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  1. #1
    hmlmike is offline New Member
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    Miami, FL

    Question mid-cycle crisis!!!

    I am taking 500mg of tes enanthate /week and 400mg of deca /week I am on course for a tenweek cycle of both. After 3 weeks I am up to 161 from 152 and I am much stronger, also I have dropped body fat

    I am done with my third week of both. I have all the deca i need for my cycle but I am out of test enanthate.

    My source is also out, however he has test cypionate 250mg/cc

    He claims I should actually switch to this test to not allow my body to get accustomed but I'm not sure if this a selling technique.

    He also says that test cypionate will retain less water and cause less bloating.

    SHould i switch mid-cycle or wait for test enanthate???

    Thanks in advance everyone...

  2. #2
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by sk*
    you can switch to cyp, for "practical purposes" there is no difference between enan and cyp

    however, i suggest for next time, you get all your gear beforehand
    dito...always get all your gear together before hand..but that is just a beginners mistake..i am sure you won't do that again..

    hope it all works out for ya..good luck

  3. #3
    Iconn's Avatar
    Iconn is offline Associate Member
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    There is one carbon atom difference between cyp and enan so the difference is very small. I have a friend that can takegrams of enanthate and not see negative sides but gets bitch tits looking at cypionate . They all cause water retention(except maybe prop) and salt retention. Yes get all the stuff before. That requires patience.

  4. #4
    Ironweb's Avatar
    Ironweb is offline Member
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    I have come to learn that test. is test. It is the esters that seperate the types. The ester is basically the time release of testosterone . It is held in suspension by the ester until the ester expires and the test. is then release. The two basically has the same type of ester. Please correct someone if I am wrong I am still learning myself.

  5. #5
    hmlmike is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002
    Miami, FL
    thanks for all the info

    ill plan ahead next time...

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