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  1. #1
    asiancuts's Avatar
    asiancuts is offline Associate Member
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    I'm a steroid user, not a criminal

    hi guys. i just need to get something off my chest. i guess ill start by asking a few questions. those who use AS, who knows? i mean, who do you decide to tell, if anyone? i myself have been using for over a year now and am currently in my third cycle. when i started i made the decision of telling just my closest friends. im comfortable with them knowing. but for guys like us, we gotta be careful who we tell what. do you tell just your friends/gym buddies, are you completely open with it, or do you keep it a complete secret? the reason i ask is because a few people have learned that i do it. really i dont care because its none of their business. but it brings up a bigger picture. because we use AS, we are looked down upon by others. its frustrating that we live in a society that places AS users in almost the same category as drug addicts. and, unfortunately it doesnt look like steroid use is going to be socially acceptable any time soon because most people are not educated on the topic.

    i use AS because i am dedicated to my workout routine and have reached certain boundaries. yet, if i was to openly discuss my using steroids i would be ridiculed. why!? does anyone else hate the fact that if we were to talk about AS in a room full of people, we would suddenly be looked at differently? what pisses me off the most is that those people who have a "problem" with it will only say it behind your back and not to you in person. yes, using steroids can be risky, just like anything else. but with the proper know how and precautions, using AS is no less dangerous than taking some other kind of medication. and the best is when steroid use comes up in a conversation and so many people seem to think theyre an expert on the topic because they read a paragraph on it in their health class when they were a sophmore in highschool. but if i was to defend it and correct some of their misconceptions, people would look at me as if i was defending heroin use.

    i enjoy all of the support and advice i get on this board. we are almost like a brotherhood. but it would be nice if one day we wouldnt have to be confined to our secret society and could freely and openly make our own lifestyle choices regarding anabolic steroids without being judged (negatively, that is). we use steroids , we a not f***ing criminals! i guess thats all. just wanted to see if any others shared my same views on the subject. thanks.

  2. #2
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    personally, all the friends i have are close friends, and they all know, everyone else, i don't really care what they think, unless they are in a position to cause me personal harm, their opinions mean nothing to me, i'm old enough where i can make my own decisions, right or wrong, i think most people have a problem with it because of the legality rather than the health aspect

  3. #3
    Demon Deacon's Avatar
    Demon Deacon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    personally, all the friends i have are close friends, and they all know, everyone else, i don't really care what they think, unless they are in a position to cause me personal harm, their opinions mean nothing to me, i'm old enough where i can make my own decisions, right or wrong, i think most people have a problem with it because of the legality rather than the health aspect

    Scottninpo i think anyone over 4 foot are in position to cause you personal harm.

  4. #4
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
    Scottninpo i think anyone over 4 foot are in position to cause you personal harm.
    lol, people love Hank!!!

  5. #5
    Ankhefenmut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiancuts
    hi guys. i just need to get something off my chest. i guess ill start by asking a few questions. those who use AS, who knows? i mean, who do you decide to tell, if anyone? i myself have been using for over a year now and am currently in my third cycle. when i started i made the decision of telling just my closest friends. im comfortable with them knowing. but for guys like us, we gotta be careful who we tell what. do you tell just your friends/gym buddies, are you completely open with it, or do you keep it a complete secret? the reason i ask is because a few people have learned that i do it. really i dont care because its none of their business. but it brings up a bigger picture. because we use AS, we are looked down upon by others. its frustrating that we live in a society that places AS users in almost the same category as drug addicts. and, unfortunately it doesnt look like steroid use is going to be socially acceptable any time soon because most people are not educated on the topic.

    i use AS because i am dedicated to my workout routine and have reached certain boundaries. yet, if i was to openly discuss my using steroids i would be ridiculed. why!? does anyone else hate the fact that if we were to talk about AS in a room full of people, we would suddenly be looked at differently? what pisses me off the most is that those people who have a "problem" with it will only say it behind your back and not to you in person. yes, using steroids can be risky, just like anything else. but with the proper know how and precautions, using AS is no less dangerous than taking some other kind of medication. and the best is when steroid use comes up in a conversation and so many people seem to think theyre an expert on the topic because they read a paragraph on it in their health class when they were a sophmore in highschool. but if i was to defend it and correct some of their misconceptions, people would look at me as if i was defending heroin use.

    i enjoy all of the support and advice i get on this board. we are almost like a brotherhood. but it would be nice if one day we wouldnt have to be confined to our secret society and could freely and openly make our own lifestyle choices regarding anabolic steroids without being judged (negatively, that is). we use steroids, we a not f***ing criminals! i guess thats all. just wanted to see if any others shared my same views on the subject. thanks.
    I know what you mean. I was accused of taking steroids by everyone at work cause I was big and the idea had not even entered my head. Alot of these people are misinformed and think that by just sticking a needle into your arm you become like the hulk. They dont understand the severe discipline that all these guys have in workout and diet regimes. It takes **** hard work to do this.

    I tend to not tell people that I take AS other than my gym buddy who takes them with me. Not cause Im embarased or anything. Jyst for the simple fact that most people are not educated on the topic and post a misinformed judgement, usually wrong.

    Hehe If there was a pill that could turn you into a hulk and NOT be called an AS, Im sure all these critics would be popping them like Skittles.

  6. #6
    asiancuts's Avatar
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    true scottninpo, legality plays a role. but smoking pot is illegal and potheads dont get as bad a rap as us. i think its something about the injections and needles that makes people think its so awful.

  7. #7
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiancuts
    true scottninpo, legality plays a role. but smoking pot is illegal and potheads dont get as bad a rap as us. i think its something about the injections and needles that makes people think its so awful.
    don't forget, people who juice will fly off the handle and rip your arm off if you look at them too long and potheads just sit around the house eating doritos and watching tv

  8. #8
    GETTING HUGE is offline Junior Member
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    I learned if you tell people they think your a cheater, everyone thinks if you take roids you just get huge, There's alot more to it. Then they just go behind your back and tell everyone you take it.

  9. #9
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GETTING HUGE
    I learned if you tell people they think your a cheater, everyone thinks if you take roids you just get huge, There's alot more to it. Then they just go behind your back and tell everyone you take it.
    haha, that's how me and my friends ask if we're on cycle, "are you cheating..?"

  10. #10
    asiancuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    don't forget, people who juice will fly off the handle and rip your arm off if you look at them too long and potheads just sit around the house eating doritos and watching tv
    thats very true, lol! maybe thats why its easier to tell a pot head to get off his ass and stop gettin' high then it is to argue with a juicer at the gym right after he finishes puttin' up 375 in benchpress and the vein in his neck looks like a garden hose!

  11. #11
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good post brother. I feel ya. LMR

  12. #12
    diesel21's Avatar
    diesel21 is offline Member
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    I use to be so anti juice!!! i was like all natural is the way to go..

    no way, not anymore... all the **** you buy at the store is probably worse.. ever notice how most steriods are fda approved? and all the crap you buy at the stores isn't?
    i'm not saying to juice up and be a fatmess, but taking what you need, if you do it right is great... after all they do sell nor 19 at the vitamen shop, same thing as deca in the pill form, so who is to say whats natural and not?

    to me all natural is eating 3 times a day, no pills, vitamens, shakes nothing......... if you take anything, u are not all natural, just legal........

  13. #13
    Sorken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiancuts
    hi guys. i just need to get something off my chest. i guess ill start by asking a few questions. those who use AS, who knows? i mean, who do you decide to tell, if anyone? i myself have been using for over a year now and am currently in my third cycle. when i started i made the decision of telling just my closest friends. im comfortable with them knowing. but for guys like us, we gotta be careful who we tell what. do you tell just your friends/gym buddies, are you completely open with it, or do you keep it a complete secret? the reason i ask is because a few people have learned that i do it. really i dont care because its none of their business. but it brings up a bigger picture. because we use AS, we are looked down upon by others. its frustrating that we live in a society that places AS users in almost the same category as drug addicts. and, unfortunately it doesnt look like steroid use is going to be socially acceptable any time soon because most people are not educated on the topic.

    i use AS because i am dedicated to my workout routine and have reached certain boundaries. yet, if i was to openly discuss my using steroids i would be ridiculed. why!? does anyone else hate the fact that if we were to talk about AS in a room full of people, we would suddenly be looked at differently? what pisses me off the most is that those people who have a "problem" with it will only say it behind your back and not to you in person. yes, using steroids can be risky, just like anything else. but with the proper know how and precautions, using AS is no less dangerous than taking some other kind of medication. and the best is when steroid use comes up in a conversation and so many people seem to think theyre an expert on the topic because they read a paragraph on it in their health class when they were a sophmore in highschool. but if i was to defend it and correct some of their misconceptions, people would look at me as if i was defending heroin use.

    i enjoy all of the support and advice i get on this board. we are almost like a brotherhood. but it would be nice if one day we wouldnt have to be confined to our secret society and could freely and openly make our own lifestyle choices regarding anabolic steroids without being judged (negatively, that is). we use steroids, we a not f***ing criminals! i guess thats all. just wanted to see if any others shared my same views on the subject. thanks.

  14. #14
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    Bro.. I'm open with me been on AS.. I been on for over 5 years. I don't regret anything. I have alot of my buddies do AS and the ones that don't do it know that I'm on.. I think of it as a very VERY good supplement lol

  15. #15
    asiancuts's Avatar
    asiancuts is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the good feedback, merry christmas!!!!!

  16. #16
    Taejoon's Avatar
    Taejoon is offline Associate Member
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    Here and there....
    Hey AC, check out this thread, you will really like it. It's along the same lines of what you guyes have already been discussing...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    I tell noone

  18. #18
    getnlarg's Avatar
    getnlarg is offline Junior Member
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    I couldn't agree more with the "venting". I run into so many people that say " I could do that If I was using that stuff."
    Bull*%#@--Come to the gym, 5am, day in/day out, eat right, for years and then juice; now maybe you can hang. People think its all in the juice. Everyone who is serious in the iron game didn't jump on AS without serious thought and probably exhausting alot of other resources. If it was just the juice everyone on gear would be a Mr Olympia competitor just cause they take AS, Right??

  19. #19
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiancuts
    . . . but for guys like us, we gotta be careful who we tell what. do you tell just your friends/gym buddies, are you completely open with it, or do you keep it a complete secret?

    . . . its frustrating that we live in a society that places AS users in almost the same category as drug addicts. and, unfortunately it doesnt look like steroid use is going to be socially acceptable any time soon because most people are not educated on the topic.

    . . . but if i was to defend it and correct some of their misconceptions, people would look at me as if i was defending heroin use.

    i enjoy all of the support and advice i get on this board. we are almost like a brotherhood. but it would be nice if one day we wouldnt have to be confined to our secret society and could freely and openly make our own lifestyle choices regarding anabolic steroids without being judged (negatively, that is). we use steroids, we a not f***ing criminals! i guess thats all. just wanted to see if any others shared my same views on the subject. thanks.

    Yah, I know . . . it's kinda like being a closeted gay guy and wondering who is and who isn't safe to share that info with . . . or when they find out about you, they think you're different and something "wrong" about ya . . .

    Ya, people really ought to just mind their own business and let people conduct their personal lives however they see fit; the gov't has no legitimate place interfering. (Getting up on my Election 2004 soapbox again) I don't see why any God-fearing AS user (or any atheist AS user, for that matter) would vote for any politician who supports sending PLU's (People Like Us) to jail just for AS use. The whole War on Drugs (alias Prohibition II) is rediculous; it has had the result of funding organized crime and terrorists, filled prisons with lots of lower-level drug-workers, and cost taxpayers billions of $$$, and after all that, the drugs are still pretty much freely available anyway.
    The enlightened solution is to decriminalize it, step by step, starting with the mild stuff (grass), sell it in licensed shops like liquor stores, where they require age-ID's (21 and over) . . . take the profit away from the crooks, and ya reduce criminal/terrorist activity.
    I'm not sure which political parties support this . . . I think the libertarians do, maybe the Greens, I dunno. But for sure, if the Democrats and Republicans are hell-bent to send us to jail for our hobbyist use of AS, why the xxxx should we vote for them? That's what I want to know . . . Why the xxxx should we vote for them?

    Ok, my rant is over . . . sheesh . . .

  20. #20
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    personally, all the friends i have are close friends, and they all know, everyone else, i don't really care what they think, unless they are in a position to cause me personal harm, their opinions mean nothing to me, i'm old enough where i can make my own decisions, right or wrong, i think most people have a problem with it because of the legality rather than the health aspect
    i dont think because of the legality because her in the arab world steroids are legal and some ppl consider steroid users like heroin users ,some think u can sit at home inject a needle and grow without training,dieting...

  21. #21
    Justincase is offline Associate Member
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    I agree....some misinformed people think if you use AS you will grow no matter what.. some will say "you cheated" or "its not real he used AS" to them I say come and work out with me....see if its real!
    Then there was some big deal in the news around the mid to late 80's about "roid rage " and some sort of killing...... I just can't remember much about it.......

  22. #22
    AnabolicAnimal is offline New Member
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    it's a shame that some drug use is considered socially acceptable and other's are not. no one really looks down on pot heads as much as they used to in the 60's and 70's when they where called "burnout's" and what not. hell even one of our ex-presidents admitted to smoking pot, and in terms of alcohol use as being looked down upon well, our great leader George W was an alcoholic (he credits Jesus as the one who give him the strength to quit).in my opinion the only way to bring steroid use into the mainstream is to hit up the old grass roots approach and educate everyone i come in contact with about their use as being just another drug, my particular drug of choice some like to be nicotine addicts some like to drink others smoke pot, me i like to do steroids who's to say who's right and who's wrong? I think we have the power ourselves to squash all the myths that is associated with steroid use. I for one may be tired of girls asking me if my di<k shrunk but I still replay with the honest "no it's your balls that shrink" replay. I'm in a position where a lot of people ask me about steroids and i give them the facts as is, i never sugar coat it and bill them up to be the best thing ever. i tell them as much as i know and then give them the best advice which is do the research yourself and see if taking them is the right choice for you. unlike other drug users we wear our use on our sleave (literally) so we're open targets for criticism from others. how we react to that can diffently change societys opnion about steriods .

  23. #23
    groverman1's Avatar
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    Good post, I tell no one. only people who know are at work. That prob means more people know than I think. Since us humans can't keep their pieholes shut. So if you tell someone than expect 3 more to know. I have thought about starting a similar thread before. **** all the obese, alcoholic, drug abusers, and so on and so on. I work my ass off in the gym. I put a huge investment into my body whicj I like to be healthy as possible and do tons of research about the science of AS. Unfortunealty it is a stigma that will always stick with us. The media and press have blown AS way out of the actual scope of reality. I get labs done after during and after every cycle. So all who oppose can kiss my white azz.

  24. #24
    asiancuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    Good post, I tell no one. only people who know are at work. That prob means more people know than I think. Since us humans can't keep their pieholes shut. So if you tell someone than expect 3 more to know. I have thought about starting a similar thread before. **** all the obese, alcoholic, drug abusers, and so on and so on. I work my ass off in the gym. I put a huge investment into my body whicj I like to be healthy as possible and do tons of research about the science of AS. Unfortunealty it is a stigma that will always stick with us. The media and press have blown AS way out of the actual scope of reality. I get labs done after during and after every cycle. So all who oppose can kiss my white azz.
    thats true, people love to talk. you tell one person and next thing you know, old friends are calling you up to see if youre alright because they heard you got really heavy into some "bad stuff". plus, friends come and go. your best friend who you told 2 yrs ago may not be your friend today for whatever reasons, and now could care less if he tells other people what you told him in complete confidence. oh well, thats life.

  25. #25
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by asiancuts
    thats true, people love to talk. you tell one person and next thing you know, old friends are calling you up to see if youre alright because they heard you got really heavy into some "bad stuff". plus, friends come and go. your best friend who you told 2 yrs ago may not be your friend today for whatever reasons, and now could care less if he tells other people what you told him in complete confidence. oh well, thats life.
    In this instance, one should perpetuate the common misconceptions by pounding the living **** out of that "past tense" friend.

  26. #26
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    I don't tell anybody. People know I bust my ass in the gym, and personally people's opinions mean nothing to me

  27. #27
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just my workout partner.You are right people think we are some other drug user group that will mug old ladies rob stores and pawn our stuff, for drugs. Like most people will wait 4-6 weeks to get off on a drug. Imagine how crack or heroin use would go down if some junky would have to sit on his lazy ass in a crack house for 6wks waiting to get off. We wait cause the high is in the gym everytime you break a personal record or you have that day you are unstopable, or you watch that fat ass at work struggle with a couple wreems of copy paper or whatever. I hope this was not a highjack but where I live people are scared to have us in the gym, not cause were loud or rood. But cause we are big and intimidating. I work out in the largest gym in the largest city in my state. The 1 guy who cuts us slack and is always pleasant is the city police chief who works out there everyday. I have lost 2 friends that used to workout there cause they did not fit the bill for the "family" enviroment they are shooting for. At the same token I have stayed and enjoy it there because they leave me alone for whatever reason, but people still know that I have become geniticly gifted over the last couple years. Sorry again if this was a highjack

  28. #28
    simplyjakked is offline Member
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    i have people always approach me about how intense i train usually they ask if i do shows, when i reply not yet but i am going to they ask what i take. if i feel like explaining myself (which is never during my workout) i tell them steroids with a straight face. most are shocked i would say that and if they come back with arent they bad i ask what kind? most people dont realize there are different kinds so it confuses them and shuts them up!

  29. #29
    Ankhefenmut's Avatar
    Ankhefenmut is offline Associate Member
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    I think Darkseid got it right.

    Its up to each of us to decide to tell or not to tell. But in the teling we shouldnt reallt give a rats anyway.

    At one stage we all made the decision to juice and the committment to give it 110% with the diet et al.

    So nobody is going to steal my thunder by saying that all my gains are from that piddly little needle.

    We bust our asses day in day out, no doubt

  30. #30
    groverman1's Avatar
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    Darkseid said it best.

  31. #31
    Body is offline Associate Member
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    My $.02

    I'm pretty open about my use of the juice. In my neck of the woods everybody that knows me knows that I juice. Everybody's really cool about it. My family definitely wishes that I didn't use AAS, but they never really hassle me about it. They let me know their opinion about it, but respect my adult decision. Sometimes people will joke with me about it, but it's just in good fun. When they know I'm about to start a cycle they'll say things like, "We better kick his ass now, because here comes the fury." I live in a pretty big city and most people refrain from telling non-juicers about their steroid use . To a large extent, I've changed that mindset in my gym. People know that I'm a great guy with an awesome personality, and they now acknowledge that steroid use doesn't turn Dr. Jekyl into Mr. Hyde. There is a lot of cops who work out in my gym and they're even cool with my use of AAS. My only advice is that if people know you juice, then you have to behave in such a way that promotes a positive perception of steroids . I'm certainly not saying to advertise the stuff and start pushing it off on people. Understand though, that once people know, you become a direct representative of our sport and our chosen methods of supplementation. Act accordingly.

  32. #32
    damiongage's Avatar
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    the thing I hate the most is when your in a bar or at a party drinking water and people who are drunk or high want to tell that your going to be bald, have a little dick and die of a heart attack by 30. And then go do a line of blow before they want to finish the conversation.

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