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An honest journey

Day 31 - Lethargic as f&$%

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by , 08-22-2013 at 04:43 AM (281 Views)
Dear reader,

This cutting this is the most unpredictable thing in the world. If I could chew on my office mates arm at this time I would. I am so damn lethargic it is almost unreal and this going from feeling like a king yesterday. It is so damn taxing I feel like just giving up. Would it not be for my new fitbit giving me all smiles telling me how good I am I would eat the entire vending machine. Ahhhhhhhh.........

Back Day today and even though I feel like shit I pushed through and set a new record again. Deadlifting is quickly turning into my new favorite exercise without a doubt. Pushed some cardio after that I think I will dedicated an entire extra blog post to why the time spent on the machine compared to heart rate monitor blows. Telling people to stand on a treadmill, elliptical, or bike for a specific time is insane when it is the heart rate that really matters and that will burn that fat, sorry, shrink those fat cells to be specific.

Well, off to whine some more about how crappy I feel to my wife who works in the building next to me. Should go over well!

