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Running and my cycle

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by , 03-11-2011 at 10:22 AM (1680 Views)
[QUOTE=hwy1378;5562506][U]wake[/U]- 47gram protein shake, double shot coffee for caffine. 16 onces of water
gym 3hrs- 76 onces of water

[U]breakfast[/U]- trader joe oatmeal complete,walnuts,frozen-straw,rasp,mango,blueberry in oatmeal47gram shake. fish oil,multi vit. 16 onces of water

[U]snake 2hrs later[/U]-47 grams new whey liquid protein. hand full of walnuts or almonds with craisins-bananna.

[U]lunch[/U]-4oz boiled chicken (adobo for flavor)1/2 cup brown rice or med sweet potatoe- mix veggies. 16 oz water.

snake 2hrs later- boiled chicken on 7 grain bread with mayo. 16 oz water.

dinner- 8oz fish or chicken or beef or turkey- brown rice or sweet, veggies 16 oz water

before bed- 47 gram shake.
some small apples during the day if im hungry.
200 TEST CIP, 300 DECA- a week
starting HGH next week

5'8" 200lbs 45yrs old. 18 % bf-- 2nd cycle. with work can only do full body workout 3 to 4 days a week. 1/2 cardio each time very intense.

Can't get ride of the body fat around the waist and not very vascular..... going to start running 30-40 min to burn fat. I have winsrol pills for a later cycle.

what do you think any ideas

Updated 03-11-2011 at 10:27 AM by hwy1378



  1. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Good luck with the cycle, diet looks decent *im no expert however theres smarter people than me for that haha*

    if you are tryin to lose that fat, id suggest more cardio, like a 30 min jog every day not just when u work out. combine HIT running/cardio when u do work out but doing a endurance jog everyday for like 30 min seems to help everything. Good way to losen up sore muscles, etc.

    ALso one point on the diet, try to get more protein from non-shake sources. Its not as easily accessible to the body post workout but u have shakes for that. Its harder to process natural meat for protein so u expend more energy doing so.

    save the winny. dunno about the dosage of cyp however, seems almost like a HRT dose. you might want to up that if you feel the need.

    *apples and peanut butter through the day if ur hungry 2 birds one stone, sugar and protein

    sry so random just repyin to bits i read then go back haha

    whats ur HGH cycle looking like? how many IU"s a day r u planning?

    *one thing might help lose the weight is that program 'insanity' its 45 minutes of cardio basically. add that into your workout (as cardio) then lifting afterwards could help.

    those r my ideas best of luck!!!
  2. hwy1378's Avatar
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    sorry i didnt see your post, thanks for the advice.. my HGH is 2iu between 3am and 5am everyday. i plan to be on it for 8 months and my next kit Im going to up it to 3.5 iu. the last two days i actually feel and look leaner. so I dont know if its the HGH,Diet,AAS or all of the above.
  3. hwy1378's Avatar
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    As I find really useful Info about my cycle and research I want to post it here in this blog thanks Chuck and TITANIUM
    What is Cabergoline? >CABERGOLINE (Dostinex) – Caber is a very potent Dopamine Agonist. It acts on dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus to suppress prolactin production in the pituitary gland. It is used for Hyperprolactinemia. (elevated levels of prolactin in blood) It is also used in treatment of Parkinsons Disease. Now Ill get deeper into what the hell all that means a little further on.

    >Half Life = 63-69 Hours. So I recommend to take Caber every third day. That’s at the far end of the range of its half life. Though this is what the dosing is for patients and studies that have been done and it works just fine. If you’re a stickler for dosing everything correctly I would obviously dose it every 2 and ½ days.

    >Taking your dose of Caber before bed. (with or without food) will minimize your experience of sides.

    - Documented Sides– (bad sides) Fatigue, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, headache, slightly abnormal vision, hot flashes. Now before you get all scared and think oh I cant take this. These sides were mostly reported when taking higher doses (1g+ a week) then we will be taking for our cycles. Also Caber has been found in some instances to increase the affects of Depression Medication. Word to the wise for those members using said meds.
    -Other Sides- (good sides) I have not come across any scientific studies documenting them but many users have reported are…Increased Sex Drive, Stronger Erections, More Powerful Orgasms, Taking Less Time to Achieve A Full Erection after Ejactulation. And I will attest to the fact that those sides do happen. I have experienced all the “good sides” first hand. Also I have not experienced any of the “bad sides” ever.
    There are even ppl who have been taking Caber only for the specific reason of the sexual sides. Now I of course do not condone this and would only recommend using Caber in conjuction with an AAS cycle.

    -Another big thing I have heard members cry about as a reason not to take Caber, is that it has been found to cause Heart Valve Damage. This is true but as I stated earlier, only at a lot higher doses (3mg/per day!!) then we will be using. So stop whining.

    -If for some reason you are prone to sides for any and everything, reducing your dose, while continuing the Caber will improve the severity of the sides. So basically if you experience a slight amount of sides at any given dose. Lower your dose until the sides fade but don’t stop using the caber! I would prefer some of the lesser sides of Caber to those of Tren and Deca any day.

    How much Caber to use and when?
    I prefer to use Caber while running any 19-Nor. (tren, deca) They affect the thyroid by lowering it (hypothyroidism) which causes the body to release more prolactin in the blood stream. (note- an overactive thyroid can cause elevated prolactin levels also) Prolactin at high levels has the affect of lowering sex drive and causing erectile dysfunction. We call it deca and fina dick. And from first hand experience, deca dick is not fun!! Tren is also a Progestin, it bonds to the receptor of the female sex hormone Progesterone. Which is responsible for preparing the body for milk production. I.E. By raising prolactin. So in order to avoid all that. Its best to run Caber from the very beginning of the cycle. I even prefer to run it into PCT for an extra boost.

    STARTING DOSE – Beginning dose of Caber for use on cycle would be .25mg taken twice a week. For a total of .50 mg a week. Notice the point in front of the 25. Its not 25mg!! Its .25mg
    This dose is usually enough for an 8 week Tren cycle. If your prone to sides, running deca/tren E, or just running the Tren A longer. Then take the .50 mg/per week for 4 weeks and then bump it up another .25mg a week. For a total of .75mg per week. If sides from the gear are very bad, you can even bump it up to a total of 1mg a week. You can continue to up your dose (only if your experiencing sides from Tren/Deca) of the Caber every 4 weeks until you have reached a maximum dose of 1mg twice a week or 2mg per week. But there is no reason to go no where near that high. If your still experiencing sides at 1mg/per week then your Caber is bunk or there is more serious underlying causes at work.
    I was taking .5mg/p/w of Caber during a cycle with high doses of Tren. I actually didn’t have any fina dick problems but I did start Lactating! Yes my nipples were leaking. (its called Galactorrhea = lactation in the absence of nursing) lol So then I bumped up my dose to .50mg at 2 times a week (1mg/week) and the milk juice went away within a week. Other then that, I have had no problems and nothing but good experiences while taking Caber.

    Now to give you an idea of the doses that are being taken by Parkinsons Disease and other Patients,
    • Parkinson's disease: Monotherapy: Initial dose should be 0.5 mg daily. The usual maintenance dose is 2 to 4 mg daily. Combination therapy: Usually 2 to 6 mg daily.
    • Tumors of the pituitary gland and other hyperprolactinemic conditions: Initially 0.5 mg per week, slowly titrated to 4.5 mg per week, if necessary.
    • Note – Caber is not approved in the U.S. for the treatment of Parkinsons.
    You can see why they would experience the sides that I stated above. Since we are no where near those doses, we should not experience any sides other then the “good ones.”

    Caber for PCT – Basically the same dosing as during cycle. I would go with a good dose of .50per/week to 1mg per/week. You are not taking the Caber during PCT for its affects on Prolactin because the use of it during cycle will negate any of the prolactin affects. I use caber during PCT to help with the lowered sex drive and slight decrease in the strength of your erections. It will give a little bump to your sex drive and give you slightly more powerful erections. During PCT while many experience depression and such, knowing that you can still get it nice and hard when you want is always a plus in my book. Since Caber is also known for helping prevent gyno. Theres another reason to use it during PCT. I run Caber during every PCT and have found that it does help a great deal.

    A lot of ppl put off adding Caber to their cycles because of the price and availability of it. But if you have access to and can afford it. I highly recommend Caber as an addition to your cycle and PCT. .
    Updated 04-24-2011 at 11:56 AM by hwy1378
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    By Robbie Durand, MA


    “It is possible that the high number of nuclei we found in muscle after steroid use might be beneficial for an athlete who continues or resumes strength training, because increased myonuclei opens up the possibility of increasing protein synthesis, which can lead to muscle mass. Based on the characteristics between doped and non-doped powerlifters, we conclude that a period of anabolic steroid usage is an advantage for a powerlifter in competition, even several years after they stop taking a doping drug.”— Dr. Anders Eriksson

    It is well known that the use of anabolic steroids has powerful anabolic effects on skeletal muscles; however, the molecular mechanisms after steroid use are unknown. Many drug-free powerlifting meets allow former steroid users to compete as long as they are “clean” at the meet. Former anabolic steroid users who are “clean” may have enhanced performance benefits years after using steroids, according to a new study presented at the American Physiological Society. Dr. Anders Eriksson presented research an astounding abstract titled, “Anabolic Steroids Withdrawal in Strength Trained Athletes: How Does It Affect Skeletal Muscles?" A team of researchers examined the impact of anabolic steroid use on powerlifters years after the athletes had ceased to take the drugs. The researchers found that while physical traces of the drug no longer remained, changes in the shoulder and quadriceps still gave lifters an advantage, years later.1

    Study Breakdown
    Muscle characteristics were compared for groups of powerlifters who were currently using steroids, had history of past steroid abuse but were clean at the time of the study, and lifetime drug-free lifters. One thing that should be mentioned is that the groups of former steroid users were either training at a low intensity, or had quit lifting and become sedentary. The former steroid users had used testosterone in combination with other anabolic steroids (nandrolone, stanozolol, Primobolan, oxymetholone, Masteron, Proviron and durobolan). A mean dosage of 938mg of testosterone per week was used during the anabolic steroid usage.2, 4 Muscle fiber distribution, fiber area, androgen receptors, and satellite cell number per muscle fiber were analyzed in two skeletal muscles: the thigh and the trapezius.

    The researchers found that several years after anabolic steroid withdrawal, and with no or low current strength training, the muscle fiber area and the number of nuclei per fiber in the quadriceps was still comparable to that of athletes who were currently performing high-intensity strength training. They also discovered that the shoulder-neck fiber areas were comparable to high-intensity trained athletes and the number of nuclei per fiber was even higher than found in the current steroid-using group. Interestingly, the group of powerlifters who had abused steroids but were clean at the time of the study had a greater number of androgen receptors in the thigh, compared to that of the natural powerlifters and powerlifting group currently using steroids.
    In conclusion, several years after anabolic steroid withdrawal and with no or low-intensity strength-training, the muscle fiber area and the number of nuclei per fiber in the thigh is still comparable to that of athletes who are performing high-intensity strength training. In trapezius, fiber areas are comparable to high-intensity trained athletes. The number of nuclei per fiber is even higher than in the steroid-using group. The high number of nuclei might be beneficial for an athlete who continues or resumes strength training, because a high number of myonuclei gives the possibility to an increased protein synthesis and increased muscle mass. These results can be interpreted to indicate that a period of anabolic steroid usage is an advantage for a powerlifter in competition several years after secession of drug intake.

    Detraining: Comparing Natural Lifters and Former Steroid Abusers
    Detraining is associated with a gradual decrease in muscle size and satellite cell activation. A previous study examined the effects of training and detraining on muscle size in young, healthy males. The young males trained intensely for 90 days, then refrained from exercise for 90 days. During training, there was a robust increase in satellite cells and muscle size. Satellite cell content increased by 19.3 percent at 30 days of training and by 31.4 percent at 90 days of training. The number of satellite cells per fiber remained significantly elevated at three, 10 and 60 days of detraining. Thus, the increase in satellite cell numbers is maintained for a long time after the cessation of training. At 90 days of detraining, the number of satellite cells per fiber had returned to pre-training values.3 Detraining was associated with a gradual decrease in the area of muscle fibers.
    The size of the myonuclear domain returned to pre-training values. What was shocking was that although the former steroid group was either training with low intensity or not training at all, the muscle fiber area and the number of nuclei per fiber in the thigh is still comparable to that of athletes performing high-intensity strength training. In trapezius, fiber areas are comparable to high-intensity-trained athletes and the number of nuclei per fiber is even higher than in the steroid-using group. This study suggests that testosterone administration has long-term effects on skeletal muscle that scientists still know very little about. Based on this study, there may be no such meaning to the term “clean now” and based on this, anabolic steroids can have positive effects in muscle years later.


    1.American Physiological Society (2008, October 3). Anabolic Steroids Provide A Competitive Edge In Powerlifting Years After Doping Has Ended.
    2.Eriksson A, Kadi F, Malm C, Thornell LE. Skeletal muscle morphology in power-lifters with and without anabolic steroids.Histochem Cell Biol, 2005 Aug;124(2):167-75.
    3.Kadi F, Schjerling P, Andersen LL, Charifi N, Madsen JL, Christensen LR, Andersen JL. The effects of heavy resistance training and detraining on satellite cells in human skeletal muscles. J Physiol, 2004 Aug 1;558(Pt 3):1005-12.
    4.Kadi F, Eriksson A, Holmner S, Thornell LE. Effects of anabolic steroids on the muscle cells of strength-trained athletes.Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1999 Nov;31(11):1528-34.
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    I would really be careful. HGH has a big impact on your blood sugar levels. thats why they say to take between 3am-5am because you have no sugar in your blood. they also tell you not to eat two hrs before and after for the same reason. it has a big effect on how your insulin is operating. so really do your research and talk to your doctor. type 1 is no joke as you know and HGH is a powerful stuff. High dosages of growth hormone (HGH)Â have been shown to increase insulin resistance, To put it in simple terms, insulin and HGH do not get along so well. When your body realizes that insulin is in the bloodstream, it will not release HGH until the insulin goes away. Here is the problem with doing that close to bedtime. You naturally get a burst of HGH in the first hours of sleep. If you eat carbs close to bedtime, this will increase the insulin in your bloodstream and your HGH release will be limited. You do not want that. Cut the carbs out a few hours before bedtime. I take my HGH between 3am-4am. I keep it in a little frig and when I pee at night I pin..... Read this...

    Article by Lisa Wells, RN

    Some doctors have been concerned about giving human growth hormone (HGH) injections to diabetics. Previous studies, including Dr. Rudman's study using large doses of HGH injections showed that human growth hormone had caused increased insulin resistance in patients, so diabetics saw an increase in blood glucose levels. Dr. Bengtsson, an endocrinologist in Sweden showed similar results in his 6 week study.

    Dr. Bengtsson's study had first shown that growth hormone caused increased insulin resistance, however, after 6 months of HGH therapy his patient's insulin sensitivity returned to where it had been before the therapy.

    This 6 month study showed that growth hormone did not increase the patient's blood glucose or make the patient diabetic. Dr. Bengtsson says that it may very well be that the improvement in the patient's body composition (decrease in fat cells) after 6 months of therapy offset any negative effect that growth hormone may have had on insulin.

    Can HGH Help Diabetes?
    There are some indications that human growth hormone may actually improve diabetes. A study done at John Hopkins about the effects of HGH on blood glucose supports the idea that when elderly people have low human growth hormone they also have more intraabdominal fat and their insulin acts less well.

    In this situation they have a tendency to have high blood sugar. If these elderly people are given growth hormone therapy correctly, rather than excessively, their blood sugar levels should improve rather than worsen.

    Thierry Hertoghe, MD, who specializes in hormone replacement therapy in Brussels believes that human growth hormone helps to promote the action of insulin. He believes that because HGH helps to direct the insulin to put glucose into the muscular cells, cardiac cells, and nerve cells, rather than the fat cells of the body HGH may actually help to improve diabetes.

    Greg Fahy, Ph.D., of the Naval Medical Research Institute has stated that he may have discovered a method to possibly cure adult-onset diabetes using HGH. He has stated that his own experiments have shown that human growth hormone is very beneficial for diabetes.

    Lisa Wells, RN.
  6. hwy1378's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Quiter2011
    Thanks for the info. I'm 6'4 210lbs, lean as ****, but ppl still call me "skinny" ****ing irritates me, so I bought this cycle. I also have a buddy who is taking test and his gains are huge, he also motivated me towards it. After reading more into, side affects and what not, I just can't do it, I want to be natural, I want to feel like I earned this body. I have nothing against steroids, and am not saying that you don't earn that muscle on steroids, just my opinion. Thanks, really appreciate the info.
    well I respect your decision.... However I totally disagee with not earning your muscles.... Most guys who have no experience with AAS really have no clue on how hard we work on and off cycle. We protect our investment everyday with massive research,clean diets and workouts that would kill a mule. NOT EARNED... the risk alone of AAS, guys who have this idea that we just come into the gym and do a few reps and get hugh are just fooling themselves and dead wrong...
    If this is not for you I respect that... but please dont say not earned
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    A cc is the same as a ml / milliliter

    a cc is a cubic centimeter.. a liter is 10cmx10cmx10cm.. so 1000 cubic centimeters.. milli.. (means one thousandth).. so as stated ml=cc

    so 10ml = 10cc.. each ml/cc will contain one mg of Melanotan