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  1. #1
    POWERSTROKE is offline Associate Member
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    Quick questions...

    Where can I find info on loading deca and test into one syringe for one shot? Or really mixing any two... Also, how many CC's can I inject into one spot at a time safely ? Thanks. -Henry

  2. #2
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    3cc's is always safe at a time, 2cc of test 1cc deca , vice versa, 1.5cc of each.

    Just stick it into the first vial, suck up what you need, tap tap tap-a-roo for air bubbles, push em out, go to the 2nd vial, pull out what you need of that one, tap tap tap-a-roo, push air out, swab arse, HIT IT!

  3. #3
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    You make that sound so fun!

  4. #4
    Arnold Zane is offline New Member
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    my Girlfriend hates pushing 3 cc's in. She is just so weak she has to stop and get a hammer and start hammering away

  5. #5
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool No, PaPa . . . Wait! (Minor point . . .)

    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    Just stick it into the first vial, suck up what you need, tap tap tap-a-roo for air bubbles, push em out, go to the 2nd vial, pull out what you need of that one, tap tap tap-a-roo, push air out, swab arse, HIT IT!
    PaPa's right as usual, but he left out one important step in the process . . .

    Remember that when you draw solution out of a vial, you should inject an equal amount of air uinto the vial. So, if you are going to inject, say, 1-1/2 cc's of each solution, the FIRST step is:

    Draw up 1-1/2 cc's of air into your needle and inject it into the first vial. Withrdaw the needle and draw up another 1-1/2 cc's of air, the inject that into the second vial.

    While you are in the second vial, draw up 1-1/2 cc's of solution and withdraw the needle. Then go back to the first vial (which has already had 1-1/2 cc's of "replacement air" injected into it) and draw the other 1-1/2 cc's.

    The main challenge here is to avoid pushing one solution into the other vial. You push twice (air), then you pull twice (solution). Remember not to pull the first solution, then pushing it into the other vial when you should be pulling from the
    other vial into the needle as well. (A lot of diabetics who have to mix two kinds of insulin in the same needle get hung up on this, but you do get used to the process.)

    Other than the air issue, well done as usual, PaPaPump - right down to the tap-a-roo's.

  6. #6
    POWERSTROKE is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2001
    Mooresville, NC.
    Thanks everyone... It's not just anywhere you can read about the tap-a-roo's

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