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  1. #1
    northendninja is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003

    Talking Bunch of gear, i have some ideas, critique please

    Alright heres the scoop: I have 30ml test enanthate 200mg/ml, 30ml Fina – Trenbolone 75mg/ml, 200 5mg thai d-bol, 30ml-50mg/ml Winny and a nice supply of clomid and nolva. I dont need to use all the gear in this one cycle...

    I finished my last cycle in August (dbol , enan, EQ)...

    Like alot of folks here my timeline for finishing is springbreak. So, Im looking to start dec 8 and finishing no later than feb 14 (68days) is the plan:

    wks 1-8 enanth either 400mg or 500mg/week (thoughts?)
    wks 4-8 75mg/ED Tren (would be much better to run until test is finishing, but that is not possible, ie wks 8-12)

    should I maybe run the Winny at the end and save the tren?

    Also, after some reading, it appears those who run tren are split in regards to those who run hcg , and those who dont, is it necessary?

    if I were to run the cycle above as described when would I employ the clomid? I thinking it would be after the enanthate is leaving the system (ie 2 weeks), but then again wouldnt your body suffer a crash when the fina left after 3 days?

    I should have started this sooner and done it properly with some EQ too, but it was impossible with my schedule....

    ****, hopefully I can maybe get some Propionate instead...make things simpler...
    Last edited by northendninja; 12-06-2003 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Apr 2002
    What's your cycle history and goal?


  3. #3
    northendninja is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    What's your cycle history and goal?

    I waited from when I was 18, until I was 22 to do my first cycle:

    Finished it in august:
    wk 1-4 35mg/day dbol
    wk 1-11 500mg/wk enanthate
    wk 1-10 400mg/wk EQ

    Im still holding size from that cycle as my recovery went well, my goal is to cut it up some. Hmm I weight about 195 now, 6ft medium build naturally, so loosing a couple pds and tightening everything up would be great.

  4. #4
    northendninja is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003
    alright, im going to save the enanthate and get some prop. so I will run:

    100mg/EOD Propionate
    50mg/EOD Winny depot
    like always, will have Nolva ready...and clomid ready, 3 days after last injection

    planning on running at least 5 weeks

    any suggestions on possibly different dosages/injection frequencies?...I would prefer EOD, but would do ED if necessary (I understand Winny has a pretty short half life).

  5. #5
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2003
    I'd do at least 150mg prop eod, but ed would be better. You need to do the winny ed, and you can drink it on the days you aren't injecting.


  6. #6
    northendninja is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2003
    ok so 150mg/prop EOD
    and 50mg/ED winny? or 25mg/day winny?
    If I am drinking it, i should take it with some great juice and before a meal right? or are those just myths?

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