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  1. #1
    soon to be.... is offline New Member
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    Question 2-week-on, 2-week-off cycle

    I have a request for info regarding an odd AS cycle that I have come across. I have a friend of a friend (in all honesty) who is putting together a 2-week-on, 2-week-off that runs up to 32 weeks. He states that he is constructing this cycle using principles anatomy and physiology as well as personal experince.
    The benifits of this cycle (as I have come to understand) are as follows:
    *Slow, steady muslce gains using lower doses of AS
    *High retension of muscle gains
    *During the first 2 weeks of a cycle the pituitary gland is sensitized to leutinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) and may release more leutinizing hormone.
    *No inhibition of the pituitary gland since it becomes inhibited after 2 weeks, thus the pituitary gland keeps releasing leuitenizing hormone to stimulate testosterone production by the testes.
    *No or less need for clomid, HCG , etc. after this cycle.
    *Ability to tweek your diet or lifting program over the long period for
    maximum gains
    *Less ramping and/or crashing when coming off certian cycle ancillaries

    At this time do not know what AS and ancillary agents he is planning to use with this cycle.

    I have a limited knowledge of the physiology that goes into cycling with AS. I also only have one cycle under my belt. Any info, opinions, facts, links to info either backing or debunking this cycle would be greatly appreciated.

    Keep up the great work fellas and thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    this would put you in a state of hormonal flux which can't be good.

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    This idea has been bouncing around for a couple of years that I know of, but I've never heard anyone that's used with great resukts


  4. #4
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I don't see anything good from going about a cycle this asymmetrical1 stated it would but your hormonal state out of whack............ could cause deppression, acne, loss of appitite.............. it's all about keep blood levels constant when trying to grow.

  5. #5
    skii96's Avatar
    skii96 is offline Member
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    I dont like the 2 on 2 off. But do feel that if you use the right compounds 4 wks on 4 wks off for an extended period of time would put some great keepable lbs on anyone!

  6. #6
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    does he know what he is going to use. your supposed to use something fast acting like test prop. there are others but this is one that i have heard about and i knew a guy from another board that was going to do it. i believe it is called short cycles. 4 weeks on and then 4 off and keep repeating. there was a big post on it over at the elite board about three years ago. i though about it myself, but i prefer other deca for instance and that lasts two long in the body to be used for this type of cycle.tell your friend he should definatly research it further. there were some real good points to this, but i do not remember the whole around. in theory your supposed to gain 10 lbs, lose 1-3, gain 10 more and so on and so on, all the while your own test production is to not be suppressed. it makes sense on paper, but i would have to try it first hand to really comprehend it.

  7. #7
    cb25's Avatar
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    Like asym and mud said...doesn't sound good - I've seen a few discussions on this previously, but it seems the constant flux of hormones would be no good. Plus, if the idea is to never shut down your own test production, it would be extremely hard to do, as most moderate doses of test would shut you down (as i understand) pretty quickly.

    Also, i see NO reason that you would release more LHRH in a state of increased testosterone levels ...this seems completely contradictory to what would be expected.

  8. #8
    paulastone's Avatar
    paulastone is offline Member
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    Been there, done that, with crap results!!!
    not worth it. waste of gear
    at first it sounded like it made sense and all but it was to good to be true.
    never again. the most would be 4 on 4 off but even that is not long enough

  9. #9
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    your friends theory is no good.

    you will be shut down the first week or two and wont recover in the off time. dotn know where he got his theories, but he needs to research more if he believes he can do this and not shut down or need clomid.

    these cycles are lousy as well. your body will be so far from homeostasis that i doubt much gains will be made at all.

  10. #10
    soon to be.... is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the posts guys. I appreciate it. I will do a little homework on the 4-on, 4-off cycle. I am interested in the cycles that put mass on slowly and consistantly. I work in a collegiate athletic department that is subject to NCAA drug testing as well as our own drug testing policies. We have had problems in the past where athletes aren't smart and come back from summer break weighing 30 pounds heavier. I will do another cycle in the next couple months, but will need to stay "under radar" so to speak.

    Thanks again.

  11. #11
    Shades of Jay is offline New Member
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    Anybody interested in this type of cycling should have a read of this article

  12. #12
    Shades of Jay is offline New Member
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  13. #13
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    These cycles leave no recovery time..and no constant levels of anything! Body will in a state of confusion. i beleive that anything less that 6 weeks is a waste. I personally would never go less that 8, but that is just my choice.

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