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An honest journey

Day 3 - Honesty is the key

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by , 07-24-2013 at 06:07 AM (571 Views)

This morning my alarm went off at 05.38 and I knew right away there was no way I was getting up. It simply was not going to happen. I twisted and turned for a while fighting with my own thoughts of guilt for not just jumping out of the bed and getting going. I finally went back to sleep and got up at 06.50 instead. My mornings are 100% occupied of preparing breakfast and packing the daily clothes for my daughter who I always let sleep in for a while. Making some coffee for my wife might be more of a survival instinct than anything else to be honest but once she get that first sip she is like a new person. I was now faced with a problem however, I had not done my morning cardio, and this needed a solution. This is when I in my own head decided that 2 days on 1 day off would be a good compromise to make sure I get the hours I need in the gym. I hope this is something I can stick too as it will give me one off day every two days.

At 11.15 I was in the gym for Triceps and Biceps workout. Felt awesome today! Like I could lift anything thrown at me, great feeling.

Tomorrow I will have to prove to myself that this new schedule of mine is working or I'll brand myself as not living up to my own word to myself. I believe that the fight, internally, is the biggest fight for all of us. You will constantly be in situations where you can not control food, drinks or what people around you choose to do. Your daughter wants an ice cream on a hot day, your partner wants to BBQ, and you do not want to be a party pooper. While a six-pack is built in the kitchen there is no question it all starts with a mental transformation. Without the head in the right place there is no way to succeed.

Stay focused!
