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An honest journey

Day 4 - an all protein affair

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by , 07-25-2013 at 07:23 AM (508 Views)
Dear reader,

Today I was up at 05.20. My daughter had one of those nights so I kept waking up every 2-3 hours, fair to say I was bit a bit tired when I hit the gym at 06.00. I did not feel great going to the gym today and it got worse as I kept going on the Elliptical and 23.26 minutes into the cardio I simply had to stop. There was not an ounce of power left in my body and had to lay on the floor for about 10 minutes before going home. I am going to try and take the Clenbuterol after the workout instead of before it and see if this helps. However, I was in the gym and did, as far as I can tell, everything I could and that was a mental boost.

Today is Day 4 on my rotating diet which is an all protein affair. I am simply eating all protein for 24h straight and a total of 1200 kcal. There is proof that this have a good effect on the diet and I am trying it out. The rotating diet came about because it felt like my body got used to the food I was eating and simply stalled. At least according to my weight loss numbers this was true. We shall see, come Sunday, if I have moved forward. Considering last week was an eat anything week I will be happy for any loss whatsoever.

12.30 I was back in the gym for Back day. This went fine and I kept my numbers from last week and as long as I keep the same numbers muscle loss should be at a minimum I believe.

It's only 15.19 here and I am already looking forward to tomorrows breakfast. This all protein affair is taxing.

Stay safe!
