first thing i want to ask is am i in the correct place to log my progress on nutrition and training as i want to update and log every day for 90 days.
My stats are 25 yo , 5,9 , 236 , 19%BF 8YRs training experince , 4 Bulk Cycle experiance (never had to cut up to now)
Memeber 405 has helped me find my BMR and is 2250calories /day so my macros are as follows *Aiming for this daily - Pro - 337gr -carbs 112gr - Fat 50gr **** i am aiming to cut body fat and keep as much LBM as possible***
i have been logging my progress for the last few days and am comming short of perfect but am working twards it.
--- this is my first day of logging so please help me adjust and adapt to success. Will post pictures soon to go along with
Meal 1 -
-Sliced Ham (28grams)
-egg whites (105 grams)
-1 whole egg
-1 slice of low fat cheese
-1 slice of stone ground whole wheat bread
Meal 3 -
-chicken breast (2 peices)
-Whole grain brown rice (1 cup)
Meal 4 -PWO
-chicken breast (1 peice)
-2 scoops of whey isolate
Before bed-
2 tbls of Natty penut butter
my macros for this day was :
Calories - 2194 Protein - 297 Carbs - 88 Fat - 65
My Workout schedual is :
i am doing 4 sets 15/12/10/8 for reps
25mins CARDIO (which i hate) 4 days a week - Willing to up if neccesary
**If any additional information is required let me know, i am going to weigh myself once a week and BF% once evry 2 weeks.
NOTE : i have read ---member 405's log and it is inspiring to see were he started off and how much support he received along the way, i am looking for a member to maby dedicate some time to help me get under way with this lifestyle change, i am 100% dedicated and want to succeed.