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  1. #1
    sublang's Avatar
    sublang is offline Junior Member
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    Dosage calculations?

    How would I go about calculating the dosage for a particular drug when the injection frequency changes? For example, 250mg of Test E shot once a week is 250mg/wk. How would I figure mg per week if I shot it every 5 days? Is there a formula for this? Any help or links to info is appreciated.
    Last edited by sublang; 11-06-2003 at 03:29 AM.

  2. #2
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Wouldn't you just take 250mg*(7/5)=350mg a week?

  3. #3
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    this is exactly why i don't base my injections on volume / week. there's no need to. your body doesn't produce a certain amount per week. it produces every day.

    just shoot 250 mg every 5 days. if you're looking to write it up, write it up like this :

    1-10 250 mg Enan every 5 days

    i do 250 mg every 3rd day (Sun, Wed, Mon, Thurs, etc.)

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    The dose divided by the frequency equals the exact steroid use per day. Multiply it by seven and that is how much you are administering per week.

    For example: 250/5 = 50mg per day of TE. 50*7 equals 350mg of TE per week.

    IMO how you are thinking is the best way to keep even blood levels... injections not based on days of the week but by equaly distanced amounts. It's simply much more accurate. Just put some slashes on a calendar to keep track of the days since the last shot...

  5. #5
    sublang's Avatar
    sublang is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    The dose divided by the frequency equals the exact steroid use per day. Multiply it by seven and that is how much you are administering per week.

    For example: 250/5 = 50mg per day of TE. 50*7 equals 350mg of TE per week.

    IMO how you are thinking is the best way to keep even blood levels... injections not based on days of the week but by equaly distanced amounts. It's simply much more accurate. Just put some slashes on a calendar to keep track of the days since the last shot...

    Damn....that was so simple and logical, I feel like an idiot for asking. Thanks for your help guys.

  6. #6
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Aug 2003
    That is alright, atleast no one knocked you for it. We all have simple questions every once in while that need answering.

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