Day 44 - Broken fridge, new diet in effect tomorrow
, 09-04-2013 at 07:29 AM (382 Views)
Dear reader,
If you like me cook your meals a few days in advance I am sure you can appreciate the feeling of coming home to find out your fridge have been off for about 14h and most of your food is ruined. Let's just say that some words were used very loudly. I picked up my daughter and went grocery shopping and I am now jumping right into a new diet and adding austinites cutting stack. I honestly just felt like f(*&^(*k it and give up on the whole thing when this happened but I feel way too motivated to let that happen. This will of course screw up my nice values I have where I only change things once per week but I guess this one will be a week and a half instead.
Felt pretty lethargic today also which is mostly due to me being a single dad for a few days while my wife is off to a conference so sleep is going on a minimum. Definitely felt it today in the gym though as I had to skip the last two Bicep exercises and the cardio as I was close too, literally, passing out.
Well, tomorrow is a new day!