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  1. #1
    built4life is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2001

    mixing differents roids

    Would it be alright if i mixed my deca and EQ together? I know you dont want to mix an oil based and water together but what about to different oils? Also, how about test prop mixed with either EQ or deca. does it make a difference? thanks for the input. peace

  2. #2
    max25533 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by built4life
    Would it be alright if i mixed my deca and EQ together? I know you dont want to mix an oil based and water together but what about to different oils? Also, how about test prop mixed with either EQ or deca. does it make a difference? thanks for the input. peace

    why would you take deca and eq together anyways, run a cycle with one or the other.

  3. #3
    built4life is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by max25533
    why would you take deca and eq together anyways, run a cycle with one or the other.

    I know they both effect the same receptor sites but they have different effects. You never know unless you try. its like a test blend, different types of test (oil based) both attack the same receptor sites but cause different things to happen. we'll see what happens but that doesnt answer my question.

  4. #4
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    First off, yes you can mix oil and water base compounds together! You could mix all three (deca , eq and test prop) if you wanted. Lay out your cycle so we can see what you have going on. As far as max25533's comment about not running the two together... yes and no! I run the two during a long cycle but at different times of the cycle! But the two compounds have two different effects on my body so running the two together is not unheard of.

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    All steroids attach to the same receptor(The AR receptor)

    The reason why some don't mix the two is beacuse with Deca , you get strength, mass, and water retension. And EQ, you get leaness, vascularity, and hardness. Kind of opposite in effect.

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