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Thread: injections

  1. #1
    shim jahng's Avatar
    shim jahng is offline Junior Member
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    I have been reseraching injections, cause im going to be starting my first cycle here in the next day or so, and after reading some of the post related to "spot injections" i am starting to get the impression that some folks actualy inject in muscles they would like to grow more. (or areas that are maybe lacking in there own minds). does this really work? I was under the impression that "spot injections" were to change the places to inject, so you dont scar up in one area, or cause abcesses. if one were unhappy with a paticular muscle group, does in benifit to actually inject into that group? if so has any had first hand experience with this? i find this very interesting, and comments would be appreciated.



  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The only reason I spot inject is because I don't want to build up scar tissue from ED injections.

  3. #3
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shim jahng
    I have been reseraching injections, cause im going to be starting my first cycle here in the next day or so, and after reading some of the post related to "spot injections" i am starting to get the impression that some folks actualy inject in muscles they would like to grow more. (or areas that are maybe lacking in there own minds). does this really work? I was under the impression that "spot injections" were to change the places to inject, so you dont scar up in one area, or cause abcesses. if one were unhappy with a paticular muscle group, does in benifit to actually inject into that group? if so has any had first hand experience with this? i find this very interesting, and comments would be appreciated.


    spot injects are used, as u said, to alleviate scar tissue build up because of injecting as that require ed, or eod. i inject left glute then right glute, over and over cuz im not concearned with ass scar tissue. i spot inject winnie because it is ed. i got localized sweeling of the muscle, making it look bigger, but thats it. localized growth is a myth.

  4. #4
    shim jahng's Avatar
    shim jahng is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    spot injects are used, as u said, to alleviate scar tissue build up because of injecting as that require ed, or eod. i inject left glute then right glute, over and over cuz im not concearned with ass scar tissue. i spot inject winnie because it is ed. i got localized sweeling of the muscle, making it look bigger, but thats it. localized growth is a myth.

    "localized growth is a myth"

    that pretty much clears that up. ok cool, cause i dont want to have to inject in my poor small pecs. thats where im geneticly challnged the most.

    Thanks again guys, great responses, you guys are just knocking them dead today for me.


  5. #5
    depdaddy's Avatar
    depdaddy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shim jahng
    "localized growth is a myth"

    that pretty much clears that up. ok cool, cause i dont want to have to inject in my poor small pecs. thats where im geneticly challnged the most.

    Thanks again guys, great responses, you guys are just knocking them dead today for me.

    if it were true you could inject certain muscles to make them bigger my ass would look like J-lo

  6. #6
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    i have heard you are supposed to spot inject with GH, but i've never done GH, and have no intention of doing so fairly soon, so i have not thuroughly researched this.

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