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Thread: test sist?????

  1. #1
    ironz is offline New Member
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    Question test sist?????

    i currently just finished my 3rd week of sust 250 at 500mg a week, i contacted my source to pick up the rest of my stuff before i run out cause i have only 2 weeks left out of a 10 week cycle. He's a preety big guy, has done this stuff before and knows what hes talking about, but today he told me about something called test sist which i have never heard of. He said its a better version or a stronger version of sust that you take after you finish half the cycle, he said its almost like stage 2. I have no idea what he is talking about, now i am not the most educated when it comes to this, but i have done alot of reasearch for the past few years before i committed myself to doing a cycle. Has any one ever heard of this? should i just stay with the sust?

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I would stick with the sust. I have never heard of Sist

  3. #3
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    What brand is he claiming

  4. #4
    BIGGIE_smalls is offline Associate Member
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    first off, you need to square away all of your gear before starting any program, so you don't get caught in a bind where you need to get the rest of your goods so you can finish. as far as "test sist" never heard of it, and as far as stage 2? what is that all about. you obviously did not plan well IMO. you should just stick w/ your original plan, and hope you have your PCT(clomid/nolva)

  5. #5
    paulastone's Avatar
    paulastone is offline Member
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    stick with the plan bro, my 2 cent

  6. #6
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sist? I thought that was a typo? I guarantee your source is trying to pull one over on you.....I wouldn't trust him.

  7. #7
    ironz is offline New Member
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    i must of heard my soruce worng he wasnt saying sist he was saying cyp has in cyponate. SO now my question is it ok to switch from sust 250 at 500 a week to cyp at 500 week. I would rather do cyp but i dont know if it wil benefit me thanx

  8. #8
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    Never heard of sist..

  9. #9
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Cyp is just a single estered test whereas sust is multi estered...i dont see the point in switching over test is test....just stick with the sust, the cyp wont change much...except maybe freqency of injection.

  10. #10
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGIE_smalls
    first off, you need to square away all of your gear before starting any program, so you don't get caught in a bind where you need to get the rest of your goods so you can finish. as far as "test sist" never heard of it, and as far as stage 2? what is that all about. you obviously did not plan well IMO. you should just stick w/ your original plan, and hope you have your PCT(clomid/nolva)
    Surprised only one guy said this. It should be gospel to you from now on. Never start a cycle without all gear and anti-e's, pct on hand. Also, never do a cycle that your ssource recommends. Do your own research and tell them what you need. Dont let them tell you.

  11. #11
    ironz is offline New Member
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    i know i am worng for not taking the necessary steps. Would the cycle still work tho if i just continued the cyp after the sust, main reason is its cheaper for me to get when money is tight.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsd67
    Cyp is just a single estered test whereas sust is multi estered...i dont see the point in switching over test is test....just stick with the sust, the cyp wont change much...except maybe freqency of injection.
    You're right in saying it won't change "Much" if you're doing the same amounts at the right times. I don't fit the mold around here, I'm one of the guys who actually likes Sust, BUT, you have to run it AT LEAST ETD, EOD would be better but then look where you're at on Dose.....? Cause actually Prop half is 27hrs right???
    Anyway, if 500 is what you're doing, and you're doing 2 shots per week, you'd be far better off with the Cyp. for Blood Level Purposes...JMO.

  13. #13
    Swellin Guest
    How many times a week are you injecting?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironz
    i know i am worng for not taking the necessary steps. Would the cycle still work tho if i just continued the cyp after the sust, main reason is its cheaper for me to get when money is tight.
    Yes, technically, the cycle will still "work."
    Test is test, plus you wouldn't have to look far to find guys who switch esthers frequently in an attempt to produce some kind of synergy.

  15. #15
    ironz is offline New Member
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    well im doing sust twice a week, but im going to switch to cyp and do that twice a week 250 each shot.

  16. #16
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    just seems to me liek your source dosne't have any sust on hand and wants you to take the cyp b/c he has some....... OR if u really don't know ur source well he might have poor quality cyp he wants to get rid of.. because as this is ur first cycle u might not notice too much of a diff when u switch.......

    I say this because the explanation he gave u abotu being a stgae 2 and that saying many guys do the swtich.......

    if its legit it won't matter too much.. just make sure its good

  17. #17
    ironz is offline New Member
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    yea thats what i thought but he said if i want the sust still he be happy to just give me that, but im still going to go with the cyp, i think il get more out of it than the sust because of the only twice a week injections.

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