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  1. Female var cycle

    by , 02-18-2013 at 05:36 PM
    Hey everyone!!

    I just started a cycle on saturday 2/16. This is my first REAL cycle. I say real because my first time taking anvar was august 2012 and i was on birth control during the cycle. I ramped up to 15 mg for 8 weeks. My boyfriend was informed by a professioanal female bodybuilder that you cannot be on birthcontrol. So i stopped the var. Birth control and the var dont mix and it hindered all the gains i could have gotten. I did see some strength gains but nothing that ...
  2. Whore Mode: Time to get ****ing Fit

    by , 04-28-2012 at 10:53 AM (Narkissos: Performance Nutrition 101)
    NarkSide: Captain’s log – April 28th 2012

    Warning: if you’re easily offended (or have woken up this morning with sand in your internet-vagina), this rant is not for your tender eyes cupcake.

    /end disclaimer

    That said:

    img src:

    “I am here to sell *****…not to talk ****,” I heard a prostitute say at a strip-club ...