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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Bicep Injection Question


    I've seen the pictures on spot injections website and they show both styles. One, with the arm extended, and the other, with the arm contracted. I was wondering which is better. Does it make a difference? Obviously you don't want to flex, but you can still have the arm contracted without flexing.


  2. #2
    Demon Deacon's Avatar
    Demon Deacon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terinox

    I've seen the pictures on spot injections website and they show both styles. One, with the arm extended, and the other, with the arm contracted. I was wondering which is better. Does it make a difference? Obviously you don't want to flex, but you can still have the arm contracted without flexing.


    Do it extended it takes less effort

  3. #3
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    In between is best. Sit down in a chair, rest your elbow on your thigh, then inject on the outside. If you get it right, it's easy to go in & painless...
    Is it bad on the inside? I've done a couple Winny shots on the biceps, but I went in the inside (dunno why now, lol). I've done them always extended, so next time I guess I'll try it with arm half way

  4. #4
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    I LOVE MY BI INJECTIONS!!! took a while to get the hang of them but heres what i found best.. I have only done the inside tho..
    sit down and flex ur bi, find the thickest spot on the inside of ur bi..
    inject while holding your forearm at a 90 degree bend.. this flexes the bi slightly.. this is what i found best...

    after doing a bi shot with the bi slightly flexed I do all my injections with the muscle slightly flexed..

    no idea why it hleps me? for me the needle goes in easier with less force and it dosne't hurt as much..

    hope that helps

  5. #5
    kdawg21's Avatar
    kdawg21 is offline Associate Member
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    Personally, I prefer to use larger muscles for injection. They recieve more blood flow and the substance can circulate faster. Plus, there are way to many veins in the bicep region, if you accidently rupture one it will bruise, then you have to answer questions about what the bruise is and how it got there...... it really turns out to be a huge pain. Besides, it is my experience that site injections dont really work, the compounds are moved by the blood flow that reaches the muscle. Where you inject doesnt have that much to do with how much a certain muscle grows.

  6. #6
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    kdawg21- the reason I shot smaller muscles ALONG with bigger ones is that its best not to hit the same muscle more then once a week.. if ur shooting ed or shooting alot of gear then u have no choice but to have several places to shoot..

    i don't think it matters about blood flow to much. Once its in there its all gets circulated within a few hours to the rest of your body.. the heart pumps all blood in the body at the same time..

  7. #7
    BIG21 is offline Associate Member
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    i agree with you prone to a lot of injections a week myself and when running something persay fina, winny, or suspension you have no choice but to find new main reason for this is beause the scar tissue that comes with the injections if youre not rotating regularly you are just shoting into scar tissue that the steroid can not disipate from. also i can feel a much better pump in spot injecting especially in my bis...i also do the inside shot but with my arm hanging down relaxed because im a vascular person and i can view the veins in my arm better hanging.

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