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  1. #1
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    Steroids and puberty changes

    Alright i took a cycle for 2 months of sustanon at moderate dosage(500mg/week). I was NOT done puberty and i know its stupid. But my question is, I was almost done puberty except for having large amounts of facial hair. My dad has a full beard so I am genetically inclined to have one as well, butt how do steroids influence the pubertal changes in teens? I know they accellerate them while you are on the cycle, even used by dome doctors for delayed puberty, but how does ur body react after teh cycle? Is ur pubertal changes stopped? I know its a messed up question, but if your going to say i told you so plz dont respond. All other issues i looked into very long and i did take 300x1, 100x 10, and 50 x 10 of clomid after my cycle.

  2. #2
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justarting
    Alright i took a cycle for 2 months of sustanon at moderate dosage(500mg/week). I was NOT done puberty and i know its stupid. But my question is, I was almost done puberty except for having large amounts of facial hair. My dad has a full beard so I am genetically inclined to have one as well, butt how do steroids influence the pubertal changes in teens? I know they accellerate them while you are on the cycle, even used by dome doctors for delayed puberty, but how does ur body react after teh cycle? Is ur pubertal changes stopped? I know its a messed up question, but if your going to say i told you so plz dont respond. All other issues i looked into very long and i did take 300x1, 100x 10, and 50 x 10 of clomid after my cycle.
    If you arent done with puberty and already 2 months on a strong cycle of steroids ... I think you have fucked yourself up badly but it might not become evident until you have a stroke or heart attack at the age of 37 or such...

    On the other hand I am wondering if "I" finished puberty... I have been smooth chested all my life, now I am 38 years old and steroids are now all of a sudden starting to grow chest hair in a big way on me... so go figure....

  3. #3
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    If you arent done with puberty and already 2 months on a strong cycle of steroids ... I think you have fucked yourself up badly but it might not become evident until you have a stroke or heart attack at the age of 37 or such...

    On the other hand I am wondering if "I" finished puberty... I have been smooth chested all my life, now I am 38 years old and steroids are now all of a sudden starting to grow chest hair in a big way on me... so go figure....
    500mg's per week is not a strong cycle of steroids man. I dont know where u checked that out, its moderate and effective for a first cycle. I know about heart attacks and strokes, but really im interested in seeing how it affects puberty changes.

  4. #4
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    I gotta agree w/ may not think 500mg of sus is a strong cycle...and it isn't for a bodybuilder who's in his mid 30s and is pushing 300 lbs. But for a kid who hasn't finished growing, it's pretty damn strong. Test is a strong steroid ...i don't mean any of this as a flame...

    I'm not sure on the definite effects of puberty, so i'll defer to the vets...however, at least you did PCT to help you this point, i hope you regain as much of your test production as possible...

  5. #5
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
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    first, i agree with the guys, that 500mg/wk is strong for a pubescent kid.

    second, there are many potential risks, and permanent side effects of roid usage when you are young. these may include stunted growth, sexual side effects (permanently supressed natural test levels, sterility and dependance on HRT), permanent muscle and ligament damage, joint damage, liver/kidney damage, heart damage and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, etc..

    these are some possibilities of what you may expect down the road from your gear usage.

    good luck

  6. #6
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    oh i wasn't aware of the fact that it was a strong cycle for me.... i guess it was. But i am done with steroids now, till maybe mid 20's but, i really wanna know about the puberty changes
    how did it affect it?

  7. #7
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justarting
    oh i wasn't aware of the fact that it was a strong cycle for me.... i guess it was. But i am done with steroids now, till maybe mid 20's but, i really wanna know about the puberty changes
    how did it affect it?
    premature closing of the growth plates on the bones, resulting in stunted growth, and everything else i mentioned above. read it.

  8. #8
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    now was that, during the cycle or after the cycle that u expereinced the hair growth. My theory for me is, thta the cycle triggered the hair growth, bnut im just waiting for it to fully start coming in...

  9. #9
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    all those side effects about variations in test levels and sexual disfunction don't happen to everybody....i started when i was young....and im on a cycle right now....and im still young....get bi weekly blood work to make sure everything is in check.....and make sure you get blood work done PCT to ensure your levels are back to not tryin to disagree with the possible sides effects b/c i know they are certainly possible.....i think there needs to be more research done on the effects of AS usage at young ages

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