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by , 02-26-2014 at 03:32 PM (602 Views)
Pull ups

Marine Corps regulation, ie all the way down, all the way up pass chin, NO kipping, NO knees above waist

(3-5 sets as needed to get to 50)
1. 50 reps overhand grip
2. 50 reps underhand grip
3. 50 reps neutral grip using v-bar side to side of neck
4. Dumbbell bent over row reverse grip 3 sets 12rep
5. Machine Lat pull downs 10-12 reps
a. 2 sets wide overhand grip
b. 2 sets shoulder width overhand grip
c. 2 sets underhand grip
6. Machine seated cable row using v-bar 6 sets 20 reps
(I would like to do in the 12rep range but the machine I use is tapped out and I can't add more weight so I need to go to 20)

7. Machine bent over cable row using underhand grip on straight bar 6 sets 12 reps
8. Machine rope face pulls 6 sets 12reps
9. Forearm wrist extensions 100 reps
