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  1. #1
    ds1472001 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2003

    Exclamation Advice: Knot developed at Deltoid site

    I have developed a knot a the lower part of the deltoid on the side of my right arm. I had frequent injections of sus the first few weeks then finished with frequent injections of eq for a few weeks. I alternated only between my two deltoids (probably a mistake). One of them developed a hard knot about the size of a small marble about an inch below the normal injection site in the deltoid. Went to the doc, but didn't tell him the background info. He did an xray and a cat scan. Neither he nor the radiologist could identify it from the cat scan or xray, but neither thought it was anything to be overly concerned about. Doc gave me the option of having it surgically removed or just watching it for a month or two and see what happens. It's been a couple of months and its still the same size. Any experience or ideas on what it might be. Should I be concerned??

  2. #2
    thai guy's Avatar
    thai guy is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ds1472001
    I have developed a knot a the lower part of the deltoid on the side of my right arm. I had frequent injections of sus the first few weeks then finished with frequent injections of eq for a few weeks. I alternated only between my two deltoids (probably a mistake). One of them developed a hard knot about the size of a small marble about an inch below the normal injection site in the deltoid. Went to the doc, but didn't tell him the background info. He did an xray and a cat scan. Neither he nor the radiologist could identify it from the cat scan or xray, but neither thought it was anything to be overly concerned about. Doc gave me the option of having it surgically removed or just watching it for a month or two and see what happens. It's been a couple of months and its still the same size. Any experience or ideas on what it might be. Should I be concerned??
    ive had nots the size of marbles plenty of times..try sitting on a heating pad at night for 15 minutes b4 you go to bed..and gently massage the injection site..if it doesnt go away in like 2 weeks then go back to the doc...good luck bro

  3. #3
    daWhoady's Avatar
    daWhoady is offline Associate Member
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    right here
    Quote Originally Posted by thai guy
    ive had nots the size of marbles plenty of times..try sitting on a heating pad at night for 15 minutes b4 you go to bed..and gently massage the injection site..if it doesnt go away in like 2 weeks then go back to the doc...good luck bro
    Same with me. I'd get them frequently. Heat it and watch it for a about 2 weeks. If it doesn't start to subside in 2 weeks, then go back to the doc.

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