I tried Melatonin while working a nightshift to get some sleep during the day. The stuff sure worked for me: Within the hour I would feel groggy and then I would pass out just fine and have a good nights sleep dreams and all.

The problem was that I started to feel a bit more anxious than usual while using melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body. It's involved in the body's biological clock, which affects your sleep cycle and your body's production of other hormones. There are also claims that melatonin supplements slow the aging process, protect the body from toxins, boost the immune system, and prevent cancer; sounds good, hu?

People taking melatonin supplements have reported side effects that include headache, daytime sleepiness, drowsiness, dizziness, stomach cramps, and irritability. I, however, felt that something was a little bit "off" while taking it. So I chose to discontinue using the stuff.

Has anyone else noticed anything similar with it?