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An honest journey

Day 39 - TGIF is TBIF for me

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by , 08-30-2013 at 05:18 AM (396 Views)
Good afternoon,

While the title might be cryptic it tells all about my feelings around this cutting insanity. TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) is not what I feel but TBIF (Too Bad It's Friday) because my weekends are truly uncontrollable sometimes. I have mentioned it many times but trying to figure out how to be on a cutting diet but at the same time not look like an egotistical asshole to ones family takes some doing. My wife do humor me most of the time and my daughter really could care less about it being 4 years old but I feel it being a fine line. While I want to succeed I am not willing to have it change around too much at home and I cook my meals in advance and always eat with the family. Of course, I do have to share my Peanut Butter snacks with my daughter but heck, that is so worth it anyways

Tonight is a friend of mine's birthday and we are having a huge neighborhood BBQ. I am once again put in the choice of going there knowing full well it will not turn out well in terms of diet or not going. Could I go and stay on course? Probably, but my mental state is not there yet, not sure it will ever be to be honest. On the other hand, I am making progress even though it is slower when I join these things so perhaps it is not as complicated as I am making it out to be?

Well, if I do not go tonight I hope my numbers tomorrow will show it otherwise there is always next week!

