, and totally different end results.

    peace I4L

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I use both

    .5mg of l-dex for estrogen and retension control and 10mg of Nolva to help inprove lipids. Nolva being a SERM mimicks bone and liver estrogen which helps in creating a heart healthy evironment

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