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Test Cyp. Cycle Update

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by , 02-03-2011 at 09:53 AM (1589 Views)
Bored at work, sitting at my

February 3,2011. I am entering my 4th week of my cycle which is 400mg/wk of Test Cyp.

I had a case of face bloat, but resided with a dose of 12.5mg of Aromasin EOD, planning to still take them through out the cycle.

Strength wise, I have slowly increased the weights I handle.( I am caution with a previously broken wrist, slipped disk in HS hockey,multiple dislocated shoulder, along with a knee injury, yes I am wreck...)
One exercise that has increased dramatically is, skull crushers, due to the position of the elbows, I am cautious with my wrist and shoulders and maintain between 90lbs to 100lbs barbell (with a struggle) . Without a bragging tone..., I was able to pull off 115lbs, 2 sets 5 reps each.

Now that I am entering my 4th week of the cycle, I am increasing my macros, this is done by increasing carbs and protein intake. Fat intake is unavoidable, I have yet to calculate how much fat will be increased by increasing those 2 sources.

I will update my diet as soon as possible, possibly today? We shall see.


  1. MBMETC's Avatar
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    strength will really just pop any time now so yes be careful especially if you have some old nagging injuries. point of reference my bench shoot up 80 lbs from seemingly one day to the next, it was awsome
  2. cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    Holy sh!t dude. That's insane. This my 1st cycle and strength gain leap wasn't really thought of. My main concern is my back,never again do I want that pain in my life.

    mb thanks for checking in man. Hope your cutting is going well. Seeing that your a veteran, I know you'll succeed.