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  1. #1
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    Telling other people the truth about your use

    It seems that the only reason that i dont want to tell people about my use is the misconceptions that people have of AS. They think that it is some form of cheating. An easy way out that they could do as well. They think that if you take them you will become a criminal and ferocious animal. All of these myths just drive me crazy but i know that even if i tell someone about my AS use and even take the time to dispell myths they are still going to tell 10 people and those 10 another 100, and i wont be able to inform everyone of what is going on. When it comes down to it, i dont really care that much about what people think about me but i do care about having my friends respect...i guess i will just have to try and inform them the best i can. What are your takes on this?

  2. #2
    Kdog@usi's Avatar
    Kdog@usi is offline Associate Member
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    I am only telling (going to tell) people who I can trust and who have a consistant role in my life. the ones who I tell I try to inform the best I can, but some will listen & understand, some won't. Oh well If they start spreading it around f*** em they probably aren't trustworthy enough to be my friend. besides hopefully I'll get big enough to where everybody will know anyway!!!!

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Thank the media.

    People favorably acknowledge it a lot better for those that are severly dedicated and know the in's and out's of everything related to health, training, nutrition and so forth... people that have been training for quite sometime rather than a young newbie that doesn't really know what he/she is doing in the first place. You can only agree with people that say someone new to the game jumping on androgens at a young age is not makeing a good choice... but then the uneducated start to run there mouth about the uncredible media jargon and rediculous misconseptions.

    You mention cheating? Here is your retort for them: What's the basis of cheating? Is taking a multi vitamin/mineral cheating? How about the fact that one guy has access to better equipment or better choices of food than another guy - is that cheating? How about the guy that has $5000 a month to spend on a top of the line strength coach to aid him in his progress - is he cheating?

    We all have tools at our disposal to build our house (our bodies - reach our goals) - what tools you have available to you, and choose to use for that matter should be entirely your choice. If I have access to a far more effective nail gun to build some solid walls more effeceintly - than fuk, I am going to use it... (after reading the manual inside and out so I don't shoot myself in the foot with it) ya dig?

  4. #4
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    People accept things the way they're presented to them. If you decide to tell someone, just say it normally. If you don't act like it's a big deal, most people won't either.

  5. #5
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    I don't tell anyone,let them suspect all they want.

  6. #6
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    My view on it is like this... If you want to keep something a secret you don't tell ANYONE ever! To me talking about gear, usage, etc is almost like talking to people about what you make per year at your job. When you really think about it, what good can come from telling people? Nothing! It will cause jealousy, and the spreading of lies. The media has propagated so much missinformation and BS that the average joe on the street is "programed" to think, see, and hear 1 side of the issue. I really don't care what people think either, but then again I'd just assume people not know what is going on in my personal life. Just my .02.



  7. #7
    snoopydogj is offline New Member
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    I tell no one. Just people on boards. There is no need to tell everyone. Like Da Bull said, "let them suspect all they want."

  8. #8
    jbol's Avatar
    jbol is offline Senior Member
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    the only person i tell is my fiance,she has to know because she is the one who injects me............though i do think it is a good idea to tell someone close to you that you can trust,let them know what your useing and the doses you use,just for the fact if something was to happen to you(hopefully not,but you never know)they can tell the doc.
    Last edited by jbol; 02-17-2004 at 01:58 PM.

  9. #9
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    I only told my close friends..but when I went home to see my family I heard a lot of people either asked me if I was taking them or were talking behind my back...To be honest I don't give a ****..because if you are a nice well mannered person then they will see that and maybe it will change their mind about about steroid use ...I know that happened to many of my friends when I finally told them...they were like "yeah you are the same person..just bigger"

  10. #10
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    the only one im going to trust is my girlfriend!
    if the others will be suspicious and will ask why im much biigger in such a short time (i hope) i will say: creatine, tribulus, protein, etc etc.
    i train with people thinking that 2 lbs of protein can last for 1 month and that 3gr of creatine is considered doping!!!

  11. #11
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    Taking steroids is a choice you make. Live with the consequences of taking them.I,myself haven't taken any. If i did i wouldnt go around saying yea buddy look at me im on steroids,woo hoo..I think people that are true about the whole concept of bodybuidling/weightlifting,and are not just trying to get a quick fix to be "ripped for summer" "can u get me some winny man?" Those kind of people dont need steroids.They need their asses kicked first and then they need to grasp the concept of it all. You get what you put into it.
    It's like everything else in life.If you bust your ass at it your going to get where you want.Now with bodybuilding/powerlifting.I think the goals that are set for someone to be happy are really crazy goals.I've almost reach my original goal of 500 pound bench press naturally that i set for myself years and years ago.I know that sounds childish,but at the same time i think everyone at one point has the same view on what they want or at least similar.
    I must say for people that are 100% natural,and acheiving their goals. Its more of a pride thing sometimes,it takes more then a day to build a greek god..but i think then there comes a time when you say ok ive done what i wanted to now.I've put myself through hell,and got what i wanted..People have seen the changes and are telling me how ive gained. What about a.s??? I dont think the problem is with people that have done this and gained more from it...The problem is people that just want to "get big" or "get abs" for summer...and if you asked them what a bulking diet consists of its "a lot of food." A lot of times i will say why do you want to cheat yourself? If you have never put in hard work,then you dont need steroids you just need determination...If you need steroids to wanna work out then i'd rather you just sit at home on the couch or go drink a few more beers bro...

  12. #12
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    Well said CC. Nothing good can come of it, especially when you think long term.

    Quote Originally Posted by CarbonCopy
    My view on it is like this... If you want to keep something a secret you don't tell ANYONE ever! To me talking about gear, usage, etc is almost like talking to people about what you make per year at your job. When you really think about it, what good can come from telling people? Nothing! It will cause jealousy, and the spreading of lies. The media has propagated so much missinformation and BS that the average joe on the street is "programed" to think, see, and hear 1 side of the issue. I really don't care what people think either, but then again I'd just assume people not know what is going on in my personal life. Just my .02.



  13. #13
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    I agree with Da Bull, none of their ****n business.

  14. #14
    speedtraining's Avatar
    speedtraining is offline Senior Member
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    Don't tell no one never know when some one will change there viewpoint of you...Tell a doctor who has to stay confidential and get check ups..

  15. #15
    RussianVodka's Avatar
    RussianVodka is offline Senior Member
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    What? Why I'm big? Am I doing roids? No roids at all, just protein drinks and bowflex:-)

  16. #16
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    You mention cheating? Here is your retort for them: What's the basis of cheating? Is taking a multi vitamin/mineral cheating? How about the fact that one guy has access to better equipment or better choices of food than another guy - is that cheating? How about the guy that has $5000 a month to spend on a top of the line strength coach to aid him in his progress - is he cheating?

    We all have tools at our disposal to build our house (our bodies - reach our goals) - what tools you have available to you, and choose to use for that matter should be entirely your choice. If I have access to a far more effective nail gun to build some solid walls more effeceintly - than fuk, I am going to use it... (after reading the manual inside and out so I don't shoot myself in the foot with it) ya dig?
    These 2 paragraphs sum it all up for me. Great post Warrior!!! My wife and I were actually just discussing this the other day. And we came up with some of the same things your have posted.

    We went on to discuss this even further by mentioning using creatine, or whey protein or glutamine. When does it stop? You can term it all as cheating.

    If someone wants to use creatine well I guess that are just using the top of the line Hammer to build that house you speak of Warrior while we choose to spend a little more and by the nail gun. I love that analogy.
    Last edited by Shredz; 02-18-2004 at 09:52 AM.

  17. #17
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    SOON THEY WILL BE BANNING BREAST MILK!!!...for it's performance enhancing properties..."if your child was weened as an infant, they cannot compete in the olympics"

    It's a sad state of affairs when there is no such thing as a natural competition anymore, atleast the competitors aren't.

  18. #18
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    SOON THEY WILL BE BANNING BREAST MILK!!!...for it's performance enhancing properties..."if your child was weened as an infant, they cannot compete in the olympics"

    It's a sad state of affairs when there is no such thing as a natural competition anymore, atleast the competitors aren't.
    The OIC wanted to ban Sodium Bicarbonate at one time - athletes were using it as a blood buffer to aid their training... but then of course the issue was - do you ban baked goods then? Sodium Bicarbonate is the ingredient in Baking Soda. Of course it was never added to their banned substance list...

  19. #19
    daman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    People accept things the way they're presented to them. If you decide to tell someone, just say it normally. If you don't act like it's a big deal, most people won't either.
    Exactly. Remember, opinions are like assholes. Every one's got them.

  20. #20
    Kahuna is offline Junior Member
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    The only people that know I juice are you and one of my best friends who also juices. My closest family members don't even know. When I start getting huge and all pumped I tell them I'm just eating a lot more protein and trainning harder at the gym which is the truth. I've been accused of using juice long before I every started so when people at the gym start talking it doesnt effect me at all. I just ignore all the haters and stick to the hardcore.

  21. #21
    asiancuts's Avatar
    asiancuts is offline Associate Member
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    i started a thread exactly like this last month. at the time, i was a little angry with how we are percieved by society. since then, i've come to terms with the situation and realized it is my life choice, and as long as i take the necessary precautions, i won't be in any serious danger. so those who think i'm an idiot who is gonna suffer severe problems can kiss my ass, i don't care.

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