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Impulsive food addict log of Shame & Strife

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by , 07-14-2016 at 04:27 PM (313 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by hubbayumm View Post
Friday: What a shitty week! Stressed out from overload at school, kids and not being able to do cardio in AM for the last 2 weeks due to schedule. To make matters worse wife's parents visiting and they buy a bunch of shit food for house. No excuse but I got caught up a few days. This AM 218lb and this evening (fasted on 700 cals 120 pro, 40 carb, 30 or less fat.) trained shoulders tonight and had post shake, no dinner tonight for me. I have to make some ground next 2-3 days so its going to be a little rough being so cal low but I deserve the pain. By Sunday I should be under 210.

I'm disappointed in the progress this last 3 weeeks, it was a give and take the whole time so I really am right where I was 3 weeks ago.

I dropped my summer class, so AM cardio is back on full swing tomorrow. Stress will be low, next 8 weeks is all about hanging with kids and getting leaner than I have been in 20 years. I need to post some questions on when to do this winn/test cycle. I really want to use the cycle to get down to say 12 % and enjoy the end of summer being at that BF% I really do not want to get down to 15% and than do it bc that will close out summer with me being fatter than I want.

I'll be back later.
