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  1. #1
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    stop just telling everyone to read up

    I know this is a good site and some people here know more than others, and that knowone means to be a smart arse but. Ive posted questions and been told to read the educational post and not to use dianabol . Now I have read lots of sites and post and books and had conversationwith many bodybuilders. Many of the information is conflicting complecated and difficult to understand. So when I put a post asking politley for members advice and points of veiw I find it irritating that poeple tell me to read the ed threads then give me advice that conflicts with what the ed thread says. Instead of telling me to research research research remember that asking for points of veiw is research and either give me advice to the best of your knolwedge or dont bother just telling me to read up assumes I have not already and what is the point of a forum if not to discuss opinions and experiences. I hope I dont sound ungrateful as I do not wish to be disliked but to make freinds.

    The jist of my original question was wether or not recovery after 12 16 wks of test and dianabol would with hcg clomid and nolvadex would mean that Ill be ok to go naturall I am considering what test to take and all opions and experiences are appreciated. what would be the bets way to run dianabol and ethinate ive heard the ethinate has bad side effects would prefer propionate but its to short lived for my liking pls post some ideas and dont give me to much greif or call me ungrateful as I dont mean to be

  2. #2
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    research on how to write a thread that gets your question answered

    and don't post the same question twice in an hour in two separate threads

  3. #3
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Why are you posting this twice

  4. #4
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DARKSEID
    Why are you posting this twice
    beat you!!!

  5. #5
    DARKSEID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    beat you!!!
    little bastard, lol jk

  6. #6
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    I know this is a good site and some people here know more than others, and that knowone means to be a smart arse but. Ive posted questions and been told to read the educational post and not to use dianabol . Now I have read lots of sites and post and books and had conversationwith many bodybuilders. Many of the information is conflicting complecated and difficult to understand. So when I put a post asking politley for members advice and points of veiw I find it irritating that poeple tell me to read the ed threads then give me advice that conflicts with what the ed thread says. Instead of telling me to research research research remember that asking for points of veiw is research and either give me advice to the best of your knolwedge or dont bother just telling me to read up assumes I have not already and what is the point of a forum if not to discuss opinions and experiences. I hope I dont sound ungrateful as I do not wish to be disliked but to make freinds.

    The jist of my original question was wether or not recovery after 12 16 wks of test and dianabol would with hcg clomid and nolvadex would mean that Ill be ok to go naturall I am considering what test to take and all opions and experiences are appreciated. what would be the bets way to run dianabol and ethinate ive heard the ethinate has bad side effects would prefer propionate but its to short lived for my liking pls post some ideas and dont give me to much greif or call me ungrateful as I dont mean to be
    there is a ton of useful info on this site....some people are too lazy to utilize it....they would rather fire up a thread and let others and myself do the work for them....and when you have answered 1000+ dumb questions like i have, that's when you start replying with "RESEARCH"

  7. #7
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    well listen pal Id sooner you didnt reply than just reply research this is the kind of smart arse attitude Im talking about. What is the point of typing research who are you to consider my questions dumb if you find them dumb then dont reply it is dumb to reply to someone who is researching by asking questions to research for all you know I am extremeley poor and do not have the funds to buy books but because you are high and mighty anyone wanting info is dumb research some manners pal and maybe some understanding

  8. #8
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    first of all, i was'nt just talking about your thread....i was talking about many threads in general.......second of all, reading your thread and replies gives me a are from england, so speak german and my english is 1000x better than yours

  9. #9
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    my english

    If youre english was anygood you would know we were typing not speaking and Im looking after my three toddlers while typing the queens finest so sorry if the puncuation isnt what you were taught at school and your reply to my original post was rude and you were talking about my post but masking this with a thin vail by telling me how many dumb post you read you are a smart arse who gets a haedache from the net get of the net and in the gym you fat german

  10. #10
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    If youre english was anygood you would know we were typing not speaking and Im looking after my three toddlers while typing the queens finest so sorry if the puncuation isnt what you were taught at school and your reply to my original post was rude and you were talking about my post but masking this with a thin vail by telling me how many dumb post you read you are a smart arse who gets a haedache from the net get of the net and in the gym you fat german
    no, the punctuation is'nt what we were taught....mostly because you are'nt using can run your cycle, then 10 more cycles and you won't be in 1/2 the shape i'm in........

  11. #11
    Viking_Power's Avatar
    Viking_Power is offline Associate Member
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    Tuna first of all try to post your question so that everyone understands what your saying...


  12. #12
    Pwrlfter is offline Junior Member
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    WTF is ethinate? :P

  13. #13
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    D-bol 25-30mg/ed ..................wks 1-4
    Test enanthte 400-500mg/wk ...wks 1-12
    Clomid therapy start wk 15 (300/100/50)
    Nolva 20mg/ed throughout cycle and PCT.


  14. #14
    tmeoe's Avatar
    tmeoe is offline Associate Member
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    Well the only reason we tell people to research is b/c we don't have time to explain how every single compound out there works to everyone who asks. IT should be your job to research anything you are planning to put in your body thoroughly. Then propose a cycle and we can critique it for you. I don't feel like holding everyones hand through there cycle. Yes there is plenty of conflicting views, but with a simple search for "Dianabol " or "Enanthate " you will find plenty of information about the compounds and how they are run.

    Please don't come in here and tell us how to run the board and then get mad at members who would want nothing more than to help you out. You are just burning bridges my friend.

    By the way the cycle that xxxl83 layed out for you is a pretty basic cycle.

  15. #15
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    3,952 gotta love newbies that want us to hold their hands andtell them everything so they dont ave to do the work...and then when we do help them by saying..."no, dont do that"...they com back with "why, the big dude at hegym said i could and hes 3 times bigger than any of you" your own work and quit crying...

    xxx wrote you out a cycle, so take it or leave it...

  16. #16
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    Another newbie winning friends. You need to research and no you don't have to buy a book. All the info you need is here. Some people come on here never ask a question and learn everything they need to know. Now these people have a little patience and are not willing to ask a question that has been asked a thousand times.

    Take some of your own advice. If you don't like what I just said, don't respond to it.

  17. #17
    jbol's Avatar
    jbol is offline Senior Member
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    why is there 2 posts on this? didnt like the 1st answers so you start another post? cmon man your gonna get the same responses on this post.
    Last edited by jbol; 02-25-2004 at 09:41 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    I say ban tuna.

  19. #19
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuna

    The jist of my original question was wether or not recovery after 12 16 wks of test and dianabol would with hcg clomid and nolvadex would mean that Ill be ok to go naturall

    I was gonna respond to this in a nice informative manner but after reading how this thread took off, I am kinda irritated with it too. Like everyone else said: You need to learn how to write questions that make sense.

    Lets take the quote above that I am assuming is a question. The way you have it worded makes it look like you have three different questions rolled into one and neither of them makes sense. For one: "Mean that I'll be ok to go natural. WTF does GO NATURAL mean? If you are on steroids , you are NO LONGER natural. Apparently your research didnt pay off. If you have questions like that, you cant expect people to even consider suggesting you use steroids . Thats why they tell you to research.
    For two: How long is your clomid and nolva gonna be and when the F U C K do you plan on taking clomid and nolva AFTER you have been on test and dbol for 12-16 weeks.

    What EXACTLY is your question and give ALL the info the vets and mods need to answer your question.

    Like they said. You arent on the right track towards popularity.

  20. #20
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone gotta love newbies that want us to hold their hands andtell them everything so they dont ave to do the work...and then when we do help them by saying..."no, dont do that"...they com back with "why, the big dude at hegym said i could and hes 3 times bigger than any of you" your own work and quit crying...

    xxx wrote you out a cycle, so take it or leave it...

    Maybe I could go into the gym and lift for him too

    Listen bro all the info at this site is free and anyone who doesn't want to research at least the basics on his own doesn't deserve to be here - just apologize for all the whining and this will all stop - now I know all these mean people have made you feel bad and a little blue :spudnikpa now turn that frown upside down : LOL

  21. #21
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    Arent I Popular (not)

    Listen it takes alot for me to say sorry.
    Now to all the big strong body builders who I upset Im sorry but I think some people round here take them selfes a little seriously. One funny looking fella wanted to ban me, what for asking questions in a way he didnt like, And for getting mad when people insulted me called me dumb thick lazy unpopular. JE WIZ I think people forget that cause we arent face to face you shouldnt be rude. Would anyone speak to someone the way you replied to my post I wouldt dare. My mom would beat the manners back into me. There was a german fellow That I was rude to and Im sorry I am slightly bad tempered when provoked to the motorbike guy I meant what I said you suck many others too. But I got some really helpfull coments and cycles from most members so thats my point If the people who didnt like my questions just didnt answer them instead of posting derogitory self gratifying nonesense then I would have got a totally positive experience from this site and would recomend it to others and the site would grow and all would benefit. As it is this is a good site and I will recomend it and enjoy using it that is inspite of some pretty harsh stuff from some members.

    In conclusion the good outweighed the bad. This sie has some top members good research info that I HAVE READ. And understood some ( I am not a doctor and am not ashamed to admit that I do not understand some of the complicated lingo and chemistry) of it. So to the members who gave me positive advice and opinions thanks If I was nasty to any one except those who suck (you know who you are, I know you know you suck Insecurity is why bullies bully) then im sorry if this post is utter bollocks im sorry ive been up all day working looking after my family and training and think Ive gone off on a mad rant

  22. #22
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    Listen it takes alot for me to say sorry.
    Now to all the big strong body builders who I upset Im sorry but I think some people round here take them selfes a little seriously. One funny looking fella wanted to ban me, what for asking questions in a way he didnt like, And for getting mad when people insulted me called me dumb thick lazy unpopular. JE WIZ I think people forget that cause we arent face to face you shouldnt be rude. Would anyone speak to someone the way you replied to my post I wouldt dare. My mom would beat the manners back into me. There was a german fellow That I was rude to and Im sorry I am slightly bad tempered when provoked to the motorbike guy I meant what I said you suck many others too. But I got some really helpfull coments and cycles from most members so thats my point If the people who didnt like my questions just didnt answer them instead of posting derogitory self gratifying nonesense then I would have got a totally positive experience from this site and would recomend it to others and the site would grow and all would benefit. As it is this is a good site and I will recomend it and enjoy using it that is inspite of some pretty harsh stuff from some members.

    In conclusion the good outweighed the bad. This sie has some top members good research info that I HAVE READ. And understood some ( I am not a doctor and am not ashamed to admit that I do not understand some of the complicated lingo and chemistry) of it. So to the members who gave me positive advice and opinions thanks If I was nasty to any one except those who suck (you know who you are, I know you know you suck Insecurity is why bullies bully) then im sorry if this post is utter bollocks im sorry ive been up all day working looking after my family and training and think Ive gone off on a mad rant

    "Cocaine is a helluva Drug " Rick James as himself on Chapelle's Show LOL J/K Bro - thanks for the apology

  23. #23
    treyone is offline Junior Member
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    lol tuna u strugglin man, its real hard to understand what u are talkin about cuz your english skills are newb, and it seems like u are sayin tha same thing over and over...

  24. #24
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    life is a stuggle man but the tunsta keeps on going...gona try and make my post more trendy with some full stops... exclamation marks!!! maybe tell some jokes
    A man goes to a fancy dress with his girlfreind on his back
    the hostess says.. who have you come as
    man says im a turtle thats me shell..

    you get it turtle michelle his girlfreind me shell

    ha aha aha aha aha

  25. #25
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    The jist of my original question was wether or not recovery after 12 16 wks of test and dianabol would with hcg clomid and nolvadex would mean that Ill be ok to go naturall

    Like I said in the other thread. We dont know what the hell you mean when you type a question like that. Then you get pissed at us because we tell you we dont know what you are asking. No need for jokes or fancy exlimation marks.

  26. #26
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    ...I like to type while i'm in the shower!
    .....I like to type while i'm lifting weights
    I like to type while i'm dancing

    OH sorry...Is this a meaningful thread

  27. #27
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    Read up....

  28. #28
    Swellin Guest
    Well Tuna, I think you are being beaten over the head a little strong here. I also think that you asked for it. So there is no need for me to come on here and kick you in the nuts again.

    Treat the other bros with respect, and you will get much better info from us. We are here to help each other and to learn. Yes, your question (as best I understand it) has been answered humerous times before on this site. Running a few searches should have resulted in plenty of previous threads answering your intial questions. I think you probably understand that now.

    Looking back....I would say forget the hcg and do something like xxx posted.
    Actually, I have done the research for you and others, and I have posted a link to it in my signature. Follow the link about first cycles. Ron has a fantastic post on the how's and why's of a first cycle (I hope he doesn't see this and read about me kissing his ass).

    Many other bros have excellent information linked in their might take a look at some of them.

    I can't end without a comment about Asym and the bickering that went on. Tuna, you are new and have not had the opportunity to read many of his posts. He is a very highly respected bro here. He is always willing to help and gives excellent advice. BTW, he is a BIG f ucking German. He got that way because he knows his stuff. Don't let this experience keep you from heeding his advice whereever you see it.

    Chill a bit bro. Best of luck with your cycle.

    PS...that's it...I paid way too many compliments in this I feel the need to flame both Ron and Asym...just so they don't think I've gone soft.

  29. #29
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    Well Tuna, I think you are being beaten over the head a little strong here. I also think that you asked for it. So there is no need for me to come on here and kick you in the nuts again.

    Treat the other bros with respect, and you will get much better info from us. We are here to help each other and to learn. Yes, your question (as best I understand it) has been answered humerous times before on this site. Running a few searches should have resulted in plenty of previous threads answering your intial questions. I think you probably understand that now.

    Looking back....I would say forget the hcg and do something like xxx posted.
    Actually, I have done the research for you and others, and I have posted a link to it in my signature. Follow the link about first cycles. Ron has a fantastic post on the how's and why's of a first cycle (I hope he doesn't see this and read about me kissing his ass).

    Many other bros have excellent information linked in their might take a look at some of them.

    I can't end without a comment about Asym and the bickering that went on. Tuna, you are new and have not had the opportunity to read many of his posts. He is a very highly respected bro here. He is always willing to help and gives excellent advice. BTW, he is a BIG f ucking German. He got that way because he knows his stuff. Don't let this experience keep you from heeding his advice whereever you see it.

    Chill a bit bro. Best of luck with your cycle.

    PS...that's it...I paid way too many compliments in this I feel the need to flame both Ron and Asym...just so they don't think I've gone soft.
    You are 100% right swellin....go ahead and flame me, I deserve it....Can I use roid rage as an excuse?

  30. #30
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    don't listen to asymetrical, he's satan

  31. #31
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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  32. #32
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    I do not post on here frequently. However, I read most of the topics that are posted here daily. You see my status may say newbie but that does not actually make me an idiot. I realize that many people that are "newbies" post topics that are just ridiculous."Can I take dbol alone?" "Can i drink winny?" Things that they should have already read here. However, I do agree with tuna by saying there is no point in posting "do reasearch." If they were going to do that they would not be asking the questions they are asking. I would consider that "post whoring" as some people on here say.
    Just because a topic on here is something we see every single day there is obvoiusly someone that doesn't know any better.This is a forum where people need to ask questions about things. I would not answer a question i felt is redundant,but i wouldnt post "do research" either. Just because i dont feel like typing out a novel to the person telling them every single thing to do in their lives,does not mean someone else won't..Therefore i'll leave the gate open for those who chose to babysit. However I do notice the unusual amount of pricks that post on this site. It's one thing to joke around and have fun or help someone with some knowledge you chose to share,but there is absolutely no reason for being a prick to someone if they are just asking a question. I'm not talking about any specifics here,but im sure we have all seen it..Realize that everyone on here was a newbie at one time and you prolly was wondering the same questions too. If people are going to complain and cry about anyone on here it should be the as$holes that always have some smarta$$ remark to someones question. Seeing both sides of the coin might make you see what some of the people on here that don't know dbol from tylenol are thinking. I realize it's a pain to see the same things posted over and over,but you can disregard them just as easy as i can. God forbid someone take 2 seconds out of your ar review browsing time with a pointless post,and you rag their as$ for a week about it.
    Futhermore, I'm confident that this post will get the common as$holes attention.They will not like it,but it shows the truth of some people on AR. If someone has been on AR for years and has great knowledge then share your wisdome.That is what the site is for am i correct? Just like the people I see getting bashed for pictures they post of themselves.If someone has the balls to post their picture on here thats great.They can even track their progress with some of the friends they have developed on AR,but there always has to be some as$hole to make a smartas$ remark to them. I really don't think the "newbies" are the problem here I personally feel if you wanna see where the problems are you might check the people that have been on here for awhile..

  33. #33
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    Too even show people what some people are like on AR...You have seen the messege up above..Realize that my post was not a direct hit at either of the two members that were posting..Basically it was to show that everyone sees things in different ways.. I know i am going to catch flack over it and i dont really care...You have some people on here that you can depend on for answers and some you can depend on to be as$holes it's just the way it is. My post must have offended a certain person though because i just received this....................

    did i offend you? seems to me that you are crying in that post with the english wanker....if you don't like what i got to say, kiss my ripped ass pimp faggot.........stfu noob"
    Hmmmmmmmmm I really wonder why i would say this "I really don't think the "newbies" are the problem here I personally feel if you wanna see where the problems are you might check the people that have been on here for awhile.."

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    . But I got some really helpfull coments and cycles from most members so thats my point If the people who didnt like my questions just didnt answer them instead of posting derogitory self gratifying nonesense then I would have got a totally positive experience from this site and would recomend it to others and the site would grow and all would benefit. As it is this is a good site and I will recomend it and enjoy using it that is inspite of some pretty harsh stuff from some members.
    Your going to have that here bro..Some people here try to help,others just look for a reason to be a dick...

  35. #35
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodtobeapimp
    Your going to have that here bro..Some people here try to help,others just look for a reason to be a dick...
    Thanks for sticking up for me bro, Felt like I was back on the school playground for a while there. Good to know that the geeks flaming me were geeks and not that Id turned into the most annoying human ever over night.

    Anyway got some gear course will look like

    wk1 mon-fri dianabol 10 mg

    wk2 mon fri dianabol 10mg + fri 250mg sust

    wk3 mon-fri dianabol 15mg + mon 100mg prop wed 250 mg sust

    wk4 mon_fri dianabol 20 mg + wed 250 mg sust

    wk5 mon_fri dianabol 25mg + mon 100mg prop wed 100mg prop fri 100mg prop

    wk 6mon -fri dianabol 25mg +mon 1oomg prop wed 100mg prop fri 100mg prop

    wk7 mon-fri dianabol 20 mg +mon 250mg sust

    wk8 mon-fri dianabol 15mg + mon prop wed prop fri prop

    wk9 mon fri dianabol 10mg

    wk10 mon-fri dianabol 5mg

    wk11 hcg ???

    wk12 ??

    wk 13 clomid

    nolvadex 20mg tabs daily throughout

    Not sure of when to use the hcg or clomid and how to take em.
    will look that up if that course is way off base could some one pls tell me

  36. #36
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Anyway got some gear course will look like

    wk1 mon-fri dianabol 10 mg

    wk2 mon fri dianabol 10mg + fri 250mg sust

    wk3 mon-fri dianabol 15mg + mon 100mg prop wed 250 mg sust

    wk4 mon_fri dianabol 20 mg + wed 250 mg sust

    wk5 mon_fri dianabol 25mg + mon 100mg prop wed 100mg prop fri 100mg prop

    wk 6mon -fri dianabol 25mg +mon 1oomg prop wed 100mg prop fri 100mg prop

    wk7 mon-fri dianabol 20 mg +mon 250mg sust

    wk8 mon-fri dianabol 15mg + mon prop wed prop fri prop

    wk9 mon fri dianabol 10mg

    wk10 mon-fri dianabol 5mg

    wk11 hcg ???

    wk12 ??

    wk 13 clomid

    nolvadex 20mg tabs daily throughout

    Not sure of when to use the hcg or clomid and how to take em.
    will look that up if that course is way off base could some one pls tell me

    that cycle is horrible, might wanna rethink it

  37. #37
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    that cycle is horrible, might wanna rethink it[/QUOTE]

    whats horrible about that then mate thought the sust is a good test prop is to and is short lived so will aid a fast recovery dianabol is a good builder. but if you can tell me why that course is horrible I will rethink dont wanna mess up my body

  38. #38
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    tuna, i'm not trying to flame you, but that cycle is horrible, this is one example of why people are dicks, you ask our advice about something we've answered a hundred times, we take the time to tell you our opinion, then you go out and do whatever you want to do, please, don't waste your time with that cycle

  39. #39
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE=DARKSEID]Anyway got some gear course will look like

    wk1 mon-fri dianabol 10 mg

    wk2 mon fri dianabol 10mg + fri 250mg sust

    wk3 mon-fri dianabol 15mg + mon 100mg prop wed 250 mg sust

    wk4 mon_fri dianabol 20 mg + wed 250 mg sust

    wk5 mon_fri dianabol 25mg + mon 100mg prop wed 100mg prop fri 100mg prop

    wk 6mon -fri dianabol 25mg +mon 1oomg prop wed 100mg prop fri 100mg prop

    wk7 mon-fri dianabol 20 mg +mon 250mg sust

    wk8 mon-fri dianabol 15mg + mon prop wed prop fri prop

    wk9 mon fri dianabol 10mg

    wk10 mon-fri dianabol 5mg

    wk11 hcg ???

    wk12 ??

    wk 13 clomid

    nolvadex 20mg tabs daily throughout

    Not sure of when to use the hcg or clomid and how to take em.
    will look that up if that course is way off base could some one pls tell me

    No need to ramp dbol , those doses will do nothing for you, your mixing tests and not even staying on them long enough to get the desired effects, your blood levels are gonna be all over the place, sust is better taken eod, dbol is run as a kickstart not throughout the cycle, hcg isn't necessary, and your planning on starting clomid 5 weeks after prop, when it's a short ester. Did I miss anything?

  40. #40
    tuna is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    tuna, i'm not trying to flame you, but that cycle is horrible, this is one example of why people are dicks, you ask our advice about something we've answered a hundred times, we take the time to tell you our opinion, then you go out and do whatever you want to do, please, don't waste your time with that cycle
    listen little dude I thought it was a good course I read what was written yest but dont wanna take enan so whats horrible about taking prop and sust and dianabol

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