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Test Cyp. Cycle Update

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by , 02-14-2011 at 02:40 PM (1101 Views)
Its been almost 2 weeks since my last Blog... Tomorrow is my 10th Injection of Test Cyp 200mg/wk. My strength has increased a bit, nothing to brag about. I try to finish with cardio on certain days, 2-3x week for 30-45 minutes.

I've noticed that I'm starting to shed a bit in the shower...One thing I wanted to avoid, but hey you only live once dude.

No acne, no puffy nipples, occasionally I see my face bloat bit and resides as I still continue to take Aromasin 12.5mg EOD.

My wrist pain and elbow pain is gone, so I'm anxious to start lifting heavier, been holding back on some parts like Bi's, Chest, Shoulder. Mean while I've been doubling on Back, Legs, Tris's.

I also revised my diet to reach 3000 Cals...I can critique 18523135 peoples diet and come up with a solution, but when it comes to my diet, I scratch my head and shrug my shoulders.... Below is my current diet, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I work late and work out late so this is my Diet for that, only difference in other days is work out time is between 5-6:30 oppose to working out at 8PM. Week Ends I work out in the AM or Noon-ish, Macros don't change much.

6 Egg White 22/1.2/0 102 cals
1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter 4/3.5/8 95 cals
1 Scoop Nature’s Best Low Carb Isopure 25/1.5/.5 105 cals
1/2 cup Oats 5/27/3 150 cals
1 Fish Oil 0/0/2 18 cals

56/33/13.5 470cals

8.oz Chicken Breast (Skinless) 69/0/8 348 cals
1 cup Brown Rice 4/45.8/0 199 cals

73/45.8/8 547cals

8.oz Chicken Breast (Skinless)69/0/8 348 cals
1 cup Brown Rice 4/45.8/0 199 cals

73/45.8/8 547cals

1 can Tuna 40/0/1.1 180 cals
1 tbsp Mayo (w.Olive oil) 0/2/4 44 cals

40/2/5.1 213 cals

6:00PM (Pre-Work Out)
8.oz Chicken Breast (Skinless)69/0/8 348 cals
1 cup Brown Rice 4/45.8/0 199 cals

73/45.8/8 547cals

8:00PM Work Out
40g IDS Waximaise 0/40/0 140cals

0/40/0 160cals

9:30PM (Post Work Out)
2 Scoop Nature’ Best Low Carb Isopure 50/3/1 210 cals
1/2 cup Oats 5/27/3 150 cals

55/30/4 360 cals

1 Scoop Optimum Nutrition 100% Caesin 23/4/1 120 cals
1 Fish Oil 0/0/2 18 cals

23/4/3 138cals

Total Macros: 393/246.4/49.6 3004 cals


  1. MBMETC's Avatar
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    you seem to be doing fine. are you running an ai on cycle?
  2. cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    I'm taking Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
  3. swolejoel's Avatar
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    200 mg of test cyp a week worked great for me. It's nice when you get results off small dose and your cycle is real simple.
  4. swolejoel's Avatar
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    I am starting my comeback after 8 years off. Man I am exited scared, I just can't wait to get back to the old me. My dr got me on androgel 75 mgs day I am not excited about it. I don't like the fact of it rubbing off on my 2little girls so I probably not going to use it. I asked for shots but the dr says it could cause cancer since I already have had it. It sucks my test level last labs was 137. If your trangender the drs are giving the key to the pharmacy, that would be offensive to not help their transfer but if your a male with nut cancer you don't have the right to feel like a man it not right