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01-08-2004, 03:17 PM #1New Member
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Alright, First cycle, I'm going to do it.
Okay, if you read my other posts, I'm a very educated bodybuilder, and can't afford to wait till I'm 21, as I have plans on going pro. Me and my trainer were talking forahwile, about what would be best for a very beginning cycle. He said go with only deca for 8 weeks. I'm going to do so, but please don't flame me etc. I just want to know. How much clomid should I buy. And correct me if I'm wrong but at low to even moderate doses deca wont convert to much into to estrogen. Should I use an anti-e. Thanks ALso i'm 18, and if you have any comments advocating this, or helping me out on this. I would appriciate if you would pm, as there are many youngsters that should not use drugs, and I dont want them to get any advice. I will agree with AR that 99.9% of teens should not use steroids ! So ya, peace.
01-08-2004, 03:20 PM #2New Member
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18 well im not even going to say it cause it sounds like your going to do it anyway.
01-08-2004, 03:22 PM #3Originally Posted by ExtremeBB
01-08-2004, 03:25 PM #4
If you want to ruin your body that's your business.... But I sure as hell won't help you in the process, as I hope none of the other bro's will either. Even if you went about everything correctly you would still screw yourself up for life. So whether or not we give you any advice really doesn't make a bit of difference.
01-08-2004, 03:29 PM #5New Member
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"Even if you went about everything correctly you would still screw yourself up for life."
I just changed my mind quicker then I ever have. Your right, and thats a scary thought. I'll wait, thanks.
01-08-2004, 03:32 PM #6Originally Posted by ExtremeBB
**** your good taejoon!
01-08-2004, 03:36 PM #7
Even if you went about everything correctly you would still screw yourself up for life.
01-08-2004, 03:38 PM #8Junior Member
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bro i think it is NOT right advocate and I Condone someone as young as this man to do steroids ,
On the other hand i do not agree with a policy the tells young would be users such as this guy that we are just simply not going to give him any advice, it is obvious that this man is really considering doing AS, we cannot stop him but we can educate him on the pros and cons of steroids, and advice him of a either an alternative or a mild beginner cycle, he is not at the safest age to do steroids by any means but we as a learning discussion board forget where we started and where we all came from, no advice is not better advice, ignoring this mans plea for advice is not the right/ or safe things to do, if he decides to do it anyway i think it would be a lot safer if he had some knowledge regarding the facts......
None the less bro yes you are young, you definitely need to learn a lot more, if you have been paying attention to what you are reading then you would know the risks associated with doing AS at such a young age, there is a lot of info out there seek it if your mind is made up hopefully these bro's will remember we are here to help,
Just my 2 cents
01-08-2004, 03:50 PM #9
okay, you are going pro. Why deca only? That is a crappy first cycle. You are 18, I say wait, you won't so I will only tell you how to do it right. I have not read your other threads to see how 'educated' you are, but if you are taking the advice of a trainer, it sounds like you are not as educated as you would like to seem. Given the nature of deca, why run it by itself? You only aim to shut down natural test production and at such an early age, why do you find that necessary? You never know what kind of effects the drug will have on you. Ever think of test? Test is short for testosterone . It is already in your body. Every consider taking that? For being such a glorified, self taught, educated, want to turn pro body builder, I say you have much knowledge to gain my friend. If you want to turn pro, why the rush? Look at all the pros and their age. There is no need to rush into something at your age. If you want some advice from a turning pro youngster, go to beyondmass and contact weight77. He is a little older than you and could give you some way more educated tips on your career goals. Harvey Balboner is a mod over there with him and he posses a lot of knowledge. And btw, stop listening to your trainer.
01-08-2004, 03:51 PM #10Originally Posted by hector999
1. He is not a man, he is an 18 yr old boy. Do you remember how many stupid things you did at that age? Cause I know I do....
2. There are no "Pro's" to using juice at his age. Only "Con's". The only thing he will get from running a cycle right know is wishing for the rest of his life that he hadn't.
01-08-2004, 03:54 PM #11New Member
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See, heres the thing. I really wanna do it, but then I get people that say no dont do it you'll mess up your whole life, then other people that tell me it'll do nothing but good. So, we get remarks from a-z, and it's very hard for me to make the right choice. When people say negitive things it scares me, but when people talk about the results, and the results I know I would obtain I want to and feel like I need to do it. As an extra edge, to push me just allilte more. I'm not some ignorant teen that has no knowledge, I live bodybuilding. I've been thinking seriously about a cycle for allilte over a year. So, can someone please tell me, if I were to do only deca , at a very low dose, say 200mg's a week. Would this harm me, do the benifits of a cycle like this outwiegh the risks is what I'm trying to say. Also I know Im not going to obtain awesome results from a cycle like thismost likley, and the truth is I dont want to. I just want to put on some new mass for my bulking cycle this winter. Please help me out with pros, and cons. Also I agree with some people, that just seeing I'm 18 and saying no dont do it! Isnt the best advice, just because I'm 18 doesnt mean anything. I could be 21 and be the same I am now you know. Thanks
01-08-2004, 03:58 PM #12
I would say the Juiced person isn't with it all that much...good luck on your way to no nuts...and a nice healty set of tits..
01-08-2004, 03:59 PM #13
What benefits? 200mg of deca ? Deca is not god's gift to juicers. If you are going to take anything, take test. If you only understood how the body works as far as testosterone and the ability for test to support muscle mass, you would not be thinking this way. You don't need deca for a first cycle. I just had a friend run about 500mg test a week for about 9 weeks, it was suppose to be 400 @ 10 wks and he gained 23 pounds. If you had been around the boards longer, you would not make this decision. Please reconsider. I leave out your age as a factor, bc you seem deadset on doing it, but personally, I think you should wait till you are at least 20. I give advice from my experience and I waited till about 2 months before my 20th birthday and I am glad I did wait. No telling how I would be if I had started when I wanted to which was when I was 17.
01-08-2004, 03:59 PM #14New Member
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Also 50% natural, thanks for posting. But from what people have told me 200mg's of deca weekly at my age wont really shut me down. I could be wrong, and your most likely right. So i'll consider this, thanks.
01-08-2004, 04:01 PM #15
easy...don't do it! Simple as that. If you want to really watch your self gain, eat right and train like a will know when the time is right. Simple as that.
01-08-2004, 04:02 PM #16New Member
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Okay, 50% natural I posted my last post before I had read your last post. I'll definitally now consider a test only cycle. I'll tell my trainer about it, and the reason I think my trainer knows what hes talkign about. Is because hes a well known bodybuilder.
01-08-2004, 04:04 PM #17
why chance getting shut down? Your body is producing enough test as it is. Look your friends don't have to live with the mistakes you make. Stick around here, learn and see what it takes, then when you get to the point where you arent going anywhere, then entertain the thought.
01-08-2004, 04:05 PM #18Originally Posted by ExtremeBB
01-08-2004, 04:07 PM #19
EBB, if you are serious, go to and talk to weight77. I think he is 20. He is very experienced and wants to turn pro. You can get an idea of how he started off. Believe me, the way you are starting off is on the wrong foot.
01-08-2004, 04:07 PM #20Originally Posted by ExtremeBB
01-08-2004, 04:09 PM #21Originally Posted by ExtremeBB
Here's a post where I went into a little more detail about the dangers of adolescent steroid use , it's a little harsh, and most of the good info is near the bottom:
OK buddy, here comes a nice guy answer.... You have no f**king clue what you're doing, you're too young for juice, you will f**k up your body for life if you start now... How's that... These guys aren't hating on you kid, we get 20 threads a day on this board from 18 year olds like you that shouldn't even know what a needle is, much less be sticking it in their bodies and injecting synthetic hormones. Not only that, but if you weren't so god**** lazy, you would quickly find that by using the 'search' button (which is conveniently located in the upper right hand corner of your screen) all of the questions which you could potentially ask have already been answered at least 100 times. And I'm not exaggerating on that figure, this has been covered at least 100 times, probably in the last week. If you are 135 lbs at 18 years old, you have probably close to another 30-40 lbs you can put on naturally in the next 3-4 years before you start thinking about steroids . And if you start doing them now, you will completely f**k up your endocrine system for life, your epiphisal growth plates will fuse, causing your longitudal bone growth to cease (you will be the height you are now for the rest of your life), you will never be able to gain size ever again, unless you are juicing and many more fun things of which I really will not go into because that should hopefully be enough to deter you from doing something this stupid at your age... Merry Christmas...
01-08-2004, 04:11 PM #22Originally Posted by DARKSEID
01-08-2004, 04:11 PM #23Originally Posted by ExtremeBB
See those pros? The average training time is 10-12 years before turning pro. I seriously doubt that you've been training since you were 8. Only the best of the very best ever even have a CHANCE to turn pro, we're talking less than .0001%. I'm not trying to dash your dreams, but you need to be realistic. If that's your goal, then by all means, train!!!!!!!!!!!!
But you have to understand how much test is running through you already. Your htp axis is still forming, and if you knock it off balance too bad with aas, it WILL screw you for the rest of your life. A doctor could go into more detail, but as a 36 year old with a totally hosed hormonal system, I am speaking from experience. You don't want this. You have choices now. If you screw up your system, you won't.
You need a good old fashioned dose of the one thing that most 18 year olds are in short supply of: patience. Give it time. If you still want to do a cycle of aas when you're older, then by all means, do your homework and do it in an educated fashion.
I can only tell you that you're standing in a room full of gasoline, and you're about to light a match. It's up to you whether you actually strike it or not. I hope you make a good decision.
And best of luck in your quest to turn pro, I seriously hope you are successful.
01-08-2004, 04:12 PM #24New Member
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If you gonna do AAS anyways and not listen to anyone i would go with Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate Deca will shut you down hard!! stick with single ester for now.
01-08-2004, 04:13 PM #25
Great post LH....
01-08-2004, 04:15 PM #26Swellin Guest
Contrary to J*U*icEd's ass, using at your age can screw you up for life! It is a simple medical fact!
How about premature closure of the epiphyseal plates?
How about damaging an immature endocrine system by synthetically altering hormone levels?
It is best if you wait until you are in you mid twenties or older.
01-08-2004, 04:15 PM #27Originally Posted by Taejoon
12-09-2004, 05:06 PM #28New Member
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well bro looks like you have ur mind made up.. not to induce him using roids but if you decide to do, like you already have, good luck with no sex drive or woody's, small doses of some enan once a week would be better than deca . Be smart and wait
12-09-2004, 05:23 PM #29
stay away from the AS! sort ur diet out if u wana bulk up, up the cals and eat clean
12-09-2004, 05:27 PM #30Originally Posted by Taejoon
12-09-2004, 05:29 PM #31VET Retired
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I would like to see some pics. Do you even have the genetic capabilities to turn pro?
12-09-2004, 05:29 PM #32
To be honest...chances are he wouldnt be "screwed up for life" after a cycle or two. I'm sorry but I did play highschool football and a lot of my friends did a couple cycles and never touched the stuff again and theyre doing fine making great gains naturally after the bad choices they make. I believe one of them stunted his growth as he is only 5'6 now and probably for life...but their hormonal systems are fine as far as I know since they are still making great gains.
If you're gonna juice young, dont do anything crazy and be careful and smart. Just know that its not reccomended.
12-09-2004, 05:38 PM #33VET Retired
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Originally Posted by statuZ
12-09-2004, 06:10 PM #34Originally Posted by big k.l.g
12-09-2004, 07:02 PM #35
Dont do roids, especially that cycle, if you do it anyways, go with test e for 10-12 weeks and jumpstart with dbol
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