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Thread: Love Handles

  1. #41
    nynsb is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    i had lovehandlels and i got rid of them by dieting and cardio but i was 260lbs not 160lbs
    I have had them all my life.
    I spend time dieting, lifting, running, spinning.
    Lifting light, lifting heavy.
    The worsed is when I actually lose weight but look in the mirror and it's like I lose muscle and never the handles

  2. #42
    MonsterRugby's Avatar
    MonsterRugby is offline Associate Member
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    Cardio is great to do well on a cycle, because you wont burn muscle. You'll just burn fat. Test burns fat like a mofo.

  3. #43
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by taquipariu
    Are love handles the front lower abdominal fat deposit or the lower back deposits ?
    Wow, there is some crazy advice and/or theories going on in this thread..

    Love handles are generally thought of as the sides, or flanks running around to the lower back..If you turn to the side you can see how the "love handles" wrap around to the rear of the body..

    Genetics are the strongest reason why men have fatty concentrations in these areas..Just as women tend to collect higher volumes of fatty cells in the buttocks, hips, upper thighs, and lower abdominals, men tend to have concentrated areas in the "love handles", frontal lower abdominals, back, and sometimes the thighs..This is mother nature and has years of evolution behind it..Without going into too much detail, the human body is designed to store fat in these areas as part of its survival instinct..When early humans had to endure long periods of fasting, these strores are what sustained them..Okay, enough with the Iceman stories..

    As these areas are highly concentrated, they are often the last areas to show noticeable reduction..Some people can't show marked improvement no matter how disciplined they are or how low their bf gets..Often times these people must resort to surgical intervention for low or high volume procedure..As was touched on above, once these cells are removed, they do not regenerate..However, fat cells can shift..If someone undergoes a liposuction procedure and continues to take in more calories then they are expending, they will gain that weight in other areas that are prone to show weight increases..Lipo is not a pass to go crazy..Diet, excercise, and a healthy lifestyle are still very important to keep your shape..

    Today's procedures are very advanced, but costly..An average procedure for an abdominal liposculpture can range from $4500 to $10,000 US dollars depending on the volume of fat removed..Someone who has 2500cc's or less of fat removal is looking at the low end of the cost range..As more is removed, the cost graduates..Recovery time is generally a few weeks and normal activity is resumed in a month or less depending on some variables..

    I think cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, consistent weight training, and a healthy diet should always be your first attempts at reducing these areas..If this proves unsuccessful over time, it may be necessary to seek out a qualified surgeon..

    Doc M

  4. #44
    beefydragon's Avatar
    beefydragon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MonsterRugby
    Cardio is great to do well on a cycle, because you wont burn muscle. You'll just burn fat. Test burns fat like a mofo.
    **** bro... this bites then. i've gained muscle but noticed only a bit of fat got trimmed away... and i ate HEALTHY and CLEAN... WTF? Genetics?

  5. #45
    MonsterRugby's Avatar
    MonsterRugby is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2003
    tr changing things up a bit... cardio before any big meals.. ie: early morning with .5 bagel or toast in your system.... make sure you do cardio at your THR..

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