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  1. #1
    collegeboy2387 is offline New Member
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    19 yr going to cyle good idea? honest advice

    I just turned 19 and I am about to start a cycle of sustanon 250 with deca . just a quick six weeker i know its not as long as its supose to but i just want a quick cycle before decideing how much to get in-- i will be gettin both clomid and nolv too

    -Ive been lifting for 4 years and have not grown taller since about 15
    -Ive been on 1-ad creatine ect. and feel i pretty much hit a lot of ceilings
    -Could anyoen give me honest advice on if 19 is too young too start. i know its sort of on the line of too early but i have been lifting for four years and have been doin my homework on AS for the past 3 months and have decided to start. Im gonna do it reguardless of advice but i was just wondering if anyone had ne advice
    Last edited by collegeboy2387; 12-08-2003 at 08:33 PM.

  2. #2
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
    WiLLpOwEr is offline Member
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    Personally, I think you're ready. But 90% of the guys on here are going to say no, wait 2 years. Be careful in whatever you decide to do.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    I started at 19, 2 months before I turned 20. From experience, this will be the first of many. I just got a hunch.

  4. #4
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    if you've done your research like you said you did. Most people would reccomend a single ester test like enanthate or cyp. Also most wouldnt advise deca in your first cycle. And what about PCT, you especially need it if you DO run deca. also nolva?

  5. #5
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    My advice is dont start using gear yet.

  6. #6
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    males continue growing till at least 21, and a lot of people say you can grow till your 25, i grow an inch between 21 and 24, but, reguardless of height, you're still too young, IMO, wait at least two years, let your body fill out naturally first and then start using, no offense, but from what you said in your post, that no matter what anyone tells you, your going to do it anyway, says a lot about your maturity level also, obviously you have some doubts, or you wouldn't have asked the question

  7. #7
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    males continue growing till at least 21, and a lot of people say you can grow till your 25, i grow an inch between 21 and 24, but, reguardless of height, you're still too young, IMO, wait at least two years, let your body fill out naturally first and then start using, no offense, but from what you said in your post, that no matter what anyone tells you, your going to do it anyway, says a lot about your maturity level also, obviously you have some doubts, or you wouldn't have asked the question
    look at scottninpo, aka hank, he's a dwarve because of early age juicing

  8. #8
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    hahahaha, lmao, stunted growth!!!

  9. #9
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    Quote Originally Posted by collegeboy2387
    . Im gonna do it reguardless of advice but i was just wondering if anyone had ne advice
    you probably should just ask whats a good cycle since if i told you it would kill you you would do it anyway.
    So start with eneth. from 250mgs to 500mgs what ever you decide but remember only introduce one a.s. at a time to see how your body responds. remember your pct, having tits at your age would be bad and not being able to have kids later would suck also.
    Good luck I was hard headed at your age too.

  10. #10
    Ducati32 is offline New Member
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    wait a few years
    at least the age of 25


  11. #11
    bodgit is offline New Member
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    You've clearly already made your decision when you say you're going to do it regardless of what people say. What you're looking for is not genuine advice that you will take but someone to justify your (bad) decision for you.

    Well I'm not about to do that. My advice, and that of anyone with any intellegence would be to wait until you're at least 21.

    If you had truely done your research you'd know it was a bad idea. If you develop problems down the line due to ignoring the advice of people with infinately more experience than you I for one will have no symathy whatsover.

  12. #12
    Bartleby's Avatar
    Bartleby is offline Member
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    ...if youve researched you'd know not to run sust and deca for 6 wks....research a bit more jmo...peace

  13. #13
    Harvey Balboner's Avatar
    Harvey Balboner is offline Retired Moderator
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    i would wait, even though you've been working out for 4 years, in the next couple of years your body will really begin to fill out naturally.

  14. #14
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    At the age of 19, do you realize your body is producing so much natural TEST? At this time, you should really be able to put on some decent size. Why risk the side effects. Lay out your diet and training routine for us to look at. There should be NO excuse why you can't get decent gains at your age.

    Also, do some research on the board on guys whos started juicing at a young age. I hope it will scare you enough not to want to do it.

    By running a 6 week cycle is a waste. Running it longer is a risk. You know that, thats why you wanted to run it for a shorter period of time.
    Be one of the smart ones!

    Best of luck

    Last edited by buylongterm; 12-09-2003 at 10:52 AM.

  15. #15
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    I am 19 and on a cycle almost 20 though, The choice is yours yes there is more of a risk. Just make sure you know what you are getting into and take all the precautions to have as safe of a cycle as posible.

  16. #16
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    You have lots of growing to do still, wait a few years. When you do deside to juice go to a Dr and have your growth plates checked don't juice until they're closed.


  17. #17
    MachZ's Avatar
    MachZ is offline Member
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    I would wait it out as well.

    Have a look at the 19yr. old bro in this link:

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MachZ
    I would wait it out as well.

    Have a look at the 19yr. old bro in this link:
    I think that guys post is BS in my opinion steroids will not do all that damage that matter what age you take then at+

  19. #19
    collegeboy2387 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation age/growth in relation to AS

    i been talkin to a lot of ppl both on here and some ppl i know who have done it .... i wanted to know if ne one has information/sites on age/growth as related to AS ... i have serioously not grown ne bigger since my frosh year in hs... im part asian and i really dont think i will get ne taller....that is my only concern i have left with between me and AS....................ill def. welcome ne advice
    -also wahts the shelf life of AS sus/deca

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by collegeboy2387
    i been talkin to a lot of ppl both on here and some ppl i know who have done it .... i wanted to know if ne one has information/sites on age/growth as related to AS ... i have serioously not grown ne bigger since my frosh year in hs... im part asian and i really dont think i will get ne taller....that is my only concern i have left with between me and AS....................ill def. welcome ne advice
    -also wahts the shelf life of AS sus/deca
    Well go to your doctor and find out whether or not you are done growing, There should be an expiration date one the sust and deca , it is usually a couple of years.

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