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  1. #1
    NJou812's Avatar
    NJou812 is offline Associate Member
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    Unhappy Oh uh - One BIG Nipple

    I'm running a low dose stack as it's my first time. I think my left nipple is a bit Gyno-ish. Last week I took 60mg of Nolva and then ran 40 mg every day for the rest of the week. Now I'm at 20mg a day. The nolva isn't really helping all that much, as I'm still a bit bloated.

    I know it won't help with the Decca, but with these doses I thought just running Nolva would be fine?

    I'm on Test Prop (100mg/eod) and Decca (200mg/week).

    So - given the above, and I'm pretty damn bloated (and I had a little bit of fat tittie naturally - even at 8% BF), is the gyno in my head or do you guys think I need to run out and buy some Bromo and up my Nolva?

  2. #2
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    This is your first cycle........... This is why running one compound is always a good idea...... now you have no idea where the sides are comming from. I'm not trying to be a dick but this is a good example.

    Are you lactating from that nipple, do they burn or itch, do you feel any lumps or anything that wasn't there before this.

    At 200mg a week I don't think it's from the deca so most likely it's from the prop.

    Let us know so we can help you better.
    Last edited by TheMudMan; 10-20-2003 at 08:01 PM.

  4. #4
    NJou812's Avatar
    NJou812 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Mudman - no worries. I knew I might run in this problem when I started .

    No lactating, tiny bit of itching (could be in my head). Was a bit sore last week when I would test by jabbing my finger hard under my nipple, but it seems to have subsided withthe increase in Nolva. That's it.
    Girlfriend is noticing that my left nipple is a little bigger than my right one - she knows about the cycle and is keeping an eye out for it.

    Always have a bit of fat around the nipple even when I'm lean. Just don't want Gyno ontop of that. Where (exactly) should I be looking for a lump? Deep behind or just under nipple? Will it be pretty obvious?

  5. #5
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bro try running the nolva at 40mg for the week or untill the itching goes away........ and then keep running the nolva through the cycle at 20mg ED and PCT.

    I would also run some vitB6......... I don't think you will see progestrogen related gyno but it's not a bad idea. I've some guys will run vitB6 at 600mg ED but I've read that it can cause nerve damage so try 200mg ED.

    Good luck bro.

  6. #6
    NJou812's Avatar
    NJou812 is offline Associate Member
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    Thx MudMan - will the B6 at 200mg/ed and see how it goes.

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