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Running and my cycle

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by , 03-09-2011 at 09:52 AM (721 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by hwy1378 View Post
I'm 45 .5'8" 200lbs not sure about my body fat but I know its not great. I'm figuring 20%.
I've been training since I'm 15 on and off. The last year I started my first cycle 12 weeks test cip 200 mg a week. I cycles off and have had great results and I'm ready for my second cycle. Test cip 200mg deca 300 once a week plus HGH once a day before bed. Hcg and Nolvadex. The big problem is my diet is great ..250 grams of protein complex crabs and veggies about 1700 caloriesa day with a gallon of water but am not losing body fat. Can I run as part of my cardiovascular. I do 30 min on the elliptical every other say now.
