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  1. deca cypionate ant dbol cycle

    by , 01-06-2011 at 01:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by saurabh View Post
    hey guys can u help me out iv got 50mg 20 decadurabolin 200tabs of dbol and testesteron cypionate hw du i use it?
  2. Clen and birthcontrol

    by , 01-06-2011 at 01:45 PM
    So my girl just switched to a birth control called Mirena. She ran a small cyle of Clen about 8 months back but wasnt on birthcontrol. She wants to run Clen again but, is weary about the clen effecting birthcontrol. Anyone have any insite...
  3. 45 and looking to cut

    by , 01-06-2011 at 01:28 PM
    I'm 6'1" 290 muscular but carry to much fat, I came here looking for experienced help. I'm a mature guy,married, professional not looking for the runaround.
  4. overweight and looking for a cycle to shred

    by , 01-04-2011 at 09:54 PM
    I am 5'11 230 pounds, pretty muscular but definitely have fat. I have been lifting for about 8 years and fluctuate between 220 and 235. A couple buddies told me I should try tren, and maybe winny v, I have never used before and am looking for some input!!
  5. Need some assistance!

    by , 12-28-2010 at 04:17 PM
    I just recently started my first cycle and need some help. The people who were helping me were sadly mistaken and i have been taking way over the limit im supposed to. Im 20yrs old 5-10 188 now i was 175 when i started... i was taking injectable deca im on my eighth week but i was taking somewhere between 800mg and 1000mg a week. and on top of that i was taking d-bol 5 pills a day 50 mg a day i believe... yes im a newbee... no need to bash... just really would like some help on finishing this cycle ...