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  1. #1
    Fashioncore1 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2003

    results of restricting calories during AS use

    just curious what the results would be if you stay on same diet while on AS. A friend of mine who is 6'2" and 260lbs wants to start a cycle of test enth. He doesnt have a computer so he asked me to post and give him feedback.
    he wants to take 500mg test enth. 1-10 with typical pct and nolva just in case.

    what effect would restricting calories have?
    if diet stays at 2500-3000 calories with 300g of protein, what type of effect will he get?
    is it better to up your calories while on AS even though bf will increase and diet afterwards?

    his goal is to put on some more muscle without increasing body fat anymore. Is it better to eat more and lose fat later or eat same/less and suffer from less gains without increasing current bodyfat?

  2. #2
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    Without upping the calories, you won't grow that much. You will get stronger and harder when on a cycle, but you need the calories to actually grow.

  3. #3
    Fashioncore1 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2003
    that's what i told him, but he would rather gain 10lbs of solid muscle and no extra fat than 20lbs of muscle with an increase of bf.

    any other opinions?

  4. #4
    BigBow is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I am trying this right now...500 mg of Cyp a week...will let everyone know the final outcome

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