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  1. #1
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Lightbulb Estrogen-Related Aggression

    I have been reading the newer version of the Yesalis book Anabolic Steriods in Sport and Exercise (2000). Fucking awesome book - a little better than the Taylor book IMO...

    But anyway... check this out from page 254-255 (Bahrke):

    "Although testosterone has been linked with aggression for many years, particularly in males, recent research indicates that estrogen, and not testosterone, may be partly responsible for increased aggression. Since testosterone, through the enzme aromatase, can be converted in the brain to estrogen, higher levels of estrogen can act directly on brain cells.

    "In a study to assess the effects of sex steroids on aggressive behavior, Finkelstein and colleagues (1997) administered either depot-testosterone to hypogonadal boys or estrogen to girls at three physiological doses using a double-blind, placebo-controlled, 3-month, crossover design. Responses to placebo were compared with responses to hormones at specific doses. At the low dose, scores for aggressive impulses and physical aggression against peers significantly increased only for girls. At middose, the scores for girls significantly increased for aggressive impulses, physical aggression against peers, and physical aggression against adults. The scores for boys significantly increased for physical aggression against adults. At the high dose, physical aggression against peers significantly increased only for boys. These results suggest that sex steroids affect aggressive behavior in adolecents. Girls showed larger and earlier increases than boys, suggesting that estrogen has a significant role in change in aggression scores during puberty and that testosterone may exert its effect via concersion to estrogen."

    Can anyone say - PMS

    In all seriousness, according to this - anti estrogens used during cycle could have an effect in lowering steroid induced aggression by limiting estrogen build up in the brain. Wether thats a desired effect or not... it's an interesting new development...

  2. #2
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
    WiLLpOwEr is offline Member
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    Thanks for posting that warrior.

    Study was a little inconclusive for me, but a great read nonetheless. This was also the first time I've ever heard of "estro-rage"(as I am dubbing it), so again thanks alot.

    I'm on 20mg of Nolvadex with my cycle right now, and I do feel less aggressive, to be perfectly honest. I just thought it was the different drugs..but maybe much of it is the estrogen...


  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
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    The authors further say "The relationship between aggressive behavior and hormone levels appears to be more complex than just the result of elevated levels of testosterone . Taken together, these studies suggest an increased role for estrogen in aggressive behavior."

    Basically its a combination of increased tesotsterone and it's aromatization to estrogen. The more testosterone thats administered the more aromatizing... which based on their conclusions would cause more aggressive tendencies from the increase in total hormones.


  4. #4
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    i have heard of that, but wasn't quite sure what to think of it at the time.

  5. #5
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    That is pretty interesting. Thanks for the post, I'll have to grab that book. Mind if I just borrow yours?

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    That is pretty interesting. Thanks for the post, I'll have to grab that book. Mind if I just borrow yours?
    Haha - after reading it almost from front to back I decided to start reading it a second time, this time with a yellow highlighter to pull out the real interesting stuff (which was all over the place). I'll try and post more stuff like this the future... I'm not a real fast typer for pulling quotes word-for-word

    I wasn't aware of it until now that there are actually a lot of reputable studies on high dose AAS - most from testosterone being studied as a male-contraceptive (which requires doses above and beyond HRT).

  7. #7
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good study re-affirming the belief to running an anti-e throughout entire cycle.

    Also shows how the sport of bb is constantly evolving. Science is changing the world around us...


  8. #8
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bumped for the day crew....

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