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  1. #1
    Z06Vetteman is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004

    Test sust. and cardio?

    Ok i've just started my 4th week of 500 mg/wk of sust and I was wondering if its ok to do cardio while on this stuff? I'm afraid I will end up getting a heart attack or something so I cut cardio out completely when I started the cycle? What do you guys know about anything that could possibly be detremental if adding cardio along with this stuff? Note: I am taking 20mg-30mg of nolv a day.

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Do cardio. Your heart isn't going to enlarge like you think it is. Having a strong heart is beneficial to lifting weights.

  3. #3
    brandon707 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z06Vetteman
    Ok i've just started my 4th week of 500 mg/wk of sust and I was wondering if its ok to do cardio while on this stuff? I'm afraid I will end up getting a heart attack or something so I cut cardio out completely when I started the cycle? What do you guys know about anything that could possibly be detremental if adding cardio along with this stuff? Note: I am taking 20mg-30mg of nolv a day.
    i actually was wondering the same thing, because i plan on running 3 miles a day while on my upcoming cycle.


  4. #4
    Z06Vetteman is offline New Member
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    The thing that scares me is all the stories I have heard of people dying on steroids has been when they were doing cardio, thats what scares me... I was running over 2 miles a day for the past year (5 out of 7 days a week) so I figured my heart could use a break maybe and it won't effect me too much... i'm also worried about my legs getting huge cause they're already tree trunks cause of the roids?

  5. #5
    fugi1 is offline Junior Member
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    i think it's important to do cardio whether you're bulking/cutting. I'm on a deca /sus bulking cycle and i've started doing cardio with it and it feels great. I don't have to worry about gaining any unwanted fat, and the gains i have made are muscle gains, i'm even not holding as much water as i used to, this is due to losing water when you sweat. The only drug that can be dangerous for your heart is epherdrine/eca stack, when i was on that my heart was like it was going to take off!

  6. #6
    Z06Vetteman is offline New Member
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    What about my legs becoming tree trunks?

  7. #7
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    Some would argue that your lucky to have big legs. Better to have big legs than to look out of proportion in reverse i.e. upper body!

  8. #8
    Z06Vetteman is offline New Member
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    I know I get the lucky thing all the time for having tree trunks but I don't want them to over develop and out weight my upper body that is all... well i went back on cardio today for the first time in three weeks... I will begin trimming down a little while on the test cause from what i've read its possible to do so.

  9. #9
    shootdeep's Avatar
    shootdeep is offline Member
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    adrenaline high
    i used sust EOD last cycle and did cardio as well as played hockey twice a week and i'm still kickin bro.

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