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Thread: DNP Supp Shopping List
12-19-2003, 09:38 AM #41
Originally Posted by TxLonghorn
The bro in my signature Johnny_U was probably the smartest bro on these borads ever...He did DNP MANY, MANY times. One time while on a low dose of 400mgs a day his lungs shut down on the 4th day, and he died. HE was a vet, a moderator on message boards, he was huge, he was ripped every spring break after he did DNP to cut after his winter bulker. Did you ever feel like you could not catch your breath while on DNP? I know I have, and it can be a desperate feeling. What I learned from having this friend die, is that you never know when your body will react badly and your resipiratory system will shut down even on small doses..This is what happened to him. I learned everything about DNP from this guy years ago, before I ever did my first of many DNP cycles, and he is now dead. So that is 2 people dead from DNP that you know of and this one had no 'extenuating' circumstances involved. DNP can kill you at any time for any number of reasons and it IS NOT safer than clen as I know of NO ONE who has died from clen. You really should not say things like this to people bro. I mean no disrespect but that was a dangerous and untrue comment IMHO...We just have different opinions.Last edited by Gilster; 12-19-2003 at 10:15 AM.
12-19-2003, 09:57 AM #42
Originally Posted by DesertThunder
DNP " yellow firm crystalline substance, slightly soluble in water, alcohol-soluble or a simple Aether. Getting in an organism, it is less, than in one minute, raises rate of a metabolism on the average on 30 percents. Rate of a metabolism comes back to norm approximately in 6-48 hours after the use on a dose and a course of reception.
Researches of authors of clause have shown, that application DNP in a dosage 3-5 mg on each kg of weight of a body results in rising rate Metabolism on 25-30 % in current of 24 hours, the normal metabolism is restored for the following three days. Some person have reset(dumped) the whole 20 pounds of Adeps in 6 weeks of reception DNP without any change of a ration. In the meantime, DNP the beginnings to occur in bodybuilding , though and in circumscribed scales.
One of the purpose of application DNP body builders also is the way of restoration of the broken regulation of androgenic receptors in a cell, " the wide-spread and fast phenomenon after body builders rely on typical use of anabolic steroids "about applying item".
As DNP is a potent dehydrating agent, the sportsmen, accepting Dinitrophenol, strongly recommended to drink at least, 1-2 gallons of a liquid per day. Attempt to lower would result the maintenance(contents) of water in a fatal hyperthermia or to a uncontrollable fervescence. The last year, due to diligence of the person, giving interview to correspondent IRONMAN, Dinitrophenol became even more known to general public. The latest references on use DNP include his(its) combination with a plenty of active thyroid preparations, such as Cytomel . References here concern to accept Dinitrophenol together with an insulin . As is known the Insulin is the strongest anabolic, but DNP blocks negative effect an insulin to keep Adeps. Thus you receive from the Insulin only maximal anabolic effect. Scientists name the mechanism of action DNP about separated ocsidative fosforilathion (dissociation of a respiratory chain). Simply speaking, it(he) causes a fast attrition of stocks ATF in mitochondrions " those parts of cells where it is made ATF. ATF " it is an immediate source of all energy of an organism All nutrition, switching and carbohydrates, finally will turn in ATF the most elementary fuel. Settling(exhausting) cellular ATF, DNP compels an organism to use as fuel fatty adjournment.
Influence DNP is, that this substance sharply raises processes of oxidation. Nothing will be compared with DNP on a degree of oxidation caused by him(it) in mitochondrions. Promises of loss up to 1 pound per day sound seductively not only for cgjhncvtys. Any of us is capable to estimate action of this product. The author of these lines himself accepted DNP and may assure you that an opportunity of loss of 1 pound of Adeps per day not a limit. Keeping an elementary diet, it(he) lost up to 2.2 pounds of Adeps per day
12-19-2003, 10:00 AM #43
Originally Posted by DesertThunder
The substance; 2, 4-Dinitrophenol has many other brand names such as, 1 Hydroxy-2,4-dinitrophenol, Solfo Black, Nitrophen, Aldifen, and Chemox are just a few and is among many things, a metabolic stimulant. That is it's popularity here in our world, it burns fat like no other. Let me just tell you of it's other uses before I continue. First, it is a toxic dye, chemically related to Trinitrophenol (Picric Acid), second, it is found in insecticides, wood preservatives, herbicides, explosives, and is also a hazardous material. Third, it is used in science to couple or attach to DNA molecules. All of this should tell you that it is not a run-of-the-mill metabolic stimulant, like Clenbuterol or Triacana or Ephedrine or any other for that matter. Here is DNP's tox faq's from the international chemical safety cards to you give an idea of what it is considered to be; Combustible. Gives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. Risk of fire and explosion. DO NOT expose to friction or shock. MAY BE ABSORBED! Redness. Roughness. Yellow staining on the skin. PHYSICAL STATE; APPEARANCE: YELLOW CRYSTALS ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, through the skin and by ingestion. PHYSICAL DANGERS: Dust explosion possible if in powder or granular form, mixed with air. INHALATION RISK: Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly. CHEMICAL DANGERS: May explosively decompose on shock, friction, or concussion. May explode on heating. Shock-sensitive compounds are formed with alkalis, ammonia and most metals. The substance decomposes on heating producing toxic gases including nitrogen oxides. EFFECT OF SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE: The substance may cause effects on metabolism, resulting in very high body temperature. Exposure may result in death. EFFECTS OF LONG TERM OR REPEATED EXPOSURE: Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The substance may have effects on the peripheral nervous system. The substance may have effects on the eyes, resulting in cataracts. Boiling point: sublimes °C, Melting point: 112°C, Relative density (water = 1): 1.68. Solubility in water, g/100 ml at 54.5°C: 0.14. Relative vapor density (air = 1): 6.36. This product is handled and shipped in a 15% solution of water, making it a paste, so that it will not explode due to shock or friction.
DNP is an uncoupling agent that inhibits the flow of electrons and the pumping of H+ ions for ATP synthesis. Fifty years ago it was used for weight loss, however, in 1938 the FDA removed it from the counter, as it caused cataracts and even sometimes death. If electron transport does not produce ATP, then much more sugar must be metabolized for energy needs. Very low production of ATP would be lethal. In oxidative phosphorylation, the flow of electrons from NADH (the reduced form of NAD+, oxidized from NAD. This enzyme is important in accepting electrons in the course of metabolic reactions. When NAD+ gives up it's electron, it is converted to it's reduced form NADH) and FADH2 (the reduced form of FAD) to oxygen results in the pumping of H+ from the matrix to the inner membrane space of the mitochondria. This gradient of H+ can produce ATP by flowing through ATP synthetase in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Dinitrophenol disrupts the H+ gradient reducing ATP synthesis. Under these conditions, much of the food that we eat could not be used for ATP synthesis and we lose weight. However, too much inhibitor and we could make too little ATP for life. The difference between weight loss and death is only a small concentration change in dinitrophenol, making the drug dangerous. Simply put, this means that while eating your normal diet, you will have somewhere between 20% and 40% reduction of calories.
You may now be wondering just what kind of dose would be effective, but not harmful. A dose of 2mg/kg/day (or two mgs per kg of body weight per day) would be an effective dose, causing the loss of about 5 to 10 pounds in a 10 to 14 day period, maybe less. So, a person weighing 200 lbs would weigh about 91 kgs, so 2mgs per kg of body weight would be the equivalent of 182 mgs of DNP per day, but since it typically comes in 200 mg capsules, you would take one cap per day. Since DNP has this inhibiting effect, glycolosis is inhibited as well, causing a diabetic effect due to the conversion of glucose without insulin , so you may have heard that people take insulin with DNP. This will counter act the symptoms of lethargy and lack of energy due to DNP's use.
How TxLonghorn can say that is is safer than clen is mind boggling to me after reading this again.Last edited by Gilster; 12-19-2003 at 10:22 AM.
12-19-2003, 10:14 AM #44
Here are a few more facts I found like the above posts with a simple search.
2,4-Dinitrophenol can effect you when breathed in and by passing through your skin.
2,4-Dinitrophenol can cause reproductive damage. Handle with extreme caution.
2,4-Dinitrophenol is a FLAMMABLE LIQUID and a FIRE HAZARD.
Contact can irritate the skin. Long term exposure may cause dermatitis.
2,4-Dinitrophenol can irritate the eyes, and may cause clouding of the eye lenses (cataracts).
Breathing 2,4-Dinitrophenol can irritate the nose and throat.
High or repeated exposure can affect the nervous system causing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, convulsions and even death.
2,4-Dinitrophenol may damage the liver and kidneys.
2,4-Dinitrophenol is on the Hazardous Substance List because it is cited by EPA and DOT.
2,4-Dinitrophenol may cause mutations (genetic changes) in living cells.
Whether or not it poses a cancer or reproductive hazard needs further study.
2,4-Dinitrophenol has not been tested for its ability to cause cancer in animals.
2,4-Dinitrophenol is a FLAMMABLE LIQUID (depending upon carrier solvent) or an explosive solid.
I sure as hell am not going to say this s h i t is safe ever. DNP IS NOT SAFE.Last edited by Gilster; 12-19-2003 at 10:20 AM.
12-19-2003, 10:14 AM #45
Well, I have no need to touch DNP or even if I did, I definitely wouldn't touch the stuff. I've seen Gilster's posts and obviously I know BDTR and those 2 guys know there ****!!!! If either one of them told me not to do something I wouldn't out of respect. THEY KNOW what there talking about. Now, if it takes a few weeks more to accomplish a goal and it's more safe, I would say thats a no brainer!!!!
Listen!!!!!! As of now, I say both of them could save your life if you don't touch the stuff.
Be smart ambulance, and quit trying to find the easy way out.
12-19-2003, 10:28 AM #46
Most of the information on the health effects of dinitrophenols
comes from old studies of patients who were prescribed diet
pills containing dinitrophenol before it was banned.
Deaths have occurred in people who ingested 3–46 milligrams
of dinitrophenols per kilogram of body weight per day
(3–46 mg/kg/day) for short periods, or 1–4 mg/kg/day for long
periods. Also, people who breathed air containing 40 mg dinitrophenols
per cubic meter of air (40 mg/m3) for long periods
have died.
The amount of dinitrophenols ingested that causes harmful
effects varies among people. Increased basal metabolic rate
(the rate that you use energy at complete rest), increased sweating,
a feeling of warmth, weight loss, and increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and body temperature have been observed in
people who swallowed as little as 1 mg/kg/day or as much as
46 mg/kg/day for short or long periods of time.
Ingesting 2–4 mg/kg/day DNP for short or long periods
has caused cataracts in some people, while ingesting
1–4 mg/kg/day for short or long periods has caused skin
rashes and decreases in white blood cells.
I could go on cutting and pasting for hours. There is THAT much info on DNP as a hazerdous material all over the internet..This is enough for now I hope.Last edited by Gilster; 12-19-2003 at 10:31 AM.
12-19-2003, 03:47 PM #47
Originally Posted by Gilster
I read some of your other posts, and there are some inaccuracies in there, especially the eyes/cataract thing. That one has been disproven. The others seem to be more speculation than anything. Dnp was around and unregulated for years (by your own accounts in the 20s and 30s), and yet I have yet to see birth defects attributed to dnp.
And I can be brief about the effects of dnp, it basically makes your body inefficient, thereby increasing your metabolism without increasing your heartrate. It is an uncoupler.
12-19-2003, 04:07 PM #48
Ask 3vandoo about the cataracts, he has some first hand experience.
That being said, i've used ridiculous doses of DNP in the past, will I do it again? Probably, in lower doses but would i reccomend it to anyone? Nope. Would i reccomend it to someone who almost died from misjudging his clenbuterol dosage? NO WAY.
Originally Posted by TxLonghorn
12-19-2003, 04:14 PM #49
I don't know if I would recommend dnp to anyone. It's too emotionally charged, liked religion or something.
But good discussion. I'm glad it hasn't deteriorated into namecalling or needless flames.
12-19-2003, 07:07 PM #50
Don't see why it should turn into namecalling, we're all adults here, just a good spirited arguement.
12-19-2003, 07:29 PM #51
best thread i've read in awhile
12-19-2003, 09:56 PM #52
Originally Posted by TxLonghorn
As far as my other posts, I did not write them. I just copied and pasted from a slew of info that can be found online with a simple search.
As far as DNP being an uncoupler you a correct. That is a brief explanation. But I feel it should be more complete, like this....It is a DNA uncoupler. It changes the way the body processes energy.
I just feel there are better ways to loose fat. You feel so god **** horrible on DNP and it is so hard on your body, that I feel there are better ways to do it. I will say one thing tho. NOTHING burns fat like DNP for the money or has nastier sides...Now if you can afford it, I would go with GH in low doses for loosing fat, and I will feel a lot better. Takes longer but the effects are equally amazing and there are lots of benefits for older guys like me and younger bros as well.
12-20-2003, 08:39 PM #53
I realy appreciate this thread, bdtr, glister, everyone else who has chimed in.
I respect you bdtr, you know that.. and I mean no disrespect when I ask this of you.. but please double read my previous posts. I have no intentions of doing this anytime soon, if ever...
As far as the source goes, your right he wouldnt sell to me.. but he'd sell to "jake quebec" or another fake name. What I'm trying to say is if I take the plunge i'll find a way if I realy want.. but trust me when I say its not anytime soon, more then likely at least a year if not longer. I just want to get the stuff in my hands in case people stop selling it as its a dying market because of the fear of using it.
I appreciate your concern bdtr, your a good bro.. just know that im not taking this lightly and please preview my previous posts again just to make sure you didn't accidentally skip over anything.
I don't think its wrong to at least be educated about this even if i never chose to do it. Best wishes guys!
PS. this is an amazing thread
12-20-2003, 09:30 PM #54
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Ok, I would consider myself to be very experienced with DNP although if you are new, you probably woudln't know it. Search the archives for my posts on DNP where I listed some of the best supps and tips for the adventure. First off, I want to say that there is alot of hype about DNP and alot of it isn't true. People exagerrate the danger of it when properly used. Yes, it can be dangerous, but only at high doses or if you act irresponsibly. Keep a few things in mind, here's my quick list for you
1. dnp has a long half life, don't expect any significant response from your body until 36 hours after initial dose and the plateau effect will result in 72 hours about when your doses should be consisent w/ what is in your blood stream and what you feel
2. your body temp is going to rise on dnp. alot of people don't understand how to interpret this. you know when you drink and you get warm and sweaty. then you go outside into the freezing cold and you don't need a jacket? or when you run to the car real quick and it is only like 100 feet but your winded and hot after doing it. expect to feel like that 24/7 when on dnp. I never really had trouble falling asleep, but I did get my sheets wet with sweating at night. Keep the fan on you.
3. don't just sit around and expect the fat to melt off you. because of all the hype surrounding DNP, people think that it is gonna have some impressive fat melting effect... from my experience, you should still goto the gym and do some cardio regardless. i walked on the treadmill and cycled for 45 mins/day. I used to put a towel inside my shirt to soak up all the sweat while on the bike, so expect a great deal of perspiration.
4. don't get so caught up in safeguarding yoru body with supps. while i feel supps are important, i think people try to counteract all the bad things they hear about dnp by using supps. Use DNP correctly, and all you need to do is stay hydrated, and take vit c and e supps to boost your immune system. r-ala or milk thistle if you are worried about liver damage or free radical damage, but it isn't needed. The rest of the supps are not that important in my opinion. It is always good to take a multi-vitamin anyways, but i wouldn't load up on all the supps. It makes you nauseus and does no good in my honest opinion.
5. behave responsibley. don't run a marathon, don't do anything too taxing on your body. If you do, expect the sides such as a pounding headache, fatigue, weakness, muscle pains and cramps, heat, and sweating-- Similiar to being on a heavy test cycle 600mg+/wk. DON"T DRINK or do any other drugs. Tylonol, motrin etc ARE ALL FINE as long as you don't have pre-existing problems with your liver.
6. STICK TO YOUR FREAKING dose schedule. Don't do more than your supposed to. If you feel like you can't handle it, stop the dosing immediately. Make a schedule and stick to it. Keep records of your weight and activity.
7. DIETING -- EAT PROPERLY ****it! I have done 800mg/day cycles where I did not loose a single pound because I had a horrible appetite that I gave in to. I kinda guinea pigged myself for this though. The gear was good and I excercised too, but I ate so much. I don't know if anyone has mentioend it, but your appetite WILL SKY ROCKET. Your body will never be full and you will crave bad FOOD. Bad calorie and fat/carb packed food. COOK your own meals and eat frequently.
8. Take off work/long school hours/or seeing people who you don't want to explain why you feel like ****
9. EXPECT to feel like total ass cancer. You are gonna be tired, weak, unable/unwilling to workout, depressed, hot, sweaty, uncomfortable, figity, irritable, and every other ****ed bad symptom you can think of. Deal with it and drink water. Gatorade is good too.
10. Keep track of your calorie balance. DNP will increase your metabolism by 30-50% at normal doses, it really goes up to infinity depending on how much you take until you die from frying yourself from inside... nice thought eh? 30 percent is great right? Well, remember that if your bmr is 1200, and you are rather sedentry since your on DNP, then your bmr will be around 1200+DNP effect of 600. Usually our daily activity will take us up to 2000 avg sometimes 2500-3000 depending on your weight/height etc. You might be burning 3600 calories each day without much activity on DNP. The problem is that each pound of fat is comprised of 3600 calories, we all know that. Your body isn't JUST going to burn fat, it will burn fat and muscle. Muscle is much easier for your body to convert to energy as your body can just pull amino acids into ready available glucose for your body to burn. So don't think if you calorie deficit 3600 that will mean 1 pound of fat. Hell, you can loose 2 pounds and still have less than 1 pound of fat burned. What does all this mean? HELL if I know! If I did, I would write a book and be a millionaire, but I don't and neither does anyone else. Anyone else who tells you THEY know the truth, is probably lying.
What does it mean to you though? You have to eat right and keep calories low and you have to excercise. Expect to loose muscle... it's gonna happen. I have tried doign DNP on AAS to avoid catabolism, but it still happened (to a lesser degree though).
I hope any of this helps. I have done a good amount of cycles, I have experimented with different strategies and I hope some of what I have learned can help people.
12-20-2003, 10:42 PM #55
good post bro. This is one of the best threads I have read on any board. I am currently on my 5th day of my first dnp cycle. sides have not been bad at all. Temp is elevated, and I tried to do a little christmas shopping today and had to leave the mall, too many people. I was sweating and uncomfortable. Slight problems getting to sleep at night, but once I do I'm good, and the night sweats have been tolerable. I will inform you bro's on the results after all the water is gone and I see the end result.
12-21-2003, 11:32 AM #56
Originally Posted by rampage76
Other than that one thought you made that was a great post. Great info. I would agree with everything you said there with only slight variation on another thought.
IMO, Anti oxidants can significantly reduce the nasty symptoms more so than you stated. I take HUGE amounts amounts of them and the sides are a LOT less than when I do not.
I can not say that I will never use DNP again and mean it 100%. I might again in the future, but at least I will know the truth. That even if I do everything 100% correct, I can still have a bad reaction that I never had before and die. I saw it happen to a friend so I can no longer deny this. If I or anyone chooses to do it anyway then that is mine and anyone elses right to decide.
12-21-2003, 02:11 PM #57
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Originally Posted by Gilster
Your probably right and I have heard of people dying from taking it, although, this is the first time I am hearing about someone dying from an allergic reaction. I will take that into consideration in the future, although I doubt I will use DNP again regardless. I don't know the circumstances behind your friend's death, but I am sorry that happened. The fact is that anyone can have an allergic reaction to any drug. Someone can have a heart attack from the increased BP while on a cycle. Anything we do involves a risk. Since we don't have enough studies done to really show the risks of DNP, we can't really understand them effectively. From my memory, DNP testing ended in the 1920's when the FDA banned it because of some belief that was later disproved. But I recall reading that patients were given an intraveinous dose of DNP and it proved itself to be an effective fat burner. The point I wanted to make is that each drug we use involves a risk, but I do agree that dying for no apparent reason is a big risk. I think more research should be done, i.e. case studies, but it is a shame that we do not have that as an option.
12-21-2003, 02:18 PM #58
what exactly does DNP stand for?
Great thread by the way...
12-21-2003, 07:58 PM #59
Originally Posted by Ammar
The substance; 2,4-Dinitrophenol has many other brand names such as, 1 Hydroxy-2,4-dinitrophenol, Solfo Black, Nitrophen, Aldifen, and Chemox are just a few.
12-21-2003, 09:20 PM #60
Johnny_U's death was real, and so are the effects of DNP . If your going to do it, read this thread 25 times, and every other thread..especially Cycleon and Glisters.
I take DNP so serious that even if I chose to do it, which is unlikely but a possibility (50/50) I will not be doing it for another year. It shall collect dust in a glass bottle in my cabinet.
So why do all this research for a year if I might not even run a DNP cycle? Well it never hurts to know something you didn't know before.
12-25-2003, 03:22 AM #61
sorry bro, but I've looked into dnp since I started. I cant lose anymore fat. I've tried and its stubborn as hell. I am taking a small dosage and checking my vital signs. I do agree I wouldn't reccomend this to anyone, it hurts alot and everyday gets worse. I'm done with being fat and thats why I chose to take it.
01-29-2004, 01:45 PM #62
Would a Calcium/Magnesium combo pill work for the calcium and magnesium or do they need to be seperate pills containing only 1 ingrediant? My buddy has a combo pill that contains the following... 333mg of calcium, 133mg of magnessium, and 5mg Zinc. Those are the only ingrediants.
01-29-2004, 02:39 PM #63
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i dont know bro, ive always read to take them separately. bump for more info as to why to take them separately....
01-29-2004, 03:10 PM #64
01-29-2004, 07:07 PM #65
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I have done dnp several times when it was first being brought back about
5 - 6 years ago and here are my thoughts and experience about it
a 36 hour dose interval stabalizes the ups and downs of it
a 200-300 mg dose is very safe and reletively mild in my opinion
a 200 - 300 mg dose will not accomplish what you would think it would
is it dangerous hell yes , so is eca , so is many things we do in the purpose of bodybuilding
in my opinion if done in mild doses you are basicly tradeing a week of mild missery to accomplish what 2 weeks of strick diet and cardio will do
i would research using slin to speed up a keto diet before doing it again
01-29-2004, 07:49 PM #66
check out my posts in the bottom of this thread
01-29-2004, 07:53 PM #67
02-11-2004, 02:10 PM #68Ambulance1984 Guest
Another bro and I were talking about DNP the other day, he had a few theories on it. One of them from research said that your body recovers from DNP quickly (approximately 4 days) after you stop. That's sounds way too quick in my opinion, but I wanted your guys opinion. Is that theoretically all someone would have to wait in between dnp cycles of 7-12 days? To me it seems like you'd want to take off at least however much time you were on, but maybe im just use to that from gear...
02-11-2004, 03:20 PM #69
SOmething about his taurine levels in his liver where so low he had to go to ER. Now that would suck. But it taught me something i am getting a bottle before i even make my clen order now
Last edited by ENraged; 02-11-2004 at 03:27 PM.
02-11-2004, 04:12 PM #70
Just to be clear, DNP in not a DNA uncoupler.
You body takes all of the food you eat and set up an H+ concentration gradient inside the mitochondria. All that means is that you have alot of protons (H+) on one side of a membrane and very few on the other side. This stores energy in the same way a dam holding back water stores potential energy. The greater the concentration difference, or the greater the difference in water height on each side of the dam, the greater the potential energy. Food builds this concentration difference up, and ATP synthase acts just like a generator in a dam. It sits, stuck in between the two sides of the membrane, and lets the H+ flow from the high pressuse side to the low pressure side and uses the potential energy to make ATP. So you eat some sugar, you body adds H+ to the concentrated side of the mebrane and ATP synthase lets it into the lower conc. side and makes ATP in the proccess. DNP is a chemical that literaly takes ATP synthase and lets the ATP flow though without harnessing the energy. This would be like punching a few holes in the hydroelectric dam. Extra water gets though without being used for energy.
So if you imagine taking a dose that lets half of your H+ ATP synthase molecules flow through withough producing energy you immedialty see that you must eat twice as much food to maintain the same ATP pruduction. In fact even more because not only do you lose the H+ but now you have 50% fewer ATP molecules to harness the little bit of availible energy left. Obviously you can quickly open enough holes in the membrane that your mitochondria are so inefficient that you cannot suppot basic biological functions, breathing ect.
This energy that is lost by the unchecked movment of H+ is totaly heat. There is simply no where else for it to go. To be precise it is excatly the amount of calories that your body "burns" by using DNP. All of that heat must be disapated, and doing the average guy with a 1500 cal per day metabolic incrase would see his body tempature rise to 130 in 24 hours if he were not able to sweat of the excess heat.
One good thing is that sugars produce some ATP directly without relying on the above mechanism, so even if you take too much you body has a backup system if you know how so use it. If you do take too much and dont know to eat a large amount of simple sugars you could die.
Hope that answers some of the details people were asking for.
Knowing all that I would still try it if i could find it.
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