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  1. My 1st Cycle

    by , 04-28-2012 at 01:46 PM
    I'm 18 years old, 5'9, 185 and preparing for my 1st cycle. I've been 5'9 since I was 12 and had a beard at 14 so I'm pretty sure I have stopped growing. I'm going on to play football at Buff State next year. Looking to be a DB but I want to get bigger. I've been a natural athlete my whole life, playing every sport from golf to soccer to hockey but football is my love and passion. My junior year I tore my ACL and had reconstructive surgery so my lower body is deff my weak point. My current stats ...
  2. legit hookup samson

    by , 04-28-2012 at 12:56 PM
    Samson is the most legit hookup out there. Never faled me yet with any gear and on top of his game.
  3. Whore Mode: Time to get ****ing Fit

    by , 04-28-2012 at 10:53 AM (Narkissos: Performance Nutrition 101)
    NarkSide: Captain’s log – April 28th 2012

    Warning: if you’re easily offended (or have woken up this morning with sand in your internet-vagina), this rant is not for your tender eyes cupcake.

    /end disclaimer

    That said:

    img src:

    “I am here to sell *****…not to talk ****,” I heard a prostitute say at a strip-club ...
  4. what am i too expect?

    by , 04-27-2012 at 04:00 PM
    taking my first cycle of deca and winstrol, and would like to know what i should do to get the best result of gaining muscle and strength. thanks!
  5. Hey can some one help me out a bit?

    by , 04-27-2012 at 01:49 PM
    Ok so i am 21 almost 22 years old ive had two kids so ive gained some weight im 150 pounds and 5 foot tall. Before i had my kids i was 100 pounds of pure lean muscle. I have been trying to loose weight from all ends, we only cook chicken (healthy skinless chicken ) not fried. I eat very very healthy. i do excersise as well as chase my two little boys around. But im not loosing weight i have actually gain weight. So what i need to know is if there is any steroid i can use to raise my metabolic rate? ...